[...]They're being much more responsive than most other devs, I'll give them that much.[...]
They're being responsive.
Most aren't, they just don't care or they do too little and too late
MO's crashed for me too. Twice. I haven't even made it out of Raisen's cave yet! The first room! It crashed when I walked around the edges and tried jumping up the wall, and then when I put the game on the second time, it crashed when I jumped and fell off the wooden platforms and crash landed on the ground below.
For me as well. However, once i exited the cave, everything worked ok. I haven't yet played much mind you, just up to the point where we reach munch
Changing the properties of Munch.exe to match this http://i.imgur.com/J9UN7.png might help those who can't get past the first stage without it crashing. It made the problem less occuring for me.
Also, to those having problems, try setting the affinity of the game to one or two cores, no more than that. Ofcourse this is directed to those who have quad core processors