For all those who didn't know and gives a shit would be pleased to know that Randy Blythe wasn't charged for the death of that young chap.
"I'm staunchly atheist, I simply don’t believe in God. But I'm still Catholic, of course. Catholicism has a much broader reach than just the religion. I'm technically Catholic, it's the box you have to tick on the census form: 'Don't believe in God, but I do still hate Rangers..'"
Kind of excited for the new Empire of the Sun album and this was a cool way of unveiling it. I always liked most of their songs, don't know why. They're sort of relaxing.
My school's choir is doing a tour of Europe at the end of the year. When we're in Germany and Austria we'll be singing this.
We're also singing 99 Luftbaloons.
We make up for our pisstaking by singing this. This is the same girl that sings 99 Luftbaloons, but the song is really, really old. Older than Oddjob, maybe.
A friend and I were discussing music that epitomised our childhoods...we came to the conclusion it's a lot of trance, dance, primordial techno, rap and hip hop.
Man, this music is sitting in the back of a Vauxhall Astra on a sunny day, sneaking downstairs at 7AM to play Premier League Stars on the PS1 and Oddworld in the late summer evening.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.
Ooh boy I've been waiting for someone to bump this thread. i have tasty jams to share.
real pretty electronic dance/nerdy computer music. brings the geek
angry tuff guy hard-raging metal/punk. PIONEERS
one of the most crushingly terrifying tracks i've heard in a while, if you want to feel what it's like to be buried by ten tons of aural sludge listen to this
gloomy band name fits gloomy band music
i had my hair cut. it feels good now
boards of canada added upon edit (lol weezer isn't electronic wtf!) because boards of canada fucking rule.