Yeah, the short ones are mostly the creepiest.
The more ambiguous/mysterious something is, the more terrifying it tends to be. Thus the most effective creepypastas are the ones that are basically like "we don't know, but if you see it... fucking run".
These urban legends of haunted episodes would be more effective if they applied to shows that weren't already infamous for their darkness/weirdness. This is why Suicide Mouse is more effective than Dead Bart or Ren's Suicide, because Mickey Mouse is the poster boy for family friendly media. He's never provocative or pushes the envelope, he doesn't tackle real issues like death or depression. He's just a smiling cartoon mascot thinly veiling an evil corporation.
The hyper-realistic drawings described in Dead Bart are used by cartoons like Ren & Stimpy and Spongebob to accentuate a certain gross/disturbing/funny object of interest. Example:
The Simpsons never did this, but it's cool to deconstruct where this guy who supposedly witnessed Dead Bart got his ideas. Out of context, some of these images could be very disturbing, especially if you applied some kind of long-winded explanation as to why it's the work of the devil.