Hello everybody! For the past month or so we've been locked out of Oddworld forums but now we're back I can finally start posting my next fic, Amy. For any new readers who don't know, this story is the sequal to my first fic, Splat, Which can be found here:
I started writing that one about 6 years ago and finished it about 6 months ago so it's pretty uneven. The writing at the start isn't great, i know, but it gets better as the story progresses (I'm working on an edited version but with my exams looming i hardly have time to write anything right now though i will be trying my absolute hardest to keep this and my other Oddworld fic updated.)
The other thing I wanted to say was that several aspects of the plot of Splat have been changed. The main one being that Splat doesn't actually invent stuff but has stolen the plans and ideas from the industrialists. I tried my hardest to make the older version work but it was one of my very first ideas from when i was about 7 and it just didn't fit.
But enough of my rambling: you're here for the fic and that's waht I'm here to give you! So, without further ado (or adon't
) here it is: AMY!
"Built a bit out of the way isn’t it?" President Martor grunted, gazing out of the window of the train at the comparatively small building: illuminated orange by the artificial light that surrounded the factory in the dark evening. Only one train line ran to and from the building. Nothing could be seen but endless stretches of dark sand disappearing over all the horizons, apart for the crumbling ruins of a vast wall heading from East to West just above the factory (a wall that had once split the whole of Mudos from Glucose - continent of the Glukkons.)
"You’re dead, remember Martor? How would it appear if you suddenly rose from the grave?"
Martor grunted again in response. His companion in the carriage went on: "You’re lucky to be alive anyway, after failing to capture the terrorist, 0784556, despite having him pass right…
above your nose and loosing the whole laquameety chain in one day!" Martor grunted once again. "Still, two weeks here with
her Martor. Do it well and we’ll have a position opened for you in the Cartel. Screw it up and, well…" The glukkon did a pretty good mime of being hung by the neck. Martor grunted again.
Two weeks with Amy under his nose: the girl with the world record for the highest number of escape attempts? (Ok, none had ever come close to succeeding but still?) And with no trouble what so ever from cranky sligs
or terrorists? Martor grunted.
Please reply! Read Splat first if necessary: a lot of people who i hope will read this would recommend it!