Wow, all the people who came here. What an honour
First I need to reply to some questions and notes before I'm getting to post a new pic.
Raisin: Sorry, I have never heard of The Gathering and I can't really imagine that. Is it a company or just a website? I mean earning money in my course of studies doesn't sound bad. I still don't have an own computer in Leipzig and it's not easy to get online because of pressure of time, so I don't had any chances to collect informations about such things. Could you give me a link to it or such? I want to see what it is exactly.
Thanks to Alcar. We'll take photos of the presentation. I can post them into the same topic. But it will take 87 days until I can get here again. I hope to get the computer I want. If yes, you can see me earlier here. I need to take photos of the calendar because my scanner is too small for the size of the sheets
To Abby: Hey, glad to see you here! We rarely see us on MSN, but it's great to meet you here!
Deviant Art sounds interesting. I always loved your art and the way you use colours (Karismacolours aren't available in Germany, I fought for them on eBay...
I think of joining Deviant Art. That sounds funny.
The following picture is a re-designed Pegasus by me. I thought of nature colours again. I like brown feathers and fur - so, why not using these colours for Pegasus?
Let's see if you like it also: