Well the forum is kinda silent so....Okay here's a fun yet strange thing I thought up. You describe your life in 3 different ways:Wierd,depressing,exciting. You must do each in a very descriptave way. Try to make it as good as the topic you are talking about as possible. NOTE:You do not have to do all of them. Now let me begin...
My life is as wierd as....
Watching an iguana and a chicken mating and making babies that are either iguana's covered in feathers or some sick demented version as having the 2 body parts of both creatures mixed together. Only to find out that the sick combinations lay eggs which are edible. Yet once you eat one whenever you take a crap little midgits fall out of you and run around saying "Viva La revolution!!" then go to the american goverment and take over they're base for world domination. The evil midgits weapon of power is a fish that pukes waste out of it's mouth that can desintigrate you.That is how weird it is.
*Please don't think i'm demented i'm just trying my best to be wierd here...*
My life is as depressing as....
Watching a cute little wide eyed puppy being skinned slowly from top to bottom with an old rusty knife. Only to find out it's still alive after it's skinned and starts wimpering loudly in fear in pain. Thus some sick person comes in slowly chops the poor thing into tiny little pieces. If that weren't bad enough you are then forced to eat all the meat the sad little puppy left behind

My life is as exciting as...
Watching a blank wall with no music instead listening to radio programed education yet you just can't fall asleep. So you are stuck there forever staring and listening to boring radio education...:l
Well? If this seems interesting then post your descriptions...If you want of course.