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11-06-2001, 08:50 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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: Apr 2001
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Yep, my next fic. Sorry it too so long...very bad case of writers block *grumbles and looks that multiple craters where she had dropped many bombs*.
*hears Melvin screaming in disbelief*
MWHAHAHA! You thought you had stopped me didn't you!? I shall NEVER stop! AAAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA!

Anyway...here's chap 1.

Chapter 1

Lightning flashed and thunder boomed. The wind howled fiercely, knocking down trees and striping many leaves off their branches; with rain pouring down relentlessly. This was the nastiest storm to hit Mudos in years; a virtual hurricane, and Spider and his clan were caught out in the middle of an open plain, with no known shelter nearby. They were blinded by the rain and the howling wind making it near impossible to hear each other, plus the strength of the wind made it hard to walk anywhere.
Knowing it would be too dangerous to try to find suitable shelter, Spider had the clan just lay down and huddle together, the females in the middle, and wait out the storm...

The storm didn't end until early the next morning and the clan was able to pull through it with only a few scratches and bruises. They uncurled and stretched out their sore limbs and shook the water off their bodies. As they tended to their minor injuries, Spider noticed someone was missing...and his heart filled with dread.
"Where's Goliath?" he asked, his voice sounding a bit panicked.
The others looked around and did see him anywhere.
"I don't know..." Kilk said worryingly, "He was with us when we huddled together last night wasn't he?"
"Kilk, we couldn't see the front of our own snouts let alone see each other." Delta said as he licked at a cut on his arm.
"And I'm glad the rest of yer didn't run off in a blind panic." Spider said, water running down his chest along the scars Malice had given him just over a month ago. He lowered his head, clearly worried, "Who knows where Goliath is now...that storm would have wiped out any of his tracks."
“So do we go try to look for him?” Charr asked.
“We wouldn’t know where to start…” Hoth said, “Like what Spider just said…the storm would have wiped out all tracks.”
“So what can we do?” Invy asked whining slightly.
Spider was quiet for a long time, the look of despair and pain evident on his face. Finally he released a heavy sigh and looked up at them.
“The best we can der is to press on…” He said solemnly, “but keep our senses open for any sign of him…and call out for him every once in a while.”
“Can’t we spread out and do a search?” Felth asked.
“Too risky fer the rest of us…” Spider explained, “’Sides, we don’ know ‘when’ Goliath bolted, he could be miles away be now.” Spider looked up at the sky, which was still dark with storm clouds. “Plus there is no tellin’ if ‘nother storm will hit or not…and we can’t risk anyone else getting’ lost.”
“Well…one good thing is that storm would have thrown any bounties off our tail.” Kilk said.
“True...but with Goliath separated from the rest of us he would be an easy target.”
And an IQ of a slog doesn’t help him either.” Delta said with a nod.
“Let’s hope we find him before any bounties der.” Spider said, then lowered his head, almost touching the ground, and made the summoning call; a very low pitched purr-like call that was similar to an elephants. They waited a few moments…but got no response. Spider sighed and looked back up at the group.
“Let’s go.” He said as he started walking. The others nodded sadly and followed…

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11-07-2001, 02:48 PM
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11-09-2001, 08:35 PM
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I have a deja vu feeling I may have already replied to this, maybe I replied on SRFR...

Anyway, this is a good beginning. I like it. I can't find anything to criticise. I must be losing my touch. Not to mention my ability to write long sentences...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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11-09-2001, 11:26 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

hehe...poor Rettick.
Here's the second chap. I bet you are wondering..Who the heck is Tok? *grin* if you have read my earlier fics you would know....*mischievous grin*

Chapter 2

Tok rested by the lakeshore, exhausted. He had just managed to reel in Deep Water Spiny, one of the biggest and most difficult fish to catch. He had fought with in for nearly an hour and was nearly dragged into the lake several times. He was lucky his pole didn't break...as this kind of fish was notorious for snapping poles and breaking fishing nets. The reward for catching one is great; not only can one feed several people, but also its
meat was very tasty.
After regaining his strength, he gathered up the Deep Water Spiny and the rest of his catch and was about to head back when he heard something coming. He froze...sniffing and listening intently. He held his fishing pole like a staff...as it was the closest thing to a weapon he had at the moment. Something emerged out of the bushes and the now adult Tok’s eyes widened in with shock at what came out of the bushes:
In front of him was a crossbreed very similar to Spider...only...bigger...much bigger, a good 10 ft in height, green skin with silver eyes. This creature had actual horns along with the spines on its back, two small ones on the back of his head, two on its shoulder blades, and two more at the base of its neck. The spines only went from the base of its neck to the base of its tail. It also looked thin, like it hadn’t eaten in a while.
The crossbreed looked at him with a blank look on its face, drool constantly dripping off its chin, and started moving toward him. Tok took a couple of steps back...intimidated by the crossbreeds immense size, he remembered how easily Spider could swat a slig if he really wanted to and he didn't want to find out what this one could do. The crossbreed sniffed at his catch, grabbed it with its jaws, and started eating...bones and all.
"Hey!" Tok said, a bit annoyed, "It took me all day ter catch those!"
The crossbreed just continued eating and after a very short time finished. It then spotted the Deep Water Spiny and made a move toward it.
"I don' think so! I spent an hour bringin' that thing in and I'm not 'bout ter let yer take it from me!" Tok screeches as he whacked the creature on the snout with his fishing pole. The crossbreed let out a startled yipe and bolted, almost knocking Tok over with it’s tail as it spun around, disappearing back into the underbrush. Tok...not taking the chance that it would return...grabbed the last of his catch and sprinted back to the village....

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11-10-2001, 12:38 PM
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Wouldn't he get dehydrated if he drooled that much? *runs*
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
Windchaser's Earth | deviantART gallery | Journal of endless rambling and ficbits

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11-21-2001, 11:05 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

*hates writers block* actually this chap was pretty much written ages ago. Oh and it does seem like I am taking over Teal's characters...I'm not...actually she helped fix 'errors' with her character in this bit, so some credit goes to her for this chap.

Chapter 3

No one believed Tok when he told them about the encounter with the giant crossbreed. They didn't want to believe that there was a slig like creature that was quite possibly even bigger then Hak, so they all laughed it off...telling Tok that he must have been in the sun too long that day....
At the moment everyone was trying to figure out who has been stealing food out of the storage hut. Over the past few days, large amounts of food have been disappearing from the hut and the weird thing was that some of the wood that made up the walls of the hut appeared to be eaten...They had the scent of the guilty party and they knew it wasn't someone from the village, but when they tried to follow the trail it end up being so confusing that they couldn't follow it very far....
As a last resort they posted a couple of guards around the hut the next night...in hopes of catching the thief in the act. Rik and Skan were 'volunteered' for the job...

"D'yer think the creep will show tonight?" Rik asked.
"Well…” Skan shrugged, fighting an invisible opponent with his spear, nerves alert. “He - least, I’m guessin’ it’s a he - has fer th’past few nights, so I don' see why he wouldn' t’night."
"Feh...I wish I was in my nice warm bed right now..." Rik muttered as he toyed with his whip.
Skan smiled, grimly. "Well, I ain’t goin’ t’be getting’ much sleep, an’ it seems pretty pointless yer stayin’ awake if yer tired. Why don' yer take a nap? "
"On the job? Heh, no way… Spider taught me better then that."
Skan nodded, "Yeah, an’ he’d’ve been useful t’have round right now. Mebbe useful ter have had him here coupla months ago, too…"
"He wouldn' have been able ter handle it… considerin' what went on before. He definiately wouldn't have been able ter handle losin' Bea..."
Skan gave the younger slig a solemn look. “Listen, kid… all of us took losin' the old lady hard… Drek too, maybe even more. But…” he shrugged. “Guess yer right… Spide probably wouldn've have been able… what was that?” He jolted his head up.
"Sounds like it came from the back of the hut..."
"We better go check it out..."
They moved quickly and quietly around to the back. They both stopped frozen in their tracks at what they saw...
"Dear Odd...Tok wasn't kidding..." Rik muttered.
In front of them was the same crossbreed that Tok saw at the lake; it had its head through the window and was having a field day with the food inside.
"Yow… he's big…"
"How are we goin' ter stop him?" Rik asked nervously.
Skan gave him a look. “An’ how am I supposed t’know? First time I seen him, jus’ like yerself."
"Well...maybe we could jus' ask 'em ter go away?" Rik said sheepishly.
Skan shrugged. “Guess anythin’s worth a try."
He cautiously approached the crossbreed and cleared his throat, "’Scuse me pal, but that's our food!"
The crossbreed continued eating, seeming to not even notice him.
"Hey!” Skan gave it a prod with the blunt end of his spear. “You listenin’ t’me…?”
The crossbreed's head jerked up at the prod, startled, and it backed out of the window. One of the storage bags was caught on its head, preventing it from seeing. It shook its head, trying to get the bag off, but it was stuck firmly to its head horns. Its breathing rate visiblely increased...
"Skan...it looks like its goin' ter..." Rik said quietly.
Skan nodded and tried to grab the bag around the crossbreed's head, to try to help free it.
"Easy now big feller...jus' let me help yer get that off…" Skan said gently.
But the crossbreed seemed incapable of comperhending his words and started to back away, whining.
"Hey... hey! Take it easy...there's no need fer..."
Skan didn't get to finish, for as if on cue the crossbreed let out a panicked filled howl and bolted, narrowly missing running both the reluctant guards over. They both winced as it ran head first into one of the other low storage huts, its weight and momentum causing it to collapse. The crossbreed shook itself off and bolted again, this time toward the center of the village.
”Ah man…we better stop it before it wrecks the whole village!” Skan said as he and Rik ran off after it….

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11-26-2001, 09:05 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Finally got another chap of this one written! *really really hates writers block*

Chapter 4

Spider and the clan where resting by a large lake, trying to go to sleep for the night, but Spider was restless and kept shifting.
"For Odd's sake Spider will you lay still!?" Delta growled, clearly agitated.
"There's something familiar about this lake..." Spider mumbled, "I can't quite place it. It's been naggin' at me ever since we arrived. That and I am still worried 'bout Goliath...."
"Ok the lake thing I can understand...but Goliath..." Delta voice turned slightly sad, "It's not likely he is still alive...."
Spider snorted, stood up, and started walking around, sniffing the ground.
"Spider please..." Shriek said as she stood up and nuzzled him, "Just let it go...its been two weeks..." Her voice cracked slightly. "It would be a miracle if he lived this long on his own."
"I am not givin' up on him!" Spider growled as he continued to sniff around. He suddenly stopped some distance away from the rest of the clan, sniffing at the ground eagerly.
"Spider?" Shriek asked, cocking her head, "What did you find?"
"He's been here...I can smell him..." Spider said excitedly. Shriek sniffed the ground and caught Goliath's faint scent.
"Spider this is several days old..." Shriek said with a sigh.
"So!?" Spider snapped, "Its the first sign we had since he disappeared!"
Spider then lowered his head and made the summoning call, Shriek just sighed and shook her head.
Why must he be so stubborn sometimes? Shriek thought as Spider repeated the call and waited....

Mean while in Khufa, the large crossbreed was running amuck; Crashing into buildings and causing the local populous to scramble to get out of it's way as it ran about in a blind panic. There where several attempts to remove the bag from its head, but all failed. They couldn't shoot it for there where too many bystanders.
Suddenly it just stopped in its tracks and just stood there, head raised and facing in the direction of the lake.
"What is it doing?" a mud asked.
"I don' know..." Rik replied as he crept toward it, "But I think now's the best chance ter get that bag off..."
"Be careful Rik.." someone said.
Rik nodded as he gently touched the giant 'breed; it flinched but didn't do anything else. Rik then got out of his pants and carefully climbed onto the crossbreeds back, using its spines as hand holds and making his way to its head. Once there he started working on freeing the bag.
Everyone watched anxiously as Rik worked the bag off one of the crossbreeds head horns. The 'breed was still just standing there, so Rik reached to start working on the other side. As he worked on the other horn the freed side of the bag slipped down, uncovering one of the 'breeds silver eyes.
A faint whine was Rik's only warning before the giant crossbreed suddenly reared up, balancing on its tail and letting out a loud bellowing howl.
"Whoa!" Rik cried as he tried desperately to hang on, but he lost his grip and fell when the 'breed slammed back down onto his handfeet. Rik landed with a thud just in front of the breed's massive handfeet and just laid there...dazed.
"Rik!" Skan cried as he rushed forward, reaching Rik as the crossbreed reared again and howled. Skan was just barely able to grab Rik and roll out of the way before the crossbreed slammed down again.
It was then that the crossbreed bolted, heading in the direction of the lake and bellowing on the way. The bag that was still struck to one head horn waved like an ugly flag, briefly, before it flew off.
"Are yer ok Rik?" Skan asked as he watched the crossbreed disappear into the night.
"Yeah...ow..." Rik groaned, "Anyone get the number of that truck that hit me?"
"Ha funny."
"Heh...der yer think it will come back?" Rik asked as he got back into his pants.
"I don' know..." Skan said, "Fer now lets see 'bout repairin' the damage it caused."

"Spider will you give it up and go to sleep!" Delta growled as they watched Spider put out yet another summoning call. "He is not coming! In fact he is most likely DEAD! Get it through your thick skull!"
"I am not giving up on him!" Spider growled fiercely, "He is alive! I know he is!"
"You are asking for a miracle!" Delta said, putting his snout up against Spider's, "What are you expecting? Goliath suddenly crashing through those trees toward us!?"
As if on cue there was a loud crash and Goliath came bursting through the trees and skidded to a halt in front of them. Delta and the others gapped in shock as Goliath adopted a submissive posture and leaned up against Spider's chest, who hugged him.
"Good guess Delta..." Spider said with a smile, "It's good to have yer back Goliath."
By then the others had recovered and trotted up to welcome Goliath back as well. Together they all started grooming Goliath, removing two weeks worth of parasites from his hide. It was then that Spider caught a scent on Goliath's skin that wasn't his own...one that was very familiar.
Rik? He thought as he jerked his head up, looked at the lake, then in the direction Goliath came from.
"Now I know why this place is so familiar to me..." Spider mumbled.
"Why is that Spider?" Hoth asked, looking up at him.
"I used ter live here..." Spider said simply, staring in the direction of the village.
Hoth cocked his head as he studied Spider's expression. It was a mixture of joy, sadness and...was that...fear?

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11-27-2001, 06:54 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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Uh-oh... Here comes the bits I won't understand...

Apart from a couple of typos and a sickly coincidence [ ], that was great! Just don't rely too much on your old fics... Not that there's anything wrong with that from a literary point of view, I just won't understand any of it...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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11-27-2001, 08:55 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
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because you have been slacking on reading my other fics hmmm? *pokes Rettick playfully and grins*

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11-28-2001, 10:42 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

Actually now that I think about it...this one has references to past fics of mine...but you don't really need to read them to understand I don't think. Its the same with Teal's characters that are in this...

Chapter 5

The next morning Shriek woke up and saw Spider looking out over the lake, deep in thought.
"What are you doing up so early?" she asked as she padded over and nuzzled him.
"Debating..." Spider said as he returned her gesture with a smile and a rumbling purr.
"About visiting your old friends?"
"Yeah..." Spider said with a sigh, "I want to see how they are doing but..."
his expression turned into sadness, "I'm afraid of the old wounds it will open..."
"Oh Spider..." Shriek gave him a reassuring nuzzle, "if we don't revisit our past once in awhile we won't be reminded of why things are the way they are now."
Spider thought a moment as he took this into consideration.
"Yer right." he said finally, "I'll go visit and see how they are doin'. Afterward maybe I can introduce you and the others to them."
"Sounds good." Shriek said as she nuzzled him again, "I'll keep the clan in order while you are away."
"I'll try not to take too long." Spider smiled as she kissed her. He then trotted off in the direction the village was.
"Good luck." Shriek said with a smile as she watched Spider disappear into the trees....

Everyone was busy repairing the damage the giant crossbreed had done the night before and Tok yawned tiredly as he took a break.
Stupid brainless beast... he thought annoyed as he looked at all the damage it had caused. Something caught his eye in one of the alleys, something big and green. By reflex he grabbed his spear and pointed it at the alley.
"Who's there?" he demanded, "Show yerself!"
"Quick on the draw as always Tok..." a very familiar voice said with a mild chuckle, "Yer jus' as I remembered yer when I left...over a year ago wasn't it?"
Tok's eyes widened with disbelief as he saw his old Alpha appear out of the shadows. While it was still obvious as to who he was, he looked a bit different. He was leaner, not from lack of food, but from roughing it out on his own and his muscles had a more refined look to them. Signs of battle where evident on him: three parallel scars running diagonally on his chest, two neck spines where missing...looking like they were so forcefully removed that they will never grow back, and perhaps the most frightening...a circle of teeth like scars on the back of his neck, right behind his head, obviously from a battle that was nearly his last.
But all that didn't really matter to Tok...
"Spider..." Tok whispered...almost a whimper, as he dropped his spear and embraced him, "Yer back...Oh Odd did I miss yer..."
"I missed yer too Tok..." Spider said as he returned his old pack mate's embrace. He looked up and for the first time noticed all the damage to the village. "What the frack happened here? Looks like tornado hit the place."
"Practically...a very big...and I der mean big...crossbreed like yer was runnin' amuck here last night." Tok explained.
Tok was a bit surprised when he saw Spider visibly wince.
"No one was hurt was there?" Spider asked.
"Couple of scraps and bruises...that's it."
"Good." Spider breathed a sigh of relief, "No one was hurt due ter Goliath's lack of intelligence..."
"Goliath? Yer knew that brute?"
"Yes...we got separated durin' a storm a couple weeks back...I was surprised he lived this long. He is back with the others now."
"Others? There's more of yer?" Tok asked, surprised.
"Yeah..there are 12 of us in all. I will bring 'em ter the village later. I jus' want ter see how everyone is first..." He hesitated briefly, "and if there are any hard feeling's fer me leavin' in the first place..."
"As far as I know there ain't..." Tok said, "Other then the normal few that jus' didn't like yer ter began with. Stay put and I'll get the rest of the pack..."
As Tok ran off to find the others, Spider looked around to see if he could spot anymore familiar faces. And he spotted one....

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12-02-2001, 03:32 AM
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incredible simply incredible!

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12-04-2001, 12:56 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Credit to Teal for writing most of this...(it was too good a note to just keep out of the fic ya know...)

Chapter 6

“Hey Hak!” Spider cried out happily as he trotted over to his old friend. Hak looked like he had a bit of a run in with something, considering how his right arm was bandaged up across his chest. The massive soldier looked up at him as he stopped in front of him.
“How yer doin’ Hak?” Spider asked, his tail wagging slightly, “What happened ter yer arm?”
To Spider’s surprise Hak shook his head, silently, and moved away.
“Hey…” Spider chased after him, a little puzzled and more than a bit hurt by what looked like an open rebuff. “Hey, I only wanted ter talk to yer…”
“I’m sure he’d love ter stand chat all day,” a familiar voice said from behind. Spider turned around to find Jas lounging against the bole of a tree. “But he can’t.”
“What’s up with yer…?” Spider asked, confused. Why was everyone acting as though they didn’t want to know him all of a sudden?
Jas shrugged. “Oh, nothing,” the once friendly voice was laced with a bitter sarcasm. He pushed past the baffled drakkic and after his massive pack mate.
“Hey, look…” Spider chased them. “What did I der? An’ why is Hak bein’ so distant, we used ter chat all the time a while ago…”
Jas favored him with a withering look. “Hak ain’t being distant, if yer’d opened them eyes of yours…” an exaggerated sigh. “He can’t speak to yer ‘cause he ain’t got a voice no more.”
“No voice?” Spider stopped for a second, watched the diminutive form of the smaller slig walk on in front. “What you mean, no voice…?”
Another shrug. “I mean what I say, crossbreed. He ain’t got a voice no more.”
“Well… why?” The heavy drakkic chased after him.
Jas gave him a dark look. “We had some… ‘trouble’… a while back,” he growled, softly. “We don’ like to talk about it.”
“Yeah, trouble. Now quit askin’ questions, yer getting’ on my nerves.”
“But… I’m only… concerned, that’s all…” Spider gave him a sidelong glance, and asked, after a second or two; “How bad trouble?”
Jas rounded on him. “Jus’… just shut up!” he snapped, viciously. “Shut up or I’ll smash yer damn lights out, y’stupid half-witted half-breed…! A lot o’ people got hurt, okay? A LOT of people. An’ a lot were more’n jus’ hurt, a lot died. So we don’ want ter talk about it, okay?” He’d calmed a little by this point, wasn’t looking quite so rabid.
Spider took that as a good sign. “Sorry. I won’ talk about it any more,” he mumbled, head low.
The smaller slig recognized the submissive gesture as an attempt to calm him down and apologize, so he just huffed, smashed his spear through a patch of fern and went on again.
“Wonder if Bea would want to talk…” he wondered out loud, following Jas, assuming his voice was low enough not to be heard over the clatter of mechanics.
But Jas heard, and this time he actually went for him. The drakkic had to fend him off with his huge paws.
“Don’ you get it?” Jas had turned into a little howling bundle of rabid fury. “Bea is dead, okay, that’s why I don’ want to talk about it!”
“Dead?” Spider managed, numbly, fending off a hail of blows form the spear. “No, she… she can’t be…”
“Are yer really that dumb, crossbreed?” Jas howled, in a hate-filled voice, like a small green banshee. “She’s dead, you got that or do I need ter spell it fer yer? Dead, that’s Dee-eee-ay-dee. Dead. As in no longer livin’. As in gone, no longer on this mortal coil, snuffed it, kicked el bucketo, DEAD! That good enough fer yer, huh? Understand me now?” He was nearly screaming, his eyes welling. “She’s laid out in Necrum, cold as the rock she’s layin’ on, an’ Drek beside her. How ‘bout that, hey? Double whammy!” By now he was close to hysterical. “Mebbe I’ll go join ‘em, blam, blow me own brains out all over the trees an’ go join ‘em, wherever they are…”
Spider had backed off a good distance by now. “Odd, Jas, yer don’ need ter react like that…”
Jas just rammed his spear into the ground a bare hand span from Spider’s handfeet and fled.
“Guess I should apologize fer ‘im,” another familiar voice said, softly, from behind. “But he tends ter overreact, these days.”
Spider turned around once again; there was Skan, looking literally years older than he had last time they’d met. “What…?” It still hadn’t quite sunk in yet – Bea dead? She couldn’t be, he’d have known… wouldn’t he…?
Skan shrugged, retrieved Jas’ spear from the ground and slung it across his shoulders. “It hit him harder than th’rest of us, I guess,” he said, tiredly. “Him an’ th’old lady were pretty close. After all,” a tired laugh. “She took ‘im in when everyone else wanted t’feed ‘im to the fleeches. Taught ‘im lots of stuff, looked after ‘im… I guess he thought of her as his Mam. An’ losin’ Drek too…”
“What? Dead…?”
Skan nodded, tiredly. “Yeah,” he said, faintly. “It’s been a pretty tough time round here, fer the past few months.” He fell into step with the heavy drakkic. “You were always wonderin’ if you were goin’ t’be next…” he heaved a sigh. “Xar’s in a coma, still, an’ it don’ look like he’s goin’ t’be wakin’ up any time soon. Hak’s lost his voice an’ one arm, an we lost the two old ones. It… ain’t the same without ‘em…”
“No…” it had sunk in now and Spider’s vision was clouded with tears. The one individual he wanted to see most again was gone and one of his best friends was crippled.
Could I have prevented this from happening if I had never left? Spider thought sorrowfully as tears streaked down his cheeks. Then he realized something…
If I had never left…Shriek would be dead and so would the rest of the clan…
“Yer alright?” he heard Skan ask.
“I will be…” Spider said faintly, “I jus’ need some time ter think ‘bout all this…” at the Spider trotted off. Skan didn’t follow; he knew where he was going….

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12-06-2001, 06:07 PM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
Clakker Store Clerk
: Nov 2001
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•[cyrus]•  (10)

Very interesting story Dragadon also Exit.
Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

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12-08-2001, 09:43 PM
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thanks...but it aint over yet! MWHAHAHAHHAA!

Chapter 7

Spider made his way to the village center, feeling rather down. He would have gone to the lake but that's were Jas went...and he had a feeling he didn't want to see him anytime soon. Once there he flopped down onto a bench and let out a heavy sigh.
Bea's dead...so is Drek. Hak is handicapped. Xar in a coma and a lot o' other people dead too. he thought. He sighed and shook his head, fighting off the depression that was threatening to take hold. No...I won't let it bring me down...not like last time. I vowed ter not let what has happened in the past control my life and I intend ter keep it that way.
"Not easy is it?" a female voice said suddenly, causing Spider to jump and fall off the bench.
"Ish..." Spider said annoyed, as he picked himself up, "What did I say 'bout readin' peoples minds?"
"Sorry..." Ishtar said as she jumped up onto the railing and perched on it like a gargoyle, "Just that...ever sense I came back the only way Hak could talk to me was for me to read his mind....It's become a habit..."
"Yer mean yer couldn't heal him?"
Ishtar sighed and shook her head; he could see the sadness in her eyes. "No." she said, stiffing a sniffle.
"But I thought...yer kind could heal anything...."
“Normally…” Ishtar said sadly, “But the magic that caused this is a kind my kind doesn’t know about…like it was from a different dimension. We can only work with what we understand…and this magic we don’t understand, therefore, we can’t do anything with it.”
”So even Gods have limitations…”
“Yeah…I suppose it’s a means for the fates to keep us in check. It still hurts though…I…we can do is make the most of it and move on.”
“Ain’t that the hard truth…” Spider grumbled.
“You know…if you want…I can tell you where Bea was buried, so you can give your last respects.” Ishtar said, softly, “It would be the least I could do for you.”
Spider didn’t need to think about it.
“Yes please.” He said.


Jas pushed onward, uncaring which way he went, just needing to keep going, to clear his head; the thick foliage had already slowed him to a walk, but he didn’t care, he just knew he had to keep going. Dammit, why did that stupid crossbreed have to open up all them old wounds again? He thought he’d got over losing his foster-mother and longtime pack Alpha, but no, just as he thinks he’s getting over it he has to come along and then it’s all brought back to the surface, clear as if it was yesterday it happened, not five months ago…
He skirted the lake, taking the long way back to town, and scrubbed at his outsized eyes with the heel of one hand, determined that he wasn’t going to cry, he was tough, he was a Guardian, and sligs don’t cry anyway…
Oh Jas, he seemed to hear her words in his head. Try not to take things so much to heart – poor Spider wasn’t to know, was he? And you know I did not die in vain…
I know, he replied, sitting on a rock overhanging the lake and pitching stones at his reflection. It still hurts, t’know yer gone.
It will do. It always hurts. But… no-one lives forever Jas… you know that. And you know I wouldn’t want you to be sad.
“I know,” he turned his muzzle skywards, feeling the slow warmth of a tear on his cheek. “I know you wouldn’… but… it don’ make it no easier, y’know…?”
And opened his lungs up in the song of the fallen warrior, the song they all sang for comrades lost in battle, expressing his grief in one of the few ways he knew how. He sang until his voice broke into sobs, and the old hurt was back, as fresh as if it had never been away.


Spider approached the cave entrance Ishtar told him about, the cave where Bea was laid to rest. There was a stone on the outside with intricate wall carvings on the outside and Spider felt this was the best place to show his respect.
"Bea..." Spider said softly as he gazed at the stone, tears of sorrow running down his face, "I was hopin' yer would still be 'round when I came back...looks like it didn't happen that way. I..." his voice cracked slightly, "n'ver got the chance ter really thank yer...fer all yer did fer me. Yer stayed with me...even through my darkness of times and fer that I can't thank yer enough...fer if yer hadn't a lot of things wouldn't be like they are now. I wouldn't have found my mate, hell I wouldn't have found out that I wasn't the only one...that there were others like me out there. Where ever yer are yer can probably see them..." he chuckled lightly, "who knows what headaches they are causin' Shriek while I am here. But the main thing is that I am not alone anymore...and probably won't be fer a very long time. And all because yer were there fer me when I needed yer...and I know now yer will always be with me where ever yer are. Thank yer..."
Spider turned to leave but then remembered something. A chant Dragadon had taught him while he was on his own nearly a year ago, one of the many things she had taught him about dragon kind. She said it was a chant that showed the greatest respect for those who had left the land of the living. He turned back toward Bea's grave, cleared his throat, and began:

With life must come death, as night must follow the day.
The sun has set on your life and with it comes eternal peace.
May your spirit be protected by the Golden One and forever free from the clutches of the Dark.
Your trials and triumphs of your life will always be remembered through the power of our songs.
Farewell...my friend.

Tears flowing anew, Spider threw back his head and let out a long mournful howl, the howl carrying far across the land….

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12-14-2001, 09:10 PM
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Chapter 8

Spider made his way back to the lake, feeling a little better now that he had paid his last respects. But he knew it would be awhile before he got over it completely.
As he neared the lake, he thought he heard something not far ahead. Stopping for a moment he listened carefully; someone was crying. Thinking it was one of his clan he bee lined for the source. As the foliage thinned and he drew closure, he could see someone up ahead at the edge of the lake...and it wasn't one of his clan.
Jas...? Spider thought as he stopped just at the edge of the clearing. At once he felt guilty, guilty for stubborn in accepting the reality of what had happened during his absence.
All those wounds I must have opened up... Spider hung his head, letting a silent tear roll down his cheek.
He was pretty sure he hadn't made a sound while standing there, but somehow Jas realized he was being watched and he turned around abruptly, scowling at him.
"Why did yer follow me?" Jas said with a slight growl.
"Ter be honest I didn't." Spider said, looking up at the annoyed slig. "I knew yer would rather be alone."
"If so then why are yer here now?"
"I was headin' back ter my clan...after payin' my respects ter Bea...."
"So it finally got threw yer think skull."
"I'm sure it took a bit fer it ter sink in fer yer as well Jas." Spider said, being careful with his words for he didn't want Jas to blow up at him again, "It would take anyone a while ter accept it, especially when she meant so much ter so many."
"I serpose yer goin' ter tell me she meant alot ter yer..."
"Yeah she did...more so then yer think." Spider said as he took a few steps closer, then settled down on his elbows a few feet away from Jas. He kept his guard up, in case Jas decided to attack him again. "She helped me get through some of the darkest times of my life..."
"I don' want to hear," he snarled, thinly. "How much more terrible than everyone else's yer life has been. The first time I may have been sympathetic, but these days it seems like all you can ever say! I don't care any more.! Now leave me alone."
Spider just sat there, not sure what to say anymore. Jas, seeing Spider wasn’t going to leave, gave a snout and pushed passed him.
Spider stared sadly after the departing figure, and said, softly. "What in frack happened t'yer, Jas.?"
Jas paused, looked back over his shoulder. "I grew up," he replied, coldly, but there was a bitter sadness under the acrid tones.
No sense in pursuing him…Spider thought sadly, it would only make him angrier…
Spider stood up, took one last look at the departing Jas, then lifted his head and howled for his clan. He did notice Jas stop again and look at him out of the corner of his eye, as if wondering: What the frack is in up to now?
Spider heard the return calls and soon his clan came running out of the nearby forest. Shriek nuzzled him warmly,, then got a worried look on her face.
“What’s wrong.” She asked.
“Things have changed since I was here…” Spider said simply, glancing back toward Jas and noticed he was staring at them, a look of cold indifference on his face.
"So it's all your fault that bloody behemoth went on the rampage and destroyed half the buildings in town, then. I got half a mind to report you to town patrol and see that they make you fix everything," Jas said and turned away again.
“What’s his problem?” Kilk asked, raising a brow, “It’s not our fault…Goliath got separated from us…”
“With the way he is right now he won’t listen.” Spider said with a sigh, “But he does have a point…since it was Goliath that caused the damage we should help them clean up. Come on.”
“Wonderful…We get to clean up Goliath’s mess…” Delta growled as they followed Spider to the village…

[ December 23, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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12-15-2001, 06:56 AM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
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Nice cliffhanger.

This is very well written. I wish I could say more; but I can't really add to anything that's been said.
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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12-15-2001, 02:46 PM
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Verra nice... nice to see you're getting over the block, as well... Just, um...

Jas: *snorts, kicks bushes to pieces and stomps off muttering nasty things about over-emotional damned crossbreeds*

*rolls eyes* Ignore him. Pest.
Now also known as "Keaalu".
"Among the remedies which it has pleased the Almighty to give man to relieve his suffering, none is so universal and so efficaceous as opium" ~ Sydenham, (circa 1680)
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12-16-2001, 05:03 PM
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eep I just realized that I made a couple of serious mistakes in that last chap. I will have to rewrite most of it. Sorry guys...this is the first time I have done this...

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12-23-2001, 01:02 PM
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New version of Chap 8 is up, just drawing your attention to it.

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12-23-2001, 02:21 PM
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Better. My only real complaint has been an ongoing one: your 'slig accent' is more than a bit over-the-top, in my opinion, and it sometimes drastically changes the emphasis in a sentence, so that it doesn't sound as good. I will reiterate that I think that you should only type to/too as 'ter' and you as 'yer' when it would be pronounced like that...

As an example of this: "I don' want to hear how much more terrible than everyone else's yer life has been." ~~ It is impossible to emphasise the your/yer in that sentence without sounding ridiculously stupid. On the other hand, "I don' want to hear how much more terrible than everyone else's your life has been" sounds much better, and much more true to the accent. I know you are trying to be consistent, but there are times when you should read the lines out loud and see if they sound right...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-23-2001, 05:58 PM
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well for that sentence you'll have to blame Teal...as she is the one that wrote that. *grin* I'll have to think more carefully about the slig speech on my side...

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12-23-2001, 08:39 PM
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Look, I'm sorry to be so critical, but I am honestly just trying to make your stories better. God, that sounds so conceited... I'm just trying to help, okay?

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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12-24-2001, 02:33 PM
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That's right, go for the neck Dan!

*is also fed-up of Drag's 'yer's and 'ter's*

This is an ok story so far...

*waits for the next chapter*
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12-24-2001, 02:47 PM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
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This story is really cool...... *counts chapters on fingers* "Hey I only have 6 fingers!!!!!! [since i'm a Mudokon]
Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

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12-26-2001, 06:37 PM
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hey! I'm working on it ok! Sheesh...critics...

Chapter 9

As Spider and his clan walked into Khufa they couldn't help but notice the stares they were getting; the look of uneasiness was evident on locals. Sure Spider they could handle, as he lived here before, but all these others....
That uneasiness turned to hostility and fear in many once Goliath padded into view, a bit behind the others; a couple even turned and fled.
"What a nice warm fuzzy welcome for us..." Spider heard Delta grumble.
"Well an attitude like that won't help things Delta." Spider said, a slightly annoyed tone in his voice.
"Well why should we be the ones to clean up Goliath's mess!?" Delta growled as he run up in front of Spider and stopped, a challenging look on this face. "Why do we even bother keeping him with us!? He's sterile and can't help us fulfill the task our creators made us for! He can't even take care of himself! He's nothing but a burden to us!"
Spider stood with his head high and back straight, tail twitching slightly in annoyance and eyes narrowing. There was no hint of a warning. The next instant Delta found himself on his back pinned to the ground by one of Spider's handfeet. Spider's whole body posture had changed, now his head was low, back arched, tail was still twitching...only at a faster pace. The posture was a warning, a warning that Spider currently did not have the patience to put up with Delta's rebelliousness for long.
"You keep fergettin'..."Spider said, his voice calm and smooth, but with a dangerous edge to it, "that we take care of our own. No matter how much of a 'burden' they are on us. Everyone has a purpose...no matter how stupid they are."
Delta's scowl quickly disappeared when he realized just how dangerous a position he was in. Spider can be very violent if pushed too far...like he was in that fight with Malice. Though he doubted he would get that way with him, Delta didn't want to take that risk. So he let his body relax, the sign of submission when on ones back. Spider nodded in acceptance and let Delta up. Delta kept his head and body low as he rejoined the rest of the clan behind Spider, while Spider resumed his dominance pose.
Spider rumbled deeply, looking around at the villagers who backed up a couple of steps. It was almost like he was daring someone to challenge him or looking for a threat that wasn't there. Spider was having a power rush and he didn't realize it, that is until Shriek padded over to him and pounced on him, knocking him to the ground. Spider would have jumped up and attacked her if she hadn't started nuzzling him, purring softly. All hints of aggression immediately melted away as Spider relaxed and emitted a deep purr-like rumble and nuzzled Shriek in return.
"Welcome back to Oddworld." Shriek said softly, smiling.
"Thanks love." Spider said as he picked himself up, "I...never acted like that before."
"Let's hope you don't do that very often..." Lunic muttered.
"Yeah...that was a bit...freaky." Kilk added with a nod.
"Spider!" someone called and suddenly four sligs burst through the crowd. Shriek was barely able to scramble out of the way in time before they jumped Spider....

[ December 26, 2001: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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12-26-2001, 07:34 PM
•[cyrus]•'s Avatar
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•[cyrus]•  (10)

Cool chapter Dragadon, and - who said I was rushing you>?

Out of everything in this world ::.....their is not a single being or enviroment that can scare me. The only thing i fear most and haunts my dreams every night.....being burried alive.

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01-05-2002, 03:59 PM
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I was talking to the others Mud101. Sorry this fic is taking so long...writers block will do that to you *hears Mel screaming for joy* QUIET MEL!

Chapter 10

At first the clan didn't know how to react to Spider being jumped like that. They weren't sure whether to fight or flee. That is until they heard Spider laughing. Now totally confused, they backed up a bit, heads low and whining slightly.
"It's ok!" They finally heard Spider say from under the slig pile, "I know them! Aw gerroff guys before you smother me!"
The sligs hooted with laughter and got off them. As soon as they did, however, Spider pounced on them, giving them all a big hug.
"I missed you guys."
"We missed yer ter Spider." one of the sligs said with a whezz, "Can we breathe now?"
"Oops...sorry." Spider said with a chuckle as he left them go.
"Spider..." Shriek asked, timidly, "who are they?"
"Well the short one is Rik." Rik folded his arms and huffed.
"Yer had ter comment on that...." Rik muttered.
"The other's are Tok, who is a bit hot headed."
"Ha ha..." Tok sarcasticly, "Funny."
"You are and yer know it." one of the others said with a soft spoken voice.
"Blah blah blah..." Tok said with a flap of a hand.
Spider chuckled and continued, "The soft spoken one is Bas and the...greasy one is Ner."
"Hey I cleaned up!" Ner protested.
"Considering how much you stay in that workshop of yers I am surprised yer not made of grease by now." Tok said with a chuckle.
"Hey! If didn't you lot would still be stuck with those inferior industrial pants!"
"Feh...all yer so called 'new' model is is a revamped industrial type..."
Spider quickly noticed that those two might start coming to blows soon, so he decided to put a stop to the fight before it started. He made a quick, sharp, and loud bark. It didn't actually mean anything...but it made them jump and got their attention. He had to use it a couple times when a couple of his clan started bickering.
"Anyway, these four I raised from the time they were sliglets and I was their Alpha until I left." Spider said.
"Yep that's right." Tok said proudly, then he looked at the clan standing behind Spider, "and they are?"
"Well you've already met Goliath..." Spider said, somewhat embaressed, pointing at the huge Drakkic in the back.
"Name suits him..." Tok muttered, "and the others?"
Spider named each of his clanmates, pointing at each of them as he said their names. Each Drakkic gave a quick nod of acknowledgement (though Delta just snorted and Kilk gave them a big broad mischievous grin).
"And this..." Spider said as he walked over and put his arm around Shriek, who purred, "pretty lady is Shriek, my mate."
The four sligs nodded in acknowledgement.
"So yer all crossbreeds I take it." Bas asked.
"Yes, but we call ourselves 'Drakkics', not crossbreeds now." Spider said.
"Ah...why is that?"
Spider was about to explain when he saw Skan approach, with a worried look on his face.
"What's up Skan?" he asked.
"The council wants ter see yer..." Skan replied, "Right away."
Spider visably winced.
"I bet I know what it's about..." he said, passing a quick glance at Goliath. "Shriek..."
"I am coming with you." Shriek said before he could finish, "I have a feeling someone will need to be there with you to help keep your temper in check and who better then me?" Shriek gave him a sweet smile.
"Alright..." Spider said with a sigh, but couldn't help smiling back at her.
"Hoth...yer in charge until I come back."
"Yes Spider." Hoth said with a nod.
"Alright...lead the way Skan."
Skan nodded and lead Spider and Shriek toward the council building.

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01-16-2002, 10:42 PM
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Sl'askia  (10)

la de da de da...FINALLY here is the next chap to this.

Chapter 11

"So what are we going to do Hoth?" Invy asked, "Sit here and wait for Spider and Shriek to come back?"
"Boooorrrriiiinnnngggg!" Kilk said, "Let's have some fun with the locals!" Kilk bounced hyperly from side to side.
"No...." Lunic said with a shake of his head, "We are in enough trouble as is...we don't need to get into anymore."
"Party pooper." Kilk mumbled as he plopped down on the ground in a huff.
"Spider said that we should help clean up the mess Goliath made here." Felth said, "I'd say we get a head start."
"And just why should we clean up Goliath's mess?" Delta growled annoyedly.
Hoth sighed briefly before he answered, "Since Goliath is incapable of understanding the damage he caused, we are responsible for cleaning up his mess on his behalf. Don't worry...we will think of some way to have Goliath help."
"Whatever..." Delta snorted.
"Another prob..." Charr piped up, "The locals here either have proper hands or are wearing pants so that their handfeet are free. How are we supposed to use our handfeet if we need to walk on them?"
"Oh dear...looks like we can't help after all...oh shame..." Delta said as he started walking away.
"Stop right there Delta." Hoth said in his sternness voice, "If we work together we can lift things using one handfoot while balancing on the other.
Plus with our size and strength we can use our bodies to help holdup those wall segments while they are secured."
"Sounds like a lot of work..." Kilk whined.
"I know...but if we show our goodwill by helping to undo the damage Goliath did...the locals might tolerate us better."
"I don't think the locals mind us..." Kilk said looking about at all locals, who where still staring at them, "too much..."
"Either way...Spider brought us here to help and help we shall." Hoth said, then he turned to Tok, "Where was the damage done?"
"Here, there, ev'rywhere." Tok said with a sigh, "the brute didn't leave a section of the village untouched."
Hoth winced slightly, "Alright...we'll take the closest area first...lead on."
Tok nodded and gestured for them to follow him. Delta stood firm as the others moved off, only to the group pause and glare back at him with a 'you better come with' look. Delta grumbled something unintelligible and grudgingly followed.

When they reached the first area they could see the kind of damage Goliath did. The two huts they were facing where completely collapsed.
"Jeez...I hate to see the insurance on this place now..." Kilk said with a low whistle.
An small group of muds were busy sorting the wreckage when they approached and the muds stopped and backed away when they saw Goliath.
"No no! He is NOT going to knock down any more huts!" One mud growled.
"Easy...he is under our control now," Hoth said reassuringly, "We are here to help clean up this mess."
The mud relaxed a bit...but still watched them warily as they surrounded one of the fallen wall panels.
"Now what?" Kilk asked, "How do we lift this thing?"
Hoth thought a moment; the panel was about 12 feet long and 9 feet tall and made of wood. Then he looked over at a couple of poles the muds had already set back up; they looked the right height and distance apart for the wall panel.
"I take it this panel goes with those two poles?" Hoth asked the mud. The mud just gave a slow nod and looked at them doubtfully; the other muds keeping their distance.
Hoth looked back down at the panel and padded around to one of the corners.
Using one handfoot he made an attempt at lifting the corner of the panel; he was able to lift it about 6 inches without straining himself.
"Juk...come hold this up." he said.
Juk nodded, padded over, and held up the corner with a handfoot. Hoth moved down the long side of the panel a little ways.
"Juk...when I say go...lift it up as high as you can." Hoth said as he grabbed a hold of the edge, "GO!"
Using their combined strength, they were able to lift the edge of the panel about 3 feet.
"Kilk! Delta!" Hoth grunted, "slip underneath and hold it up will ya?"
"Um...ok..." Kilk said as he ran hold and slipped under the panel. Delta just grumbled as he joined him. Hoth nodded at Juk and they both let go of the panel, letting it rest on Kilk and Delta's backs.
"Ow! I think I got a splinter!" Kilk whined.
"Oh suck it up Kilk!" Delta growled.
Hoth and Juk lifted the other side the same way, and had Felth slip under. With a bit of maneuvering, Juk slipped under with him.
Unfortunately, the four Drakkics that were under the panel were too far in...and the panel's opposite edge lifted up...and the panel was balancing across their backs.
"Any more bright ideas Hoth!?" Delta growled under the weight.
"Um...I didn't see that coming..." Hoth said, blushing slightly.
"Well what are we going to do now Einstein!?"
Before Hoth could give a reply, Goliath, who thought they were playing some sort of game, came up and ducked under the panel with them. His great bulk pushed the top edge of the panel up and when he stood up straight, the top edge swung up and over, connecting with the two poles and relieving the four Drakkics of the weight on their backs. The nearby muds could only stare in amazement; Goliath just plopped onto the ground and purred at them, his tail wagging and looking like a playful puppy.
"Well...um...that worked out fairly well now didn't it?" Hoth said
sheepishly. Seeing a bunch of annoyed looks he said, "Ok...so the technique needs work...lets try another panel shall we?"
There were a bunch of sighs (and a grumble) but the rest of the clan moved on to the next panel....

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01-21-2002, 11:30 PM
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Chapter 12

It was late afternoon when Spider and Shriek finally emerged from the council building; Spider looked as if he was given the third degree and Shriek looked almost equally worn. By then the rest of the clan had helped rebuild several huts and were resting in the village center. Bas and a couple of others were tending to the multiple minor bumps and scratches the clan had received from all the lifting and pushing they did. They all were utterly exhausted, even Goliath...who was fast asleep.
"What the heck were you guys doin' all afternoon?" Spider asked, tiredly.
"Helping rebuild huts..." Kilk replied, flat on this back and not even bothering to look up at him, "And boy am I ssoooorrrreeee."
"All of us are..." Juk mumbled, half asleep from exhaustion.
Spider managed a smile, happy that his clan was able to make themselves useful while he wasn't with them. He and Shriek carefully picked their way into the middle of the group and laid down side by side.
"So what did they want you for?" Charr asked curiously, "It was about Goliath right?"
"Not jus' 'bout Goliath..." Spider said with a yawn, "They wanted ta know every thing I did while I was away...and 'bout you lot. Like where you came from and such..."
"Humph...talk about getting personal...." Delta mumbled.
"Sounds like they were paranoid about something.." Hoth mused, "I wonder what about."
"They got reports of mysterious killings from other villages a few months back," Spider explained, "and the prints they found near the victims remains looked like Drakkic paws."
The whole clan suddenly looked up and over at him when he said that. Bas and the other locals who were still tending to the clan looked over as well, somewhat shocked.
"It couldn't have been one of us..." Kilk said worriedly, casting quick glances at the rest of the clan, "could it?"
"No...I asked for details about it...and the description of how the victims were killed matched someone we dealt with before...that red freak." Spider's face grew dark with anger, "Malice..."
"So what did you tell them?" Bas asked, a bit nervous.
"I told them I sent that freak of a cliff over two months ago and it is not likely he still lives." Spider said with a grin; he still relished that memory of watching that red crossbreed fall down the cliff. Then he frowned when he remembered something about that fight, "That bastard nearly killed me as well."
"Wha..." Bas looked shocked, then he shook it off, "So...this 'Malice' was the one that gave you all those scars..."
Spider nodded and Bas visibly shuddered.
"Don' worry...like I said...he is mostly dead now...so you wouldn't be meetin' him." Spider yawned again and rested his head on his paws; Shriek was already snuggled up to him, asleep.
"I'll let you rest Spide," Bas said with a respectful nod, "You all look like you need it."
"Thanks Bas." Spider was able to say before drifting off....

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01-23-2002, 09:55 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Rep Power: 25
Sl'askia  (10)

Is ANYONE still reading? I only have 2 more chaps to go...about...

Chapter 13

Spider and his clan continued to help repairing the village, after a couple of days the heavy stuff was done and the clan wasn’t needed anymore. Spider had tried talking to Jas again, but Jas was usually pretty cold toward him; it wasn’t particularly directed at the crossbreed, as since things had changed Jas was pretty icy towards everyone. Spider, though, naturally unfamiliar with this “new” Jas, took the older creature’s bluntness as a direct insult – perhaps as though he was in some way blaming him for what had happened…
This of course always made Spider feel bad, but after a while it started to irritate him… then anger him. Shriek could see this and tried her best to keep him calm… but one day he just blew…

Jas had to leap to one side to avoid Spider’s sudden charge; automatically he dropped to an offensive pose, one shoulder down, quarterstaff ready. Spider by then had stopped and turned to face him, back fully arched and teeth bared.
“You try jump on me once more, mongrel, and I’ll find meself a place to put this,” Jas threatened, softly. “What d’yer think yer playin’ at, any way…?
“Why do you seem to be blaming me for what happened…?” Spider asked in response, his eyes burning with fury, but also with sorrow.
“No-one’s blamin’ no-one,” Jas spat back, tensed.
“Then why…” Spider growled, “Why are you bein’ so cold toward me? I never did anything to you intentionally.” he crushed his eyes closed, trying desperately to keep himself under control, but it wasn’t working. “I apologized for being ignorant about her death Jas!” he closed his eyes again, hot tears streaming down his face and his body trembling, “WHAT THE F*CK MORE DO YOU WANT ME TO DO!?”
Skan stepped between the two. “Come on you two,” he said, firmly. “I don’ want to have ter shoot either of yer, but I will if yer keep this up…” he hefted the lightweight dart-gun and swapped a meaningful glance with his younger pack-mate. “You don’ want another little while in solitary to cool off, now, do yer Jas…? Not befitting a councillor, y’know…”
Jas glared, but straightened, and mooched off.
“I don’ need a lesson, thanks” the big crossbreed managed, softly, and turned abruptly to leave, not giving Skan a chance to explain anything. Blinded partly by rage and partly by anguish, he didn’t see the pole that was close by and he struck it hard, the pole getting him in the neck just behind his head. He staggered about a bit, disoriented.
“Spider…? you alright?” Skan approached him, cautiously.
Spider looked at him confused a moment, then managed a smile.
“I…think…ARGH!” Spider suddenly howled with pain and reared up onto his tail. His body was convulsing as if being electrocuted…in fact he was somehow being electrocuted, as small arcs of electricity could be seen arcing from his body. His howl was more like a wailing keen as he remained suspended in that pose. After what seemed like an eternity…Spider stopped convulsing and collapsed, unconscious.
“Spider?” Skan approached cautiously – he’d had enough adverse encounters with electricity to know what it could do to you – and dropped to one knee beside the crossbreed’s insensate form, checked for a pulse… There it was, although unsettlingly faint. The smell of charred and burnt flesh was evident and made him gag. Looking on Spider’s neck he found a large burn mark, right behind his head; apparently this was where the source of the ‘attack’ came from… but he wasn’t sure. It wasn’t long until the clan came running.
“Spider!” Shriek cried as she ran up and embraced his unconscious form, “What… what happened?”
“Ain’t sure…” Skan shook his head, baffled. “Looked like he got electrocuted…”
"There is nothing I can do..." Invy said with a sad shake of her head, "Is there a healer near by?"
"Medcentre ain't far." The older slig said, "But it's gettin' him there..."
With a concerted effort from several other townsfolk, they were able to transport Spider to Medcentre. The clan could do nothing but wait, while Doctor Simvass – the surgeon currently on duty – operated on him.
Shriek refused to leave the door; she laid right next to it, as close as she could possibly get to the operating theatre, right across the corridor, snout pressed against the door, whining. That was to the obvious annoyance to the medical staff that were trying to get in and out of that part of the hospital, though they sympathized with her at the same time.

Skan had shown the rest of the clan to the nearby waiting room, although it hadn’t been built for such large creatures and so was a fraction too small for all of them… They were too worried to really do anything other than wait... oh and how the waiting was agonizing! A concerned few of the townspeople came by once in a while – mostly the ones that had been helped with rebuilding work – to see if there were any updates... but there was no word at all.
Finally, just as it was starting to get dark, Bas stepped out... looking both relieved and exhausted.
"Is he alright?" Shriek asked, whining slightly, her eyes full of worry.
The rest of the clan approached and waited eagerly for Bas' answer….

[ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: Dragadon ]

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