I'm not an insider; Dinnerbone just hangs out on IRC and asked in there for people to name some nice colours. I suppose I do know him better than the vast majority of the Minecraft playerbase, but the channel does have a number of other regulars as well.
I hope you forwarded Phylum's lovely shade as an option?
"I'm staunchly atheist, I simply don’t believe in God. But I'm still Catholic, of course. Catholicism has a much broader reach than just the religion. I'm technically Catholic, it's the box you have to tick on the census form: 'Don't believe in God, but I do still hate Rangers..'"
Even better, they should be helmets that have unique enchantment options. Creeper healms could have a higher level for blast-resistance and the skeleton could enchant the helm with arrow infinity rather than the bow.
Note that in after the next update they won't drop random armour, they'll have a change of dropping the armour they're wearing.
In the latest snapshot they also drop potatoes and carrots, but I think that may just be a temporary thing until there's some other way to obtain them.
Last edited by enchilado; 08-29-2012 at 05:51 AM..
Played for the first time today. Built a dirt house, got mobbed, and proceeded to dig out the entire hill it stood on so mobs couldn't get up. Now iron mining in the cavern beneath my floating mud-fortress.
Long-term goal: Nice castle in the middle of a lake.
You do realise that you can still play in Tekkit using only normal Minecraft items, don't you? All un-modded Minecraft mechanics still work as they've always done.
Actually, try the latest snapshot on a new world in hard difficulty. It's really fun. Rare loot mobs just make everything more interesting. Also, carrots and pig transport. Reinvigorated my interest in Vanilla Minecraft and tore me away from Hack Slash Mine.
I can go back to normal Minecraft. I've also been trying out the snapshots and loving them.
Tekkit actually stresses me out more then anything; so playing Vanilla minecraft is a break from all those darn machines!
Items should stack automatically? There was a mod in the early YogBox that added a sort button to the inventory screen, but I don't know if that's still around. I never found it too useful. You'll learn to sort by mouse fairly efficiently before long.
As someone who's been playing Minecraft for a while I can't stress how inconvenient I found that mod. I never really struggled with inventory management after my first month or two of playing, but now I'm getting really good at it. All of my storage setups now involve placing certain items in certain spaces of chests and I generally use specific inventory slots for certain things. That mod only got in the way.