Oh my, I have been raped of my land and post count, this is a time for rabbling
And this thread wasnt as perfectly good as originally planned, for it lacked a lava lamp
Seriously dude, it isn't funny, so just stop posting this random off topic spammy shit here. And trust me, it isn't worth the pseudohumerous brainfart it rode in on if it isn't funny.
This all ties in with a concept I hold dear to my cholesterol-encrusted heart, and that concept is: Leave me the f uck alone and let me live however the f uck I want.
If I want to be fat, I'm gonna be fat. Hell, I'm 6'3'', I have wide shoulders, and a big frame. I think it fits me. The last thing I need is some living barbie doll with cheekbones that could open a can of beets giving me health advice. But if that's the way she wants to live, who am I to say no?
That's not to say that you shouldn't try to stay active. I may be a whopping 260-something pounds, but I make sure I get outside and either walk or ride my bike at least 3 days out of the week, maybe 4. As long as I'm keeping active, I'm fine.
But yeah, live and let live. People don't practice that enough. You don't tell me that I'm fat and need to lose weight, and I don't remind you of how skinny-as-all-hell you are and how a few extra burgers wouldn't kill ya. 
Absolutely. Live and let live...
But what I don't get is what max was saying about it being wrong to supply it. What's so wrong in making your living selling people shit that they chose to buy? And if they aren't mentally fit to choose, then isn't that really the failing of the health services and not the people who serve it to them? They're not psychiatrists, they're resteraunt owners. If someone closes down McDonalds, all that will happen is people who want burgers will go to a different fast food chain, and if they're all closed, they'll cook their own, and if it gets too oppressive they'll just leave the country. If people want something, they will persue that want until they have it, and they have every right to do so. And people have every right to set up their business around that.
Why are we in britain so goddamn obsessed with harming business? Because of our stupid politically correct views (for instance, saying no to fast food), we now have no industry, and import just about everything. Our export market is one of the worst in the world and employment is suffering because of it. This means that our economy is going down the drain, the cost of living is going through the roof, and britain is turning into a fancy little retirement island full of people who're living off the pensions they earned back when Britain actually had some decent jobs on offer.