Ah, yes. But that would mean the staff have to make the judgement on whether a member is a good member or not.
Isn't that what you're supposed to do anyway? I mean, the staff already decides if a post warrants a warning or not; why not step out of this veil of indecision and actually decide if a person is a good member? Why should a mere three posts determine a members worth? Mods are elected because of their good judgment. Therefore, they should
judge... not on a couple of irrelevant conversations or two-word posts, but what the member in question has actually contributed to the community.
Directed at the "rebels," not Alcar: Like it or not, forums
ARE dictatorships. At the very least, we're an oligarchy. We elect our leaders and provide feedback as to whether or not they're doing a good job.
That should be more than enough! These pathetic notions of "total" democracy and "revolution" have no place in a privately-owned website. If people would quit acting like total smacktards, we wouldn't have this problem.
Directed at Alcar: I apologize. I've totally done a 180 and shifted from "libertarian" to "nazi." But my opinion still stands. I'm sorry, but all of this talk of your "questionable" modship and "new" rules seems useless to me, although I do applaud your taking initiative to please the masses, Alcar.
Look, the point is that we shouldn't have to adhere to these lame systems for bannings/warnings/whatever. If a person is a little bitch, tell them to shut the fu
ck up. If they continue in excess, maybe another nudge is in order; but beyond that, screw 'em. A 24 hour/week (depending on the offense) ban should get the damn point across. On the other hand, if they are a perfectly contributive member just having a spot of fun, I see no problem as long as they aren't disrupting conversation constantly.
However, I note my wrongness in suggesting a non-counting spam forum. I see that it would take away from OT now that (whoever) mentioned it. Sorry. I must sound like a total bitch. I haven't had a good strong stance on
anything at the forums for a quite a while.
EDIT: I second Jacob's notion of potentially banned members having a chance to speak for their actions... although I have no idea how such a method would be implemented.