If you have been having trouble getting on the net lately, it may be because of a new virus. Here are the fixes:
Windows XP fix:
Press Ctrl + Alt + Del.
Go to the processes list.
Look for Avserve.exe or Avserve2.exe
Go to start - search - then type in a search in all files and folders for Avserve.exe or Avserve2.exe - you should turn up the file in the C:\windows directory.
With the processes list still open, end the Avserve.exe or Avserve2.exe process from the processes list by right clicking on it, and selecting "end process". Once this is done, quickly right click on the Avserve.exe or Avserve2.exe search result, and select "delete". Once the application is sent to the recycle bin, you should empty it, to prevent it respawning.
Windows 98 fix:
Do a search for Avserve.exe, if you find nothing, your computer is not infected.
If the search turns up positive results, delete the file. Windows should not tell you that the file is in use by windows, but if it does, press Ctrl + Alt + Del and end task Avserve.exe. If the file does not appear in the task list, you can use the program "enditall" to kill the avserve.exe process. This will remove the application from the memory and processor, and allow you to delete the file without being told that it's in use.
The enditall program is not native to Windows 98, you will have to download it
Other running systems:
On all other running systems with the exception of MAC OS, try to do the above - at the end of the day the application can only attempt to make it harder for the user to detect, and will not survive a manual delete.