The running bug is fixed in the latest patch, at least on my machine I'm not having trouble with it anymore. I can't remember what the solution was...
Hmm, apparently the problem was nothing to do with movement assuming a a framerate of 30 FPS like I thought. It was to do with floating points. (If you don't know, computers aren't very good at calculating decimal numbers. You could tell a computer to calculate 1 + 1 and it wouldn't be shocking for it to return 1.99823.) Apparently an optimization we were using took approximations too far, resulting in the bugged movement. We're no longer using that optimization.
Aw heck I just noticed that I never unlocked the achievement for finishing the game on Normal. Instead I got the Easy achievement somehow?
You think that is annoying?
I completed it on hard and bountied well over 250 alive and didn't get any achievements from that first Gloktigi battle or onwards.
My first thought was that it was something to do with achievements being out of sync, as in, you're supposed to unlock one achievement but it actually unlocks the one next to it (Steam refers to a game's achievements by a list of consecutive numbers). This was a problem with some of the later achievements in the original PC release.
But no, it's something to do with Steam not recognizing itself as being online. It used to be that Steam had to be online for any achievements to unlock, but we can now cache them: your Steam installation will now recognize you've unlocked the correct achievements and tell central Steam the next time you start Steam in online mode with a working Internet connection.
Don't ask me how it was unlocking any achievements at all despite allegedly being offline. Point is, it seems to work since we made them offline.