I really have to go back and play Abe's Oddysee and Exoddus again. But I can tell you now that I preferr them over Munch and Stranger in difficulty and design.
But gameplay-wise, I like Stranger. The designs, unfortunately didn't feel as Odd as Abe's games, or even Munch, but the game itself was fun.
Well, MO came out just after Lorne Lanning converted to being a satanist. I think that this was his way of sticking it to white, christian America. He didn't give us shock and awe to disgust us and make us hate him. Instead, (the dirty bastard) he chose subtle disapointment. He's a tricksy one. Did anyone else notice that Lorne and Lucifer begin with the same letter? Coincidence? I don't think so.
You should work as a writer for Penny Arcade. They like to make jokes at Lorne's expense too, and they base the jokes on absolutely nothing just like you did there.
Aren't you edgy? How's that attention you're getting taste? Does it taste like a temporary victory? I bet it does, I bet it does.
Edit: Rewrote my response to OANST