Bout time this thing was made. I've been thinking about it for ages now, I was about to now if it still wasn't here :P. Go Abeguy for putting his ass on the line

Now, to put my own ass on the line. Behold my definate and full view on religion.
I'm not religious, not in gods and stuff anyway. I went to a christian school for 10 years, I joined in prair every single morning for the first 5 years and we read bits and pieces of the bible twice a week. Even still, I see the bible as nothing more then another fairy tale. A nice story written just for the heck of it by someone who was bored. Reason for that, the entire book doesn't make sense. It has to many plot holes and things that don't add up. Biggest example is prolly; Where were the dinosaurs?! God made earth, light, sun, water blabla. Adam and Eve, fine. All great, but where were the dino's that excisted in the early days of the earth? We found plenty of skeletons, but their not mentioned in the bible anywhere, not even one tiny case. Next to that, even if they were, I don't see an ice age, I don't see a big meteor hit... All I see is 40 days of rain and a bunch of animals on a big wooden ship. And that, while the ice age and the big bang (I think) are all scientific facts.
So why were they not in the bible? Because when the bible was written, no-one knew about what happen in the past, so they filled up the gap with their own stuff.
Second plot hole: The first humans on earth where Adam and Eve. Both white, yes? Then where come black people from? They some allien race?
Fact is that white people are nothing more then a colour mutation, just like white tigers are a mutation of normal bengal tigers.
White mutations can come from black parents, but not vice versa. A white couple can not give birth to a black baby. And that right there throws the entire first part of the bible out of the window. First people on earth couldn't possibly have been white.
I could go on, but I don't feel like reading the bible just to get the things that don't add up. I know there are a lot more things though. Anyway, it's this way of logical thinking that made me a non religious person. Would things actualy have been added up, then I'd prolly be christian right now.
No, instead I just believe in the idea that there is SOMETHING out there. What it is? No idea. If there is something out there, I'l see it when I'm dead. And untill then I just live my life, not bound by books or invisible guys in the air telling me what I can and can not do.
People can't comprehend the universe. Our brain limits us to do so. The human mind is not build in way so it can comprehend something not having a boundry. Everything needs to have limits, thats the way our mind works.
But you just try to figure out where the universe STOPS, and what is BEHIND that point? See? Impossible to figure out. Thats where religion kicks in as well. We have earth, we have a blue sky some call heaven, and near the core of the earth apparently we have hell. Anything past that doesn't matter, because we don't need to look there, right? Religion: The excuse to escape from real life.