I'm reloading the guns, people.
If you were blind in an open field with a gun with one bullet and you knew there was a man that would kill you if you didnt shoot first would you stand there second guessing yourself and get killed or would you take a blind shot hoping to hit something. me personally I would rather take the shot
You are presuming a man where there is no evidence of one. Listen. Taste the air. You are alone.
Come off it. The people seeking the origin of the universe are working on just as much faith as any Muslim.
Have another look. I'm not going to explain the scientific method again.
well my analigies may have some flaws but again a falt in me not my religion, human error is in all religions simply because no human is perfect, the relgion itself is still divine it is the people who are portraying it that are in error
Religion is nothing
but human error. Cutting right to the core of Christianity, for instance. The whole Jesus thing: what I find there is some of the most insulting, horrific and immoral teachings I have ever heard. It is utterly disgusting.
although you are correct in one area, most people say it is because nobody is good but I find that a little hard to wrap my head around, evan if that is so I fail to see how 1 lifetime of sin warrents an eternaty of torment
Take that doubt and run with it. It will serve you well.
it comes down to this though, religion requires faith, some people are lacking or were never fortunate enough to be brought up into a religious family.
That is as insulting as it is ridiculous. "Brought up in a religious family". Which religion? Yours? Do you not think it odd that almost everyone believes in the religion that they were born in? Is this chance occurrence really sufficient to believe in one over another? It is so arrogant and egocentric. It implies that your religion is the right one
because you were born into it. Or else that you are otherwise so special that your god would not have permitted you to be born into the wrong one. It's ridiculous. It's arbitrary. It's not enough to keep the mind alive.
Yes, religion requires faith. And that is its most damning aspect.