Yes, I was going to make this topic, but I'm such a lazy ass. One of the best games I have ever played. Definitely the best game I've played for the Xbox.
Now where's Nepharski?
You and me both, it would seem.
"Well, I've reviewed your charts, and I'm afraid we're going to have to remove that brain...strap it, into an armored battle tank...and make it shoot down innocent civilians with it's
concentrated psychic death beam!!! The good news is, your insurance will cover the whole thing."
PsychoNauts is, in brief...a masterpiece. Nothing short of genius. How would one desribe it? Imagine a Tim Burton-esque world inwhich Sigmund Frued and Monty Python melded together.
All sensationalism aside, though, it's a great game. I don't want to spoil the plot or anything, but Double Fine has succeed at creating, "depth," in characters. You'll feel for the cast as you unlock their pasts and memories...even one of the villians will pull on your heartstrings.
The only excuse not to by this game is...wait, there isn't any.
Aaaaaand, that's my product placement for the day.

Reports of my death have been somewhat exaggerated.
"Is my species of consequence to you now, Mustang? Did you really want my position that badly? Although I can appreciate the vanity of ambition, you should have spent more time planing. Even if you had somehow pulled this off, the counsil would have found you out, and they'd never let an assassin back into their fold." - Pride, FullMetal Alchemist