Welcome back BTG, long time no post.
How is your game going so far then?
I still can't work on my game (laptop needs to be fixed) but right now I'm working on sprites, and they're going okay, but I still am having trouble on making running and walking sprites for my scrab.
also everyone this is a
If someone can can make scrab running and walking sprites plz. PM me
and this is also a sneak peak post
sneak peak posts can include demos, sprites I'm using in the game, level designs, the games storyline or ideas for levels.
okay, right now I'm thinking about adding in some bonus levels, that you can unlock if you save a certain amount of lab experiments (this is what you save instead of mudokuns)
example: if you rescue 1 LE you get prize 1, if you rescue 5 LE you get prize 1 and prize 2.
some bonus levels I'm thinking of are the abe challenge levels, in these you get to be abe and save the mudokuns, and no it will not be part of the slig assasin story, it will just be something that's kind of like a mini-game. another one I'm thinking of is adopt a slog, were you get to adopt a slog and play games with it, like fetch, chase, kill the mudokuns, and more, this will also be kind of like a mini-game and will not have anything to do with the slig assasin game.
so does anyone else have some ideas for mini-games? also I'm not sure about the adopt the slog thing, so what do yall think about it, is it good or is it bad.
by the way joshkrz the image below is the "glimmer" that I PM'd you about.