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.: Day Two :.
Three Polack's came into the village today, they talked little about the problems that they faced and were more interested in brutalising the USSR regeme. They told us, in quite good English, about things called gulags, death camps like those in the holocaust! They were taken away shortly afterwards.
We noted that there were no new papers today, just re-prints of old ones, someone said that soon the newspapers will stop writing due to a government lock down on free media. Such a shame that the Daily Mail won't be able to post their paranoid bull any more.
We're taking the car down to Hastings tomorrow, Sussex is such a nice place and we are deciding to visit the family. Luther doesn't want to go, he hates my parents but I told him that one day when we get married he'll have to at least endure them so it's best to get practice at pretending to like them.
I thought I was pregnant last night, a real shocker, the last time I ever buy one of those 99p tests. They should be scandalised!