Believe it or not you're all proving me correct by reacting in such a way. Everyone repels the alien concept of being emotionally open and expressive, many deny the reasons for this, some make up reasons, none of which would make it "okay" to be that hurtful toward somebody in the eyes of an intelligent person. Not only do they repel the concept, but they mock it as though it were somehow illegitimate and illegal, and infringed their rights by existing.
The "big hard man" image is popular for a good reason. It's like wearing a suit of metaphoric armour and standing on a vantage point - it's easier to fight off attackers and is less vulnerable to sharp pointy insults. But that doesn't make it right to impose that standard on others who wish to be emotionally expressive.
Stereotyping, mockery, slander, hate, misunderstanding, ignorance - the emo culture is at the recieving end of all those things for no good reason. It's probably one of the most heavily misunderstood cultures, and bares the hallmark of the same struggle race and later homosexuality endured.
There may have been people who bought into it, faked emotion for attention, overexaggerated their behaviour, claimed to be bisexual for effect, etc. But there are people in every culture who are merely there to fit in, and that's still no reason to be hateful or judgemental of everyone within that culture. I could be and have been classified as emo, but do you see me writing blatantly overdramatised "boo-hoo" poetry, sad stories and sappy shit all over the place? No - but do you see me holding back on the way I feel? Again, no. I'm not afraid to say that I cry when people die, or when girlfriends/boyfriends leave me, and I'm not afraid to say that I give huge hugs to my closest friends whenever I meet them, because to me that's perfectly acceptable and does not warrant constant character attacks from people who for some reason feel such a reaction is necessary, lest the fabric of the universe open up and they be sucked into the void. I like long walks in the park in sunny weather, I like listening to all the stories that elderly people tell, and I genuinely do not give a fuck if that doesn't meet your standards or impress you in some way, because I wasn't put on planet earth to be the way you want me to be or do things in a way that are acceptable to you, and niether was anyone else - and if anyone does, then you better start questioning their honesty.