The controversy is there because some fear that if stem cell research from aborted fetuses is allowed, women looking for money will have abortions in order to sell their dead fetus for stem cell research. I'd say that's what has the "religious nuts" getting so worried; they're afraid the selling of aborted fetuses will take place, meaning children will be murdered for money in their opinion.
I don't even think most activists have considered that. Every time I flip on the news, it's always someone like Jerry Falwell (who, for the record,
is a total nut job) simply arguing that the problem is, like sligster said, that "fetuses will be killed for science." I've always thought that was kinda silly, considering the loss of human life has never stopped misguided people from killing themselves and others in the name of God for "positive" gain.
But, to be perfectly honest, your argument is much more convincing, Ambi. I hadn't even thought of it that way... and if certain women start to become "Embryo Factories" for money, like you hinted at, then this whole thing could become a lot more questionable.
But yeah... nose stuff. Awesome?