people who are open minded will not take issue with people who have piercings, but very closed minded, conservative people will avoid them like a heap of sewage on a warm day
Phew! That means I'm safe; I have some good friends who have piercings.
Most blondes do act stupid. Whether they are naturally stupid, or pretend to be stupid to fit the stereotype, a lot of the ones I know do act stupid. Same with men and sex. Being a guy myself, I can honestly say that I think with my dick. And girls are gossip. Although even I like to gossip
And a lot of the blondes I know
don't act stupid. I mean, sure they may have done the odd silly thing in their lives, but tell me this, who hasn't? Even if most blondes
are stupid, which I'm not going to completely dismiss, the key word is
most. As you said, if people don't apply stereotypes to people before getting to know them, there's no problem, but there are a lot of people out there who don't follow that. Which is what I'm getting at.
As for the guys are only interested in sex bit, I can't speak for anyone but myself. It would be a big lie to say I've never had any thoughts at all related to sex, but I can say that when socializing with people, said thoughts have not even entered my mind.
It's possible that I'm part of a minority, but that doesn't justify that generalization.
Finally, the girls are gossips one can't be disproved by myself, not being a girl (obviously), so come on, forumers, surely there at least one of you here who doesn't make a regular habit of gossiping but is a girl?
As long as you don't apply stereotypes to everyone you meet without first talking to them or getting to know them, they can be a source of entertainment.
I pretty much agree with you here. I have even used the occasional generalization before as a joke, but never in a situation where it might be interpreted as being serious.