About the Scrabanian Temple...yeah, that bit sucks, but it's a matter of method. I'd recommend practicing it first.
And you know, the rocks that stick out? You can hide behind them, just like in AE. The reason I'm saying that is, I didn't notice that until about 3 months ago.
Also by the end, when you have to deactivate the UXB, deactivate it quickly, just as you roll into the screen. The Slig won't shoot you if you do it quickly enough. It's three red and one green, if my memory doesn't fail (me is too lazy to check back on walkthrough). Then, roll to the leftmost edge of the screen, stand behind that giant rock, and chant. The orb is going to strike you down (it won't if you crouch, by the way), but the Sligs are going to go all crazy and not pay attention to you for a while.
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough
"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way." -ILoveHammy