Back Story:
It began a long time ago on a distant land named Sails. Sails, a vast continent with the most exotic oddworld inhabitants in existance, and was a place of ongoing warfare. For most of the inhabitants went into hideing from a ruthless, powerful, god like race known as the Gargaznoo. The Gargaznoo wanted to control everything and everybody. They were giants and all the inhabitants feared this great race, for they did ruthless deeds resulting in mass slavery and warfare. Zar the king of the ancient Gargaznoo wanted to take Sails for himself. But he couldn't because the only way to control Sails was to become a god and destroy the powerful Alpha Glukkons. But he would not know how he would go about doing this until the day of fate came to him.
It was the day of the arrival of the mysterious monolyh. A black rectangular object of incredible power. This monolyth possesed great powers and was a liveing being. The Gargaznoo captured it and named it Argos. Argos was a cerious monolyth whome studied the many races of Oddworld on its travels. It even studied the cultures of Mudos on many occasions. But Argos also had the ability to clone things it studied on its travels. With this uneque skill the Gargaznoo took advantage of it. Zar needed a weapon to strike back at the Alpha Glukkons and Argos was the key.
The Alpha Glukkons unlike their Mudos cousins were of good nature. Their phisical appearence was even different than their Mudos cousins. They were warrors and they stood for peace.
Zar started to forge a relec from the body of Argos and formed the Omega Relec. The weapon that will destroy the Alpha Glukkons. Out of this relec, Zar used Argos's cloneing skills and managed to create a new race. He wanted to use a race that were slaves so he went to Argos and foced the monolyth to produce a Mudokin clone. Zar named it Klorn the Dark Mudokin.
Following this creation more Dark Muds were being cloned from Argos.
These Mudokons were peer evil and ruthless. But they were slaves to the Gargaznoo. Klorn the smartest Dark Mud was a bit too intelligant to be a slave to giants. So Klorn gathered his kind and became independant of themselves. He wanted the power inwhich the Gargaznoo possessed. Then one day Klorn murdered Zar and the slaughter began. Soon the Gargaznoo were out matched by their creation and thus they were destroyed. The dark Muds took over and became an advance society who would intern bring the cycle of violence like the Gargaznoo to the races of Sails.
Klorn now the leader of the Dark Muds wanted to become a mother to the Drak Mud much like Zar to the Gargaznoo. He took the relec and with it transformed himself into a powerful Dark Mudokon egg layor where now the Dark Muds would be cloned from Klorn and not the Monolyth of Argos. Argos was abandon and forgotten and the Relec was lost. But Klorn knew that if anyone were to find the Relec and forge it back into Argos he would be destroyed. But what the Dark Muds dident know was Argos wanted a champion. He remembered on his occasional travels of the Mudokins of Mudos and how potentially spiritual they were. For they were the Monolyth's only hope in bringing peace to Sails.
This is the story of Oddworld Conquest of the Lost Continent.
Last edited by paramiteabe; 11-17-2004 at 06:42 AM..