Ah, thank you BM.
Now about the Stranger thing. I seriousily think that it is not important to know his previous name, if he had one, since the current one is perfect. It explains the mystery that always lurk everyone and the darkness in his past, present, and future. Now on the other hand, Stranger probably had one at one point, but chose to rename himself for secret reasons. Probably because he either a. wanted to keep his real name away from any Wolvarks or Outlaws that are familiar with Steef names or b. didn't want Grubbs to know that his name, since they are very familiar with Steef names. He probably didn't want anyone pestering him about his name. Also, he won't reveal later since no one will regonize the new Stranger, and that he probably doesn't want the Grubbs to know that he avoided to help them.
Last edited by Slaveless; 10-29-2006 at 06:00 AM..