All the material for what I've built so far has been gathered - It'd be rather pointless otherwise, IMO. The only "cheat" I've used is sticking it on "Peaceful" to regain my health, then putting it back to "Normal" immediately afterwards, when down dungeons where I can't find food. The minecart rail system at the beginning of the vid isn't complete yet 'cause I don't have enough iron. :P
This is the quarry where the majority of the stone came from to build my first castle, compared to it when seen briefly in my first minecraft vid (yes, same map):
For my second castle I've mined the stone from a really, really long tunnel a few blocks down into the hillside underneath it. It's what all the furnaces briefly seen in the basement are for.
As for cartographers that are compatible with the new maps, you may find this list on the Wiki useful - I had a look at it earlier but haven't tried anything yet: