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10-05-2005, 07:48 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
: Bottom of the Universe
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Scrab-Meat  (10)
Oddworld Skeeb's Oddessy

Well I thought I start this story and get it underway. Its takeing me longer to do the illustrations to this but I should get them done soon. So I think what I am going to do is post a chapter and then post a story board to the chapter I previously posted before. Since the work for this story is going really in depth I must take the time batween chapters doing the story board or illustrations to that chapter. So I give you Skeeb's Oddessy.

Oddworld Skeeb's Oddessy
Written by: Scrab-Meat
Illustrated by Scrab-Meat

Chapter 1
The Freak Show

It was a brisk and stormy night at the edge of the vast snowy tundra of the extreme northern part of Oddworld. This frigid place was known to Oddworldians as the land of Hellfrez. Hellfrez was a place of unspeakable cold and arctic condition. Nothing could survive the extreme cold except for the inhabitants whome have adapted to such harsh conditions. Sitting atop a huge ice canyon, was a massive structure larger than any industrial structure on Oddworld. Spewing smoke from its two great smoke stacks, the structure sat there like a massive bolder in the middle of a flat expanse. This was no factory but a holding facility for freaks, a nightmare known as a circus. Surrounding this massive circus facility was a zoo that held the most exotic creatures of Oddworld ever known, not to mention freaks. This place was the Freak Dome and home to the most hideous of Oddworld's industrial races, The Keepers.

"My name is Skeeb and I live here. But I'm in deep trouble. I guess you want to know why I'm in lots of trouble. Well to start I am no Mudokin, I'm a Swig, and a damm clever one at that. You see long ago before I ended up in this freak show, I was orphaned at birth and sent by my elders from my homeland of Brice, out to sea in a big shell boat, and ended up on the beach in a place called Mudos. When that happened the Keepers abducted me and took me to Hellfrez. But I don't remember the rest of that story. I guess my elders didn't want me because I was a freak and I guess they sold me to the Keepers. All and all I really don't remember. Anyway in case you're wondering, this place is no stronghold of Glukkons. It is owned by the Keepers, evil, ring masters who live here in the cold north. The Keepers don't care about us unfortunate souls who get violated and turned into freaks to later put on an act for the public just to stay alive. With me of course I am lucky, I'm already a freak so no messing with my phisical appearance thats for sure. But still I must put on an act once a month just to keep myself alive here at the Freak Dome. Yes the Keepers abduct the innocent, exploit them and turn them into freaks of nature to entertain Glukkons and other peoples from all over. Nobody has ever survived escaping the Keepers and their disgusting henchmen Blugs. They either freeze to death or never make it past the southern gates to Mudos. Once a poor freak gets there they are detected by the Keepers and killed. It is impossible to leave Hellfrez for this is hell frozen over.

Anyway I did something bad and I don't know if I will make it through the night. Hopefully my friends will help me get out of here. It began about a year ago when the trouble started. I was minding my own business when a whole new group of freak inmates came hurdling through the chutes into their individual cages. Since I am the only natural being here my cage was seperate from the rest. I was the star attraction to the Keeper's Greatest Show on Oddworld. I guess its because Swigs like myself can change colors in our skin to camoulflage ourselves. And I guess we look freakish enough to ooh and ah the crowed.

(Skeeb's Family of Freaks)
I can say this; the freaks that came through the chutes on this new batch were the worst of them all. There was a Mudokin with no legs, instead he had mechanical pants much like slig pants. As a matter of fact they were slig pants. There was a Gabbit with two heads, the other head was the head of a fleech, and he always wanted to eat garbage. After him came a steef with no front torso, in place of that was a fuzzle for the head and a slig's body for the torso. He had a serious case of obsessive compulsive disorder. After that three Fuzzles that seemed to be glued together came through the chute. These three seem to know how to talk in the common language. After that came a Glukkon with 15 arms. He looked very big and bulky as if he ate a lot. Who would have thought a Glukkon would end up in a freak show. I got it Lady Margaret must of had something to do with it. After that came a Paramite with the legs of a Scrab, terrific dancer he was.

Then there came a Scrab with the body of a Paramite, vicious little bugger he was. Soon after him came a Slurg that had legs, Finally there was a slog with a pair of wings.

And so this was my family I had to live with for an entire year. I am very grateful to be able to live with these guys. They became my family because I had nobody else to rely on for my escape of the Freak Dome. Just then I started to introduce myself to this new batch and gave them a run down on how everything works around here. They all seemed to be sane enough to listen to me and for some odd reason they felt extremely sorry for me, I guess because I am alien to this land and far from my homeland of Brice. As freakish as these guys were, they were as normal as anybody.

(Names and History of the Freaks)
Bass the Mudokin with the slig legs came to me and started talking about how he was never always like this. I listened to him and ever since we have become best friends. He told me about the legend of Abe the Mudokin who escaped certain death from Rupture Farms and saved countless Mudokins across Mudos in the years to follow. He told me I reminded him of Abe so I was deeply pleased by this. He said he was one of the fortunate Mudokins to escape with Abe from Rupture Farms. Throughout the years he lived well in his native villages until the Keepers came and offered him a wonderful acting job at the Freak Dome in Hellfrez. He took the offer and to his horrific surprise they captured him much like the way the Glukkons imprisoned him way back at Rupture Farms. The Keepers did horrible transformations on him. Cutting his legs off and attaching slig legs to him. I thought this was horrible and he said that if he doesn't do a good act in the show he will be sent to the grinders and made into a Mudokin Pop. I felt so sorry for him, but I cheered him up because we are in the same boat as he. He felt a little bit happier after that.

Soon the others started talking to me about their situations and I sat there and listened to them speak individually about their problems.

I introduced you to Bass; he is that Mudokin with the slig legs. Now the Gabbit with the one head of a Fleech is named Noom. Spite of his problems eating garbage, he is as normal as anyone here, only a victim to the relentless, lying, corrupt seduction of the Keepers. His fate was a little different than that of Bass. Noom was an offspring from Munch, the last Gabbit in existence. He said he came from the can of Gabbiar that Munch took from the Vykkers. He is grateful that the gabbit nation is starting to grow again thanks to Munch. But one day Noom was swimming up stream and ended up taking short cut through some deep sewer passage to get to Ma Spa. Unfortunately, as he was swimming through the sewers he came across a colony of Fleeches. They started flicking their tongues at him and suddenly without notice; once again the Keepers were scouting out the sewers and suddenly abducted him and a single Fleech. They took them to Hellfrez and the Freak Dome and sent them to the transformation chambers to be turned into a freak. The Keepers did horrible things to him. They started sewing on the top half of the Fleech to his left shoulder. Then they gave him some sort of medication purchased from the Vykkers to make him have a huge appetite for garbage. This medication was meant for animals to act like vacuum cleaners to clean up waste left by the animals in the zoos of the Freak Dome.
They stated if you don't do a good act you will die.

Noom became depressed and now he has a dilemma much like all of us. I cheered him up and said its ok we will get out of here.

Now Noom and Bass became close after that but as for the Steef, his story was a little different. This guy if anything has the worse problem of them all. His name is Clemons. In his normal life as a Steef he had past problems dealing with an obsession compulsive disorder which ultimately got him in lots of trouble with many inhabitants down south especially Clackerz. You see a couple of months back supposedly there was another Steef who went by the name Stranger who was a bounty hunter capturing Outlaws in the area. Soon this Stranger guy reveled himself to be a Steef. He was in hideing do to an excessive hunting of Steefs in the area. Right after the incident at Sekto Springs Dam another Steef came in the area and the Clackerz arrested him thinking he was Stranger. Of course he testified to be Clemons but they didn't believe him, so they gave him over some Keepers that were in the area scouting out for new victims. The Keepers knocked him out and turned him into a a half fuzzle, slig, and steef creature. Clemons doesn't talk talk much but some say he can communicate through his obsession compulsive disorder. All we know is that he faces the same threat as the rest of us do. He will die if he doesn't put on a good act.

Now the three glued fuzzles were simply a simple case. They go by no name. They said most of their transformations was done by the Vykkers. The Keepers bought them off of the Vykkers and also said that they will be part of the act and if they don't do well they will surely die. And thats all I got to say about them.

Now Slaslic the Glukkon with 15 arms was a short story as well. Slaslic owned one of the most prosperous companies within the Magog Cartel. His company was called Slasco, an off shore oil company that made billions. His moolah was beyond Glockstar Status. Well just ever so slightly beyond glockstar status. Slaslic and his company Slasco goofed up too many times causeing a major shut down of his facility due to increased employee deaths and low profits. He became so bad that Lady Margaret personally had him shipped off to Hellfrez and the Freak Dome so the Keepers can make him into the laughing stock of Oddworld. The Keepers took him in and decided to give this poor Gluk 15 arms to become an acrobat in the freak circus. Slaslic did not like the idea of 15 arms but the Keepers did this on their own will. They began sewing the 15 Gluk arms to his body and gave him a large suit to keep himself warm at night. He is rather a bulky looking gluk with a black suit. The Keepers gave him the same fate the rest of us have. If he goofs up he will die as well.

Now I introduced you to Bass, Noom, Clemons, the Fuzzles, and Slaslic. These guys were freaks of nature but they were as normal as normal can be. there were others who came through those chutes but they were just animals that couldn't talk at all. There was a Slurg with legs, a Paramite with the head of a scrab, a scrab with the body of a paramite, and a slog with a pair of wings. All of these guys were speechless. So I considered them my pets of my family of freaks.

Now as you can see Bass, Noom, Clemons, the Fuzzles, Slaslic, and the 4 animal freaks plus myself as the natural freak made up my family. We were called by the Keepers "The Freak Show," and if we all goofed up too many times in our acts we would all face certain death.

Now that I have introduced you to my family, let me tell you my amazeing tale that lasted for so long. I must tell you this tale just so I am sane enough to last the night. Odd help me! I wish my family would come and rescue me! Oh well I sit here among the shadows waiting for master Keeper to come and take me away. As I said before if we don't act well here at the Freak Dome we will surely die. But as for myself and my family of freaks, we didn't at all, we escaped and that calls for capitol punishment. But I am the only one left facing such punishment from the Keepers, Let me tell this story so I don't bore you to death.

I sit here in the shadows of my cage waiting for death, as my family of freaks, so far out there in the Oddworld's depth. I'm alone and scared with nowhere to go, it's so cold out there I think it may snow. I may freeze to death in such harsh conditions, but if my family of freaks can make it, then I must get to the bridges. Now this is my story and I am finished talking in rhyme, I must get to this tale and get to the grind. And such I am a Swig from far away; I helped my freaks and showed them the way.

My name is Skeeb, and I am a Swig, and this is my oddessy, and that is the swift gig. So help me get out of here so I may spare the time, a Swig I am, that is my kind!

Oddworld Skeeb's

definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

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10-05-2005, 10:10 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Well I like it, yer characters are most definitly Odd and you've pulled it off very well, and I love this setting you've come up with, very in tune with the Oddworld games, just the right amount of, how should I put this? Fear factor I guess. Like with Rupture Farms it was getting turned in meat treats and in Soulstorm Brewery it was the bone brew, and you've got this parady of a circus for freaks, it fits quite nicely in my opinion.

Hrm, I'm rambling...sorry... Anyway, good start and waiting for more.

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10-05-2005, 03:56 PM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dave  (10)

The background stories for everyone are great.
And you beat me to it: I was planning on doing a short story about an Oddworldian circus somewhere down the line ...
But this is promising to be good. Can't wait to see the story boards you mentioned.

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10-09-2005, 03:29 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
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odd chick  (10)

Nice start, Scrab-Meat. This story is definitely original and I already feel attached to some of the characters and their sad tales. This one is definitely going to catch my interest. There's only one thing I could point out, though, and it's not "Mudokin", it's "Mudokon". Other than that, it's perfect! I can't wait to see the next part!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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10-11-2005, 08:23 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Thanks for your comments believe me it took me a long time to figure out the plot to this story. There is going to be other elements besides a circus to this story as well that you will find interesting. Such as a mass underground Feeco Transit system like a subway that is used by the keepers to travel across Oddworld in serch for new inhabitants to add to their freakish collection. Thats just one element theres tons more. Plus you will see a lot of back stabing from one of the characters in this story. Lets just say a character your going to love to hate. As for the illustrations I figured out how I am going to do them. I want to keep writeing this story so it doesn't sink into the cracks of these forums. So I will post the illustrations after every five chapters. To be honest I havn't started those designs because I have been very busy with work and all, not to mention comming up with the plot. But I now have a clear picture of what Skeeb's world will look like so its going to be after every five chapters instead of every chapter. Thankyou for your comments and I give you chapter 2

Chapter 2
Ladies and Gentle Gluks!

Pounding noises were heard throughout the vast halls of the Freak Dome, The arena was filling up quickly as a show was about to begin. The freaks were in there cages being taken to the center of the arena. Skeeb knew that tonight was an important night because it was a show. Like what he said before he must put on a great act or else. Now at that time Skeeb wasn't very acquainted with his freakish inmates. He only knew their names and their backgrounds. But that is about all he knew about them. What he didn't know was that these guys were going to play an important role in him escaping. Suddenly a Blug guard came and zaped Skeeb in his cage with his electrical baton.

Blugs were the henchmen to the Keepers. They were ugly creatures more so than a slig. They were large bloated creatures similar to that of a tick. Their heads were small but their bodies were fat and huge. They had insect like arms which allowed them to carry more weapons than just a baton. All blugs constantly had slobbering issues at the mouth where they would drool. Some say the Blugs love to drink their own drool but nobody knows for sure. Blugs were cruel taskmasters to the Keepers and like most inhabitants of Hellfrez they are blood suckers.

"Move you fool! I don't have all day for you and your inmates. I was suppose to have today off but noooo! I get to play with you fools!" as the Blug slobbered all over Skeeb. Just then he took his cigeret and lit it and started to smoke. "Heh you are a special freak arent you! If it wasn't for you I would be out of a job!" said the Blug. His enormous body over shadowed Skeeb in horror but he knew that the Blug was simply messing around with him. All Blugs do such things to intimidate the inmates before shows.

The arena was filling up with people from all over. There were Glukkons, Vykers, sligs, Clackerz, Interns, and just about any industrial or natural inhabitant who were from the big cities you can think of from Mudos filling the vast arena of the Freak Dome. Now Blugs were the Keepers taskmasters but there were also sligs guarding various entrances to the Freak Dome as well. The Keepers had speacial relations with the Magog. The Keepers belonged to an organization called the Entertainment Dynasty. This organzation consisted of Keepers, Blugs, and other various inhabitants who are native to the frigid continent of Hellfrez. Skeeb was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Just then Bass, who was next to Skeeb spoke. "What are we going to do? I don't think I can handle this!" Skeeb answered, "We are just going to have to play our parts." Skeeb notice that his color changeing abilities were growing a little weak. He was afraid that he will not be able to perform well in the show. Suddenly the floor in the center of the arena began to rise and all of the lights of the arena turned off but a single spotlight flashed down onto the riseing platform. Skeeb knew that this was the beginning of the show and the ring master named Sarlast was about to emerge out of the platform. Sarlast was the lead ring master of the Freak Dome. He was incharge of everything. There were other Keepers who were ring masters but Sarlast was the most feared.

Keepers looked like over grown leeches with tentacles emerging from the head. They wore thick fur coats which hid their ugly black worm like bodies from the rest of society. Sarlast had a scar on his face and his eyes were glowing red.

His evil grin made him the most feared Keeper of Hellfrez. He wore a fur hat that hid his tenticals but he always removed it at every show. The people were in amazement at his stance of glory upon the platform. Then he spoke with a loud crackleing voice. "Ladies and Gentle Gluks, welcome to the greatest show on Oddworld! Tonight, give your attention to the cages in the center of the ring. I give you the Swig!"

The crowed cheered and Skeeb's cage was opened. Skeeb was hidden in the darkness of the shadow but the spotlight filled the front of the cage. Two white eyes blinked out of the darkness of the cage. The crowed was cheering and chanting "death to the Swig!" Skeeb knew that his act would be a fight to the death with a beast. Scared of the possible outcome, Skeeb emerged from the shadows slowly like a fleech and the crowed roared. Suddenly a massive door opened and a beast came out. The beast was known as a Clask, a massive worm that lives and borrows in the cold snows of Hellfrez. The Clask started snapping its two large beaks and Skeeb suddenly slithered away back into his cage.

The ring began to transform into an envirorment in this case a jungle. This was so because the Keepers were also masters of illusions. Now Skeeb curled his helpless body in his cage and the beast was approaching. The other inmates looked on in fear that if Skeeb dies they must take on the Clask. But something was about to happen that nobody in the crowed nor the inmates knew would ever happen. Only Skeeb knew and it was only a matter of miniutes.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

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10-11-2005, 08:42 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Holy crud!! Poor Skeeb. I'm really looking forward to ya illustrations, very eager to see what Skeeb looks like and I love the way you described everything, practically dragged me into the circus, like I was there, watching it all. And I can tell you I'm now on the edge of my seat.

I need an update!!!

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10-11-2005, 02:57 PM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dave  (10)

Whoa. This circus is starting to remind me of Roman colosseums. Throw the freaks/heathans/handicapped/etc. to the animals for entertainment, like.
And then you go and feed me a cliffhanger.
That's cool. Okay.
And every five chapters for some art....? It's better than none at all. I'm still eager to see your work.

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10-15-2005, 09:31 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Chapter 3
The Swig Within

In that very instant Skeeb was frighten to death curled up in his dark cage. The Clask was approaching and it only knew one thing, and that was to have the Swig for dinner within the cage shrouded by shadow. Skeeb's two white beedy eyes blinked and just as the Clask was makeing its final snap Skeeb quickly took his tail wraped it around a small bucket filled with rocks which was a weight for the cage, which was sitting in his cage and threw it towards the spot light knocking out the power in the arena and turning the entire arena pitch black. The crowed grew silent and a huge scream was heard within the darkness. The screams turned into crying and suddenly there was the sound of silence. For a few minutes there was silence and Skeeb's fellow inmates were ancously awaiting to see what has transpired in front of them.

One of the Blug guards went and turned on the emergancy lights of the facility which made everything look red. Sarlast, the Blugs and the rest of the crowed were absolutely stunned on what they saw in the middle of the ring. And what they saw was disturbing indeed. It was Skeeb in a different likeness with his tail relentlessly eating the clask whole. As Skeeb finnished his unlikely meal he began to shrienk back down to his normal Swig self and let out a small cute little burp and said. "Oops... excuse me!"

Sarlast stunned by this odd sight ordered the Blugs to take Skeeb away back to his holding place. "Ladies and Gentle Gluks do to unlikely events regaurding the....the Swig the show has been canceled. Now get out of here!

Back at the holding facility Skeeb sat in his cage as his friend Bass was put next to him. They started to talk about what has just transpired.

"Skeeb what was that?" Skeeb answered "I dunno! I feel that I may be growing into something different, something scary and dangerious. I feel hungry all the time like I want to devour everything in sight and when I am scared I turn into that thing you saw at the circus."

"Is that normal for you Skeeb? I mean your a Swig and all but I would never imagine you turning into a monster that eats from your tail."

Skeeb answered, "Well eating from my tail is a normal thing for us Swigs. Swigs like me always have a second mouth I just would hide it from everybody all the time because I was afraid that if anyone were to find out about my true self I would be killed for being a freak of nature. Look at myself I look harmless but when I get frighten I turn into a rageing serpant. I feel at times though I'm not suppose to be like this and that something happened to me years back when I was born in my Swig family. As far as I know Swigs are not suppose to turn into monsters. Granted Swigs have two mouths one for speech and the other for food thats normal but turning into a freak of nature is out of the ordinary for me. I must go to my family and find the truth about myself. I have to get out of here."

"Well I understand Skeeb we do have to get out of here and I have a mate who just might be able to help us."

"Who?" said Skeeb

"The Gabbit Noom but we have to find him first. He is being held in another part of the facility. I think he is in the zoos."

"We must go to the zoo but how do we get out of these cages with The Blugs everywhere?"

Meanwhile back in Sarlast's office the mighty Keeper sat in his leather chair over looking the rest of the vast Freak Dome out of a huge window. It was sunset and in the distance there was a Blizzard. He was thinking about Skeeb and his amazeing ability to turn into a monster. As he puffed away at his pipe a Blug walked into his office.

"Sir the Swig is in his holding place." "Very good, now leave me so I may think!"

Just as the Blug was walking through the doors Sarlast asked the Blug a question. "What do you think of the events that occured this evening?"

"I am not sure I know what you mean sir."

"Nevermind Leave me now!" He stood facing the window once again and looked out of the windows and puffed away at his pipe. In his mind he was amazed at the Swig and his Doctor Jakel and Mr. Hide routine act. And then to his amazement he grined an evil grin. For that night he devised a plan that will make himself the richest Keeper alive. Sarlast began to talk to himself.

"Ah yes, the Swig oh how perfect he is or should I say odd he is! When I get through with him, heh I will be most rewarded!"
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

Last edited by Scrab-Meat; 10-15-2005 at 09:34 AM..
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10-15-2005, 10:39 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

*ominous music*

....But other then that, awwww, Skeeb is such a cutie. And this bit;

As Skeeb finnished his unlikely meal he began to shrienk back down to his normal Swig self and let out a small cute little burp and said. "Oops... excuse me!"
Pure genius, very in keeping with Oddworld's style. Right, now you just got to post some pictures, can't wait to see Skeeb and the other so called 'freaks'. Keep writing!

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10-15-2005, 05:19 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
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odd chick  (10)

Wow, this story is just a pure masterpiece! I love how you've kept the Oddworld charm in this story and I've already grown attached to Skeeb! He's such an interesting character. Keep it up-this is really good.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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10-15-2005, 07:58 PM
Salamander's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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Salamander  (79)

im getting hooked to this story know , it is certinaly odd and dark like AO and AE. It kinda makes me wanna make my own fan fiction :P, P.S a new speaker goes on a different line like this:
"Hi" said abe
"hello" whispered the mudokon
Last edited by Salamander : Today at 05:18 PM.

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10-16-2005, 06:58 PM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dave  (10)

Huzzah, whoopee, cheerio, carry on and all that rot.
Yeah, you've definately got an Odd vibe going on about this story. Very cool.

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10-22-2005, 08:23 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Thank you for your comments now I give you Chapter 4 but this time you guys get a treat. You get to see first hand what Skeeb looks like. Yes thats right step on up and view the first art piece to Skeeb's Oddessy! Be sure to check back next weekend aswell for more of the stunning world Of Skeeb. I thought I post this early because I know you guys and gals are just woundering on what the heck Skeeb looks like! At least for now I will show an illustration of the star of my story Skeeb. Well its a pencil sketch. Most of the time when I do Character design I start off with simple pencil sketches to figure out what the heck is my character. Later you will see facial expressions of Skeeb and of course the other characters as well. Plus stunning concept art to the story. Enjoy!

Chapter 4

Late that night there was a loud noise, a scuffle was going on within Skeeb's cage. Now most of the Freak Dome's holding facility was a network or a maze of vast hallways. These hallways were 2000 ft in height and 50 ft in width. and they were a mile long. the cages that held the freaks were connected to massive chutes and pipes that made up the walls of these massive hallways. Each cage hung off of the pipes and there was various levels to the cages. At the bottom of the hallways was the floor where the Blugs mostly hung out. All Blugs have wings where they would fly up to various levels of cages to check on the freaks. Most freak cages were hanging in the shadow of the narrow hallways but dim light filled the center. Bass wasn't really sure what was going on because it was dark and Skeeb's cage was always hanging in a dark cornor away from most freak cages. Most of the time Skeeb was always hidden until there was a show going on. Skeeb was so ugly that the Keepers purposely kept him in the dark because most people of Oddworld would tease and make threats to him. Skeeb's mutation was to blame for this. But over the years Skeeb learned to hide his mutation until it was the right time to bring the beast within forth. Only when Skeeb is extremely frighten and threaten he would under go a transformation into a beast unlike anything Oddworld has ever known. A monster with no eyes but inferred detectors in his skin, that can blend into its surroundings, and has a huge hunger for flesh. especially those who frighten him.

Bass yelled out to Skeeb but Skeeb didn't answer. He began to worry that he was abducted in the middle of the night.

Meanwhile Skeeb was unconscous, straped down in a chair with large IV tubes connected to his arms. He began to wake up and suddenly he felt bounded to the chair and helpless.

"Where am I?
said Skeeb as his white beedy eyes glanced all over. Skeeb started to turn his eyes 360 degrees around to see what was up. Swigs were known to have flexible eyes which allowed them to see at all angles. Suddenly a spotlight shown upon him and the room was dark and large. Skeeb knew he was in some sort of medical chamber and he remembered he left a message for Bass when he was abducted. At the time he knew where they were taking him but when the Blugs found out they knocked him out cold. But just then he knew this was once a transformation chamber. But it was odd that he was in a chair straped down with IV tubes comming out of him. He only realised that this room was some how specifically ready for himself.

Just then a voice came from the darkness and Skeeb knew it was Sarlast.

"Skeeb, welcome! you already know who I am and you already know who everyone else is."
said Sarlast.

The spotlights started to shine on individual pods extending from the large chamber. Each pod had a Keeper standing in it.

"Don't be scared or should you? Yes Skeeb, we know about your little secret. Your mutation is such a uneque thing and we want it!"
Laughed Sarlast. The other Keepers started to laugh aswell after that remark was made.

"What are you going to do with me?"
replied Skeeb struggleing in the chair.

"Nothing, we want that mutation of yours so that we may breed it. It is so beautiful and deadly that breeding it will bring us moolah beyond comprehension. All you need is to be scared and that monster shall come. a little bit of that blood from your monster self and you can go back to your cage. That is all!"

Said Sarlast in a rather arrogant voice.

"What if I don't?"
Said Skeeb

"You will be scared, I promise!"
grinned Sarlast.

Skeeb began to wounder why they wanted to breed mutant swigs. He wasn't sure on this but his stress level was high and he only knew that he needed to find a way out of there. Skeeb had to figure out a way to avoid turning into that mutant.

The Keepers began their work on scareing Skeeb starting with a low level of frightening situations. Suddenly a machine appeared over Skeeb's head and within a split second a beam flashed onto his head with relentless burning pain. The beam was projecting frightening images into the mind of Skeeb. But Skeeb resisted it and the Keepers did not give up. Again the beam flashed with a higher frequency and suddenly Skeeb found himself on an operating table with Vykkers everywhere. Just then a Vykker with a scar began to cut away at Skeeb and he yelled and suddenly found himself back in the chamber with the Keepers.

"What..was that?" It was the beam flashing illusions in his head.

Screaming in horror do to the pain of the beam and the illusions the Keepers continued their work and Skeeb persisted to hold his mutation in. He would not allow the Keepers have their dirty hands on the Mutant within. Meanwhile Bass was sitting in his cage swinging when he noticed a small piece of paper in Skeeb's empty cage. Bass began to swing towards Skeeb's empty cage to grab the paper. It took him four times but he managed to grab the paper. There was a note on it that said help with a small hand drawn map and an X. Bass knew Skeeb was in trouble so he began to devise a plan to rescue Skeeb. The other inmates were in their cages swinging among Bass and they started to become interested in the relationship between Skeeb and Bass. Bass noticed a glukkon freak two cages above him.

"Psst! you over there who are you?"
said Bass.

"Who.. me? I'm Slaslic whats it to ya?"

"I need your help!"

And so time was of the essance as Skeeb was being straped to a chair and interrogated and tortured by the Keepers only for the purpose to become the mutant that he is. Sarlast and the Keepers wanted to breed the Skeeb Mutant as it has been known to be called by extracting its blood when he becomes the beast. This was all being done for a single purpose and that was unknown.

Here is an illustration Of Skeeb and his Mutation.
I wanted a creature who is like a chameleon/ worm or catapiller with two heads
The bottom mouth with no eyes is for eating and the top head is for his thought and speech. In a way I started out being influenced by fleeches and the way they move. When he turns into the Mutant its the same case he eats from his tail as well but he is a monster so he won't talk. For the Mutant Skeeb I was influenced by Giger's Alien or his series of work called Bio Necramon. I wanted him to be so outlandish and strange but yet he is extremely normal. The creature has no eyes and his sense of direction is through inferred detectors in his skin. He also tends to blend in with its surroundings. Its shape can easily do that once you see illustrations of the environment of the Freak Dome and Skeeb's Oddessy. Once again I am influenced by H.R Giger and this is style. Next chapter you will see facial expressions of Skeeb in both forms aswell as other character sketches of the other inhabitants of Skeeb. Like Bass and so forth. Thanks again for your patience on this, and I know you guys have been really patient for these pictures. Well I am posting them every weekond now so thanks again.

definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

Last edited by Scrab-Meat; 10-22-2005 at 08:29 AM..
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10-22-2005, 08:31 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Oh wow, ain't Skeeb brilliant! Odd but believeble. And I reckon he's kinda cute too. Great work Scrab Meat and keep it coming!

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10-23-2005, 05:38 PM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dave  (10)

I think that Skeeb, based on what he looks like, would most definately find a place on Oddworld. He looks like a very Oddworldian creature. You have a great flair for this. Keep it up.

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10-24-2005, 10:09 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
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odd chick  (10)

Wow!!! That illustration is GREAT!!! I agree with Dave, it DOES look like an Oddworldian creature. About the story, this just keeps getting better and better!! The characters and plot of this story sound very Oddworldian as well. Keep it up!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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10-25-2005, 10:53 PM
Salamander's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
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Salamander  (79)

This is awesome, the art work really helps with the story, keep it up
Last edited by Salamander : Today at 05:18 PM.

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10-30-2005, 08:05 PM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Hey Guys and Gals thanks for all of your comments. Sorry about the long waits for each chapter and art but unfortunately for this chapter there won't be any art because it aint finnished quite yet. Its basically a work in progress. I have been really busy lately and its driveing me nuts. You will definitly see more of my work next chapter. You will see face expressions of Skeeb, Designs of the other characters, creature designs and most important Conceptual story boards and paintings to the story not to mention enviroment studies. I dunno whats going on but I have this client who is haveing me illustrate this childrens ABC book, and I have been working on this stupid thing for three months now and I am sick of it. I want to do my own art but I am always being bombarded with clients. Thank heavens that I only have to colorize the illustrations to this ABC book so it shouldn't take me very long to finnish it. But most definitly this comming week you will see more art from me. For now I give you chapter 5


"Psst! you over there who are you?"
said Bass.

"Who.. me? I'm Slaslic whats it to ya?"

"I need your help!"

And so the glukkon freak known as Slaslic began to question Bass.

"Why do you need my help?"
Said Slaslic

Bass almost yelled at Slaslic being very annoyed but held his temper back because of the blug guards in the area.

"You..........I mean nice gluk! Can you please help me get out of here? My name is Bass and my friend Skeeb is in trouble. They took him away to the transformation chambers according to this hand drawn map in my hands. I've noticed you have 15 arms. You can knock out a blug when it comes up here and as soon as he drops take the keys to these cages and we can get out of here."

Slaslic looked at him funny and then smiled and agreed to help Bass but upon certain terms.

"I will help but I must warn you, I will not be your friend nor will I help you if you report me to the keepers. After all I am the great Slaslic!"

Bass being a bit annoyed with Slaslic's arrogant behavior he agreed to his terms.


suddenly a blug came rushing up to the cages as Bass waved back at the blug. The blug un aware of Slaslic behind himself was looking right back at Bass.

yelled the blug.

BAM! The blug was knocked out by Slaslic's long arm. Useing his long arm he grabed hold of the blug and took the keys to the cages. After that he let loose the blug and the blug fell. Just then Slaslic opened his cage and said to himself, "That was easy!"

Meanwhile Skeeb found himself in more pain then before as the keepers still persisted to frighten him.

"I...I dunno what your doing but you will never get ahold of my mutation."

The beam fired again and he found himself being tormented by other freaks.

"Ya know I don't recall the last time I saw a Swig. The last time I saw a swig was that Skeeb guy. He called us freaks heh, now he is the freak. Swig does have good taste though. Im getting hungry, pass the gravy!"

As clacker freaks were carrying on about Skeeb, Skeeb was being roasted on an open flame by the other freaks. Suddenly he came out of it again and was back in the chamber where he still sat, straped in the chair. Meanwhile Slaslic was opening the cage to Bass.

"Thanks Slaslic.

"Whatever you need to get to your friend Skeeb I have more important things to contend to now that I am out of that hanging cage of mine. Be careful though, you have to trek miles and miles of this Freak Dome facility your best bet is to go through the chutes. Good luck heh your going to need it!"
laughed Slaslic and just then Slaslic sliped into the shadows and was gone. Bass was alone again and he woundered if he would ever see Slaslic again. Only now he needed to get to Skeeb.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

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10-30-2005, 08:48 PM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dave  (10)

So now swigs are a delicacy among Clakkerz? Yee-ikes.
And Bass has a plan, I hope. And something tells me Slaslic is gonna end up messing up the plan. Or he'll get someone killed. That's just what I think.
Speculation time=over.
Looking forward to seeing your work, both on this and on Dante.

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11-11-2005, 07:31 PM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Well I am back from the dead and with awesome updates to come oh yes. Due to an extremely busy schedual I have been out for awhile but no sweat Im back and fully armed with some goodies for you. But to start off this week I will post the next chapter to Skeeb and its a good one. Now you will also be seeing later this week more chapter updates and at random illustrations and I mean stunning works of art from yours truely. I say random because I don't want to promise because of my busy life style as a graphic artist but you will see it. I give you chapter 6

Chapter 6
A Freak of Nature

Skeeb still being tortured in the chair was close to flipping out against Sarlast. His temper was riseing more and more as the beam kept flashing more and more frightening situations into his mind. In Skeeb's eyes he knew he couldn't hold his mutation for long and soon the Keepers would have his DNA. Meanwhile Bass moveing through the chutes, was following the map to the chamber where Skeeb was being held. Suddenly a Blug stopped him in his tracks.

"Halt! You there, come here!"

"Who me?" replied Bass as he turned and face the Blug guard.

Just then the Blug began to call for help to take Bass back to his cage. He began to search him and asked various questions.

"Why are you here? What are you doing in these chutes child? You know the penalty for escaping is death. Perhaps the Keepers will deal with this when I tell them."

Bass looked at him and smiled.

"Ha, you really think you can out smart me eh? Well, look over there!"

Suddenly the Blug being as stupid as he was turned his head as Bass pushed him over and started to run until he fell into a hole in the pipe. Meanwhile back in the chamber Skeeb was in pain as he continued to suffer in the chair. The beam was getting stronger and stronger. Skeeb was becomming angry with Sarlast. He cried out in utter relentless pain and horror. Suddenly the beam stoped and with it Sarlast spoke.

"Skeeb you know you can't hold your mutation in forever. Change and you can leave. I just want your DNA."

"Sarlast, Murder I will kill you! You want a beast very well you got one!"

Skeeb began to bulge and the mutant began to form but for Skeeb's sake it was him turning into the mutant which will allow him to escape. The chair broke and The rest of the Keepers ran for their lives Skeeb raged throughout the room. Sarlast grabbed a needle and quickly extracted a small amount of blood from Skeeb. But suddenly Skeeb swung his head at Sarlast which caused him to fly across the room and the vile of blood rolled into the shadows on the oppisite side of the room. Sarlast being scared from this lied on the floor knocked out. Just then a group of Blugs came running into the room and Skeeb began to devour each of them in a relentless rage. Outside of the chamber other Blugs and Keebers were watching this unfold through the window. Unable to help Sarlast they feared he was doomed.

"What happened to the vile?" said one of the Keepers.

"Its in the room but I will not go in there with that beast. Look its tearing the room to shreads with Sarlast in it!"

Just then Sarlast awoke and found himself in the chamber with the beast. He knew the vile of blood was on the other side of the chamber through Skeeb. But he could not get to it. And so he lied there and pretended to be dead as the mutant Skeeb approached. Snarling at him Skeeb was hungry but yet he was yerning for freedom.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

Last edited by Scrab-Meat; 11-12-2005 at 04:27 AM..
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11-12-2005, 12:57 AM
LoboDiabloLoneWolf's Avatar
: Aug 2005
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LoboDiabloLoneWolf  (10)

Oh YES! Go Skeeb! Go Skeeb! That's brilliant Scrab-Meat, very intense and action pack. Can't wait to see more illustrations of the characters.

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11-12-2005, 06:07 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
: Bottom of the Universe
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Scrab-Meat  (10)


The escape in Rage.

Snarling and hissing at Sarlast in utter rage, Skeeb kept his self faceing Sarlast. Sarlast couldn't do anything but what he didn't know was of the individual lurking in the shadows of the chamber by the vile of blood. Two red eyes pierced the darkness. The outline of a glukkon shape appeared to Sarlast in the darkness. Skeeb still faceing Sarlast was unaware of everything that was transpireing behind him. Just then another set of red eyes appeared in the shadow. This time they looked as if they were part of a slig mask. And the minor glint of the siringe sparkled under the dim light and then suddenly the vile was gone, picked up by that mysterious individual. They were gone but Sarlast was still faceing Skeeb. Suddenly within the cieling of the chamber a loud scream was heard high up in the vents and suddenly Bass came falling out of the vent into the chamber. Skeeb still the mutant was scared and it began to go crazy. Threshing its body here and there the mutant swig was in absolute rage. Sarlast luckily was able slip out through one of the doors in the room but Bass remained.

"Sarlast are you alright?" Yelled one of the Blugs.

"I am fine but I lost that siringe with Skeeb's mutant blood. Somebody took it. Look at that, a Mudokon is stuck inside the chamber with the beast."

explaned Sarlast.

Meanwhile Bass was dodgeing the swipes of Skeeb's tail, but Skeeb wasn't hungry. He was searching for Sarlast and as the Blug guard and Sarlast were looking on through the glass window the mutant turned and grined its teeth at Sarlast. Sarlast was then approached by other Keepers as all of them observed Skeeb. Bass on the otherhand was crouching himself in the cornor of the chamber. Skeeb still fixed on Sarlast moveing its head as if it were studying the glass window. Sarlast and the rest of the Keepers then laughed and left on a small transport headed back to their offices. Skeeb filled with absolute anger roared and the glass shattered into many shards. The chamber was open and the Mutant was on the loose in the Freak Dome. Alarms began to sound and Bass started to follow the Mutant hideing everytime it looked back.

The mutant was moveing quickly throughout the holding facility and other inmates were makeing fun of him and mocking him. The mutant wanted Sarlast but it couldn't find him. Still in rage with anger Skeeb as his mutant self went into a vent shaft and Bass looked on with amazement. But he couldn't keep up with the mutant. He knew that Skeeb was after Sarlast but he lost him in the vent.

Skeeb was in much rage as he slithered himself through a vent but the mutant crouched himself into a dark cornor in the vent. Skeeb began to give up on his persuit of Sarlast. But he remained as his mutant self. Curled up in a dark spot in the vent shaft his anger kept him from turning back to Skeeb. In his chaotic self he began to give up and he feared of the other inmates captureing him and killing him. The fear that went through his mind kept him as a mutant.
Meanwhile Bass was gathering a search party for Skeeb as they all grabbed individual flares in the work area. Most of the inmates in this area were janitors and he knew they would be of good help.

Skeeb remained in his cornor but the rage filled his mind and the fear of being killed also filled his mind. He slithered back through the vent with rage and back into the janitor facility where Bass and the other inmates looked on.

But Skeeb wanted something else other than Sarlast. He wanted freedom and he was going to do everything in his power to get it. Suddenly Blug guards came rushing into the area throwing the inmates back into their cells except for Bass who manage to hide himself among the cages. Fighting the mutant in an all out assult, the Blugs were being thrown across the hall one by one. Skeeb still raged with fear, He threw his tail to the floor and made a large gap. He snarled and hissed once again and grinned at the inmates and went through the hole. Once again Bass followed Skeeb through the hole as the Blugs liyed there hurt and perhaps dead.

Meanwhile Skeeb found himself falling a great distance followed by Bass. Skeeb went falling and falling until he suddenly hit the ground. Skeeb roared as he was still the mutant. Bass followed closely behind but wasn't noticed by Skeeb. But he found himself on another level of the Freak Dome Holding facility. And to his surprise it was a massive docking bay faceing to the outside world. The docking bay was empty but above him were Blug guards in persuit. Fireing their electrical lazors at him Skeeb moved himself forward to escape the on comming Blugs. Bass continued to follow. Due to the harsh cold of Hellfrez, the docking bay was part of an opening within a massive frozen waterfall. Skeeb knew he must of traveled far down into the frozen ice canyon by moveing through the many levels of the holding facility. This was his chance to escape the Freak Dome once and for all and as he approached the lip of the docking bay, freedom was at his grasp. The Blugs were still in persuit. But the mutant gazed on out into the frozen wilderness surrounding the Freak Dome. He looked at the moon and howled because the moon itself was the moon of the Mudokon hand print. Skeeb roared an intense roar and the Blugs were right there carefully approaching the mutant. Suddenly Bass came out behind a crate and startled Skeeb as he slipped and fell hundreds of feat into the deep frozen canyon. Bass looked at the Blugs and smiled and jumped because he did not want to loose Skeeb. As Skeeb fell he began to finally transform back into his normal self and hit the ground knocking himself out cold. Skeeb was back to normal and now he was free from the clutches of the Keepers. Bass being as smart as he was used his slig legs as grips to grab or scrape the wall of the ice canyon. And he did so as he looked down and saw Skeeb as his normal self liying there unconscence.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

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11-12-2005, 07:29 PM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
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Dave  (10)

He got away. Very cool.
Looking forward to your artwork. Judging by the pictures you posted before, these new ones should blow us away.

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11-23-2005, 06:04 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Like I said before I will be posting the artwork at random do to really busy schedual I have. And now you can see more designs by yours truely Scrab-Meat

I am hopeing in a week I can get in a painting or two or some story boards. But here is some character designs. Its of Bass, Noom, Glued Fuzzles, and Slaslic.

definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

Last edited by Scrab-Meat; 11-23-2005 at 06:33 AM..
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11-28-2005, 07:06 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
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odd chick  (10)

Great chapter, Scrab-Meat! This is just getting better and better as it goes along. I'm amazed at how much this truly does feel as if it could be an Oddworld story (I don't mean just a fanfic-I mean it could be an actual game. ). Great work-I love the artwork as well. It, too, feels very Oddworldly.
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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12-04-2005, 06:50 PM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Thanks everybody I am very sorry for the delays on my work. To be honest with you I am still working on that childrens book but I do I have only 5 more illustrations left on that. If anything is to blame for the artwork not finnished on this story it is, that childrens book I am doing which is keeping me from working on Skeeb. I have been more so working on that project to get them done and out of the way. But I do have good news, the first painting of Skeeb is currently in production and underway and I have laid out the first layor of paint on it. Basically the canvas is ready for the illustration. That painting will be a scene of the Freak Dome and the holding facility sitting on top of a frozen waterfall on the edge of an ice canyon. Anyway Here is chapter 8

Chapter 8
A Mutual Agreement

Cold, Frigid, the night blew a cool breeze over the ice canyon and Skeeb still knocked out laid at the bottom still alive among Bass whome managed to settle down and camp next to Skeeb. Both of them were unaware of the inhabitants of the ice.

Meanwhile Sarlast the Ring Master Keeper of the Freak Dome was returning to his office when he noticed a Glukkon with 15 arms and a slig sitting in his chair.

"Security I have an intruder in my office send Blugs!"
yelled Sarlast.

"Who the hell are you and why are you in my chair?"
asked Sarlast.

The slig laughed as he was throwing the small syringe of Skeeb's mutant blood in the air and catched it. The glukkon began to speak as he smoked away at his cigar.

"Please to meet you Sarlast. Leave me Chum, this is private between myself and Sarlast. Oh and leave the syringe on the desk!"
explaned Slaslic.

"Yes sir!"
said Chum

My name is Slaslic, one of your lovely creations!"
grinned Slaslic

"Why are you here and get out of my seat!"

"Tis tis tis, I will leave your office but before I do I would like to talk to you about something that my slig associate of mine picked up."
explaned Slaslic

"You mean the syringe!"
replied Sarlast.

"Of course the syringe you twit! Lets just say I can give you lots and lots of moolah!"
said Slaslic

"What do you mean?"
replied Sarlast.

"Well my friend, let me explan. This blood that you have secretly extracted from that Skeeb character is important to you isn't it?"

"Yes, go on!"

"Well lets just say that I can help accomplish your little plan to breed the mutant within. Plus bring revenge to some people I know. I was once the richest glukkon alive until my Sea Rex oil company Slasco went down the tubes because of that Abe Guy! My career was over, and I was so rich beyond my wildest dreams that I had more moolah than a glockstar at GlukVages!
Well, Lady Margret punished me to this forsaken place and had me turned into the laughing stock of Oddworld! I ended up with these 15 arms and became a clown of your circus. When that happened I wanted to get even with Margret but I had no way of doing so until now. That Skeeb guy is my ticket to revenge and to regain my status as Oddfather to the glukkons! You see Skeebs friend Bass who is a mudokon freak let me out of my cage and I told him that I had other things to contend to. And so here I am ready to help you out."
explaned Slaslic

"Help me out with what?"
replied Sarlast

"Breed the mutant you idiot! Yes I can provide you with an egg silo and you can mass produce that mutant of yours for your show and entertainment.
I understand you were amazed at what you saw at the show the other night when that Skeeb guy transformed into that beast and devoured that clask. You want to breed it for entertainment and you want the freaks to have fighting matches with mutant swigs. Clever idea Sarlast! I want the mutant to go after the schmucks who shut me down. I provide you an egg silo, you provide me with one of those mutants and we shall call it a mutual agreement."

explaned Slaslic.

Sarlast began to think as he looked out of his large window over looking the the holding facility. He picked up the phone and called his secretary.

"Hold the Blugs, everything is fine!"
said Sarlast stareing at Slaslic and slowly sitting in his chair.

"I never thought of a mass production of mutant swigs. Your a genus Slaslic! If this plan of yours is successful enough I will see to it that your 15 arms will be removed by the best surgens in this part of Hellfrez. You will be back to normal Slaslic and of course rich! Say how do you plan on produceing thousands of mutants?"
asked Sarlast.

"As I said Sarlast, I will provide an egg silo. I know of an abandon cave system that accedently was drilled by one of my companies off shore oil rigs. Thousands of meters below the Oddworldian sea. Under the water and the the ground, it would be hidden from the rest of the world. It just so happens to be located near the island of Brice. The home of the elusive swigs. We capture the Swigs we have thousands of mutants. It is known that swigs are natural, mutants, freaks of nature. Captureing the Swig nation will provide us with thousands. So what do you say Sarlast? Do you call this a mutual agreement?

"What if I say no?"
asked Sarlast

Slaslic looked on at Sarlast with an annoying grin.

"Well Sarlast!"
as Slaslic got up and approached him

"Nobody wants a war if you can't do business with me then are mutual agreement was never ment to be!"

"Yeah?" asked Sarlast.

grinned Slaslic as he approached Sarlast a bit annoyed with him.

Sarlast went closer to Slaslic and suddenly an electrical surpressor which was earlier set on the desk by chum began to electricute Sarlast.

"Whooh! Whooh Its getting hot in here! Maybe we should open a window whooh hehe!"
laughed Slaslic.

Sarlast was getting fried and suddenly he was dead as his skeleton fell to the ground. Soon after a bunch of Sligs and Blugs busted the door as they started following Slaslic's orders. Slaslic began to talk to Sarlast who is now suddenly dead

"Heh its a little hot under your collar isn't it Sarlast? Perhaps you can follow me now?" No?" I see, well you are a vicious bastard, and heh Im glad your dead!"

Slaslic lauging outrageously at his remark approached Chum and the other Blugs.

"Tell the rest of the Keepers that I am in charge now and Sarlast has retired."
explaned Slaslic

"Yes sir!"
replied Chum

"In the mean time I want to take a look at this blood of mine!"
grinned Slaslic.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

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12-05-2005, 07:01 AM
Dave's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: Aug 2003
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Dave  (10)

An interesting turn of events!
Seemed Sarlast forgot who owned who at the end there ... but he's dead now, so not to worry.
Sweet deal on that upcoming painting business.

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12-05-2005, 03:32 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
: United States
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odd chick  (10)

Oooh, plot twist! I just love those things! Anyway, that chapter was great. Things are really starting to heat up (no pun about the last chapter intended). Keep it going!
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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12-18-2005, 10:26 AM
Scrab-Meat's Avatar
: Sep 2005
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Scrab-Meat  (10)

Paintings will come soon!

Chapter 9
The Ice Hopper

The wind was blowing harshly within the deep ice canyon, for there was a blizzard where Skeeb and Bass lied. within the intense wind and blinding snow a shadowy figure appeared among the two. Standing over them, holding a staff. Skeeb was beginning awake as his eyes were slightly starting to open. In an instant he notice the mysterious figure standing over him with a staff. But suddenly he was knocked out once again by the staff of the mysterious figure. Bass who manage to safely get down to where Skeeb was and set camp was being dragged off along with Skeeb in a net by the mysterious figure. Both of them were knocked out. The cloaked figure moved through the blinding storm until he approached a strange wall in the side of the ice canyon. The wall was 40 ft high and 50 ft in width and it was made or crystal clear ice. So clear that his reflection shown through. As the cloaked figure approached the wall dragging Skeeb and Bass along he pulled out a small remote control and pressed a button. The ice wall began to slide open and the three of them went in.

Hours have passed and Skeeb and Bass lied with the cloaked figure in front of a warm fire. Almost frozen to death, Skeeb and Bass seemed to have been rescued by this individual. Suddenly the individual took a bucket of water and splashed Skeeb and Bass and both of them awoke and screamed.


The cloaked individual laughed outloud with a jolly laugh and removed his hood and shown his old bearded face. He was a large creature with many faces and a beard to match. Skeeb being disorentated from everything looked around and tried to escape. But he couldn't for he was tied to a strange looking tree.

"What... where am I?"
said Skeeb

Bass awoke aswell and he tried to escape but wasn't able to.

"Who what!"
replied Bass

"Haha let me introduce myself, My name is Scarif, I am known as an Ice Hopper. Do not be alarmed at my size I am nice and gentle. We Ice Hoppers live here under the ice and of course we are at war with Keepers. Please make yourself at home with us for there are many who are like you who live among us here!"

explaned Scarif as he smoked his many pipes in his multiple mouths and started untieing Skeeb and Bass.

"Sorry I had to tie you up but I didn't want you to escape and get yourselves killed outside in the cold."
explaned Scarif.

"Ice Hoppers I think I heard about your kind but I think you were extinct."
said Bass.

"Oh no, my freak mudokon friend we aren't extinct only hidden from the rest of the world."
Explaned Scarif.

Skeeb looked at Scarif and turned away for he felt scared to show himself.

"You there Swig, why do you turn away from me?"

"I..I am a freak a natural freak of nature. I can't be in sight of anybody. Or you people will kill me!" said Skeeb

"Poor lad, he really is afraid of himself isn't he?"
said Scarif

"Yeah My name is Bass and this is Skeeb he feels the world is after him for his looks and unfortunatly the Keepers want his mutation."
explaned Bass.

"How did you manage to escape the Freak Dome?"
asked Scarif.

Just then Skeeb interrupted the conversation and explaned his delema.

"I left the Freak Dome in rage and in fright. I was a monster unstopable and relentless and now I must go to my home of Brice to figure out why I am the way I am."

Scarif put his arms around Skeeb and said. "Come you two, I believe you find sanctuary here under the ice."
explaned Scarif as he chuckled.

Just then another ice door opened up and behind it was a world beyond imagine. A lush world, the underground world of the Ice Hoppers.

"My friends there are more than you think liveing here. I am only an Ice Hopper among other Ice Hoppers. We give sanctuary to those who escape the Freak Dome. This is the sanctuary of the Freaks my home is your home, You will find other escaped freaks of the Freak Dome here. Let me take you to the almighty Noom!"

"Almighty Noom?" questioned Bass and Skeeb.

"Yes, the Almighty Noom a Once Freak Dome escapee like yourselves. He runs this place and he lives in the ivory fortress you see in the center of the lake."

"Nobody has ever seen his face but he can be a very scary person."

said Skeeb

"Yes so be on your best behavior or else!"
said Scarif

"Gulp...or else what?" asked Bass

"Well the Almighty Noom has some issues that he needs to deal with. Lets Just say he has garbage eating problems!" laughed Scarif "And if anybody is rude around him he will view you as Oddworld trash and I guess you can understand the rest."

said Skeeb, and Bass.
definition Scrabs- Not much to look at, but terrific dancers; http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a56.../ScrabMeat.jpg
Because RuptureFarms has driven Meeches, Scrabs, and Paramites to the edge of extinction, the only way to boost profits is to turn Abe and his pals into lunch. Thats right step on up and become Scrab meat!

Last edited by Scrab-Meat; 12-18-2005 at 10:39 AM..
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12-19-2005, 04:48 PM
odd chick's Avatar
odd chick
Outlaw Shooter
: Nov 2004
: United States
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odd chick  (10)

That was a good chapter. Very interesting and it's making me eager to read more of the story! Keep up the good work. *gives thumbs up*
" Like, destroy all squishies....and stuff." -Skidd McMarxx in Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal

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