I only need to know three things.
Where can I find him?
What does he look like?
What are you paying?
I'll be over to kick some ass when you tell me.
Seriously, though, younger siblings are a PAIN IN THE ASS. I feel that using all capitals here is neccesary, as it expresses my point much better.
I am the oldest of four children. I am sixteen, my sisters are fifteen and seven, and my brother just turned thirteen. It is sort of my unwritten responsibilty to keep them out of mischief and on task, because if one of them slips out of line, four out of five times gets me in trouble. Or at least scolded.
Haylee, the 7-year-old, has a severe attitude problem. Her father (my soon-to-be stepfather) doesn't discipline her as much as Mom (or I, for that matter) thinks she needs.
Anyways. Enough of Dave's life for today
