this is a few weeks old or proably months... i can't remember... it's almost november Ö__Ö
i had this on twitter, then on dA... I'm not sure if i uploaded this here...
but now I'll add a little teaser just in case i have uploaded this crappy thing already xD
sorry for the watermark...
you remember Ramón from my story RainSlig...which i haven't written yet right?
The animation is crappy i admit, the thunder ends too abruptly.
And the Slig ...the sketch is crappy. Does anyone remember, which old drawing i used?
.......R A I N · S L I G .......
The Daily Deception reports that Sam's successor, the
current Mudokon Princess has finally been found and
brought back to VL after being lost for 2 years.
In a snowy night, on the pavement between skyscrapers and
whirring luminous advertising, an existance that shouldn't be,
is heaving himself out of a waste container.
Meanwhile the leader of the gang "
a Mudokon with a Red-Black striped top-hat,
arranges his plan to take over the city.
Five years later a Slig, named Scar, starts his new Job
as a guard at the Southern Saw Mills. Here he hopes
to forget his past and find some peace.
But a mysterious series of murders occur,
and suddenly Scar is the main suspect...
Till one night, in a heavy rainstorm,
an accident changes everything.
characters that have already appeared in drawings:
Scar, Splint, Seven, Eight, the Nameless, Ramón,
Cyborg Mudokon, Lefty
it will take me a long time till i can start this comic,
but i already look forward to it.
........................................ ♠ ........................................
certain information about the story might change anytime.
© scipionyx
now I'd love to explain something certain, but if I do, I'll spoil
what I have now arranged hopefully well in your minds... :c