How funny to see the new funny art contest here.
Actually I never laugh when I'm alone but your pictures are just amusing!
1.) Abe's Secret weapon:
4/5 (because of the tremendous cloud of gas!)
2.) Pin Cusion Fuzzle:
1/5 (the graphic is good, but it looks too normal for a Fuzzle's life)
3.) Sloggy clean-Up Mud:
4/5 (it would be funnier if the dunghill were bigger, but it's cute)
4.) The Suicidal Mudokon:
4/5 (The exploding head is the funniest thing of the pic)
5.) Glukkon:
4/5 (his belly looks so disgusting
6.) OddPark:
5/5 (Hahahaha!!!!
7.) Abe's fries:
5/5 (I have to say the same like in 6)
8.) Slig Pants:
4/5 (I hope he'll find another pants, which fit
9.) Upside Down Slig Pants:
? (It's hard for me to identify the meaning or the character...sorry)
10.) Hungry Fuzzle:
4/5 (hah! I like the crying face of the Mudokon - especially his teeth. LOL)
Ok, that's it. I hope to see more funny art!