When you're in the bounty store and trying to buy ammo, the currently selected ammo's icon is highlighted all the time; there's no difference when it's selected or unselected. That means it is difficult to know when to press right and left to change the number.
Could you explain in better detail what you mean by this. I'm not sure how the 'currently selected' ammo can be 'selected or unselected'.
I spotted two ammo nests (one Stunks and the other Thudslug) in the junkyard that work fine when you first go past them, but if you backtrack and try to collect ammo from them later, nothing comes out. Not sure if that's a bug or some wierd gameplay thing that I'm not realising though. I can get screenshots to identify which ones I mean if you want them.
Ammo nests aren't limitless resources. They can dry out if you tap them for long enough.
One more possible bug. I say 'possible' because it might been like this in the original game; I can't remember.
The music cuts in and out quite erratically. The most consistent situation in which I've noticed it is that it switches immediately on sucking up the last enemy in an area from 'Danger' music to 'Background Actiony' music without any fade or transition. It seems to happen some other times as well, such as when I'm in an area without enemies and the atmospheric music cuts out and restarts. Sometimes it happens when I quicksave as well.
Probably something to do with the audio system being ported from XACT to FMOD. FMOD can't do everything XACT could, so there have been a few compromises in dynamic...ness.
I don't know what it is about my computer that I'm getting all the bugs, but here's two more.
The first might be related to the one I mentioned in the previous post. The sound of waterfalls (which appear a few times through the game) cuts in and out immediately. There is no gradual fading in and out; it's immediately deafeningly loud and stays that volume until I get a certain distance away, then it disappears.
We'll look into it.
Since I arrived in the dam, I can't load in-game. Going from the main menu on start works fine, but if I try to load from the pause menu it crashes.
We'll look into it.
On my one it I press play and then it shows the Stranger's Wrath HD loading screen for about 2 seconds and then it goes black. It stays like that. I can hear the noises and everything and when I must be hovering my mouse over buttons it makes a noise like I am but I just can't see it.
Fixed - a bit. I don't understand the technical stuff behind this, but it's to do with 'uniforms'. Stranger HD uses 192 uniforms, but your hardware can't handle that many. OpenGL 2.1 must support
at least 96 uniforms, but hardware manifacturers can include support for many more.
Therefore we have nVidia users with OGL 2.1 not having any problems because their hardware supports at least 192 uniforms. Intel chipsets tend to support the 96 bare minimum.
We've made some changes so that things like the game and menu now work no matter how many uniforms you have. However, skinned characters (Stranger, NPCs and I think ammo) use all 192 uniforms. If your hardware doesn't support that, there's not really anything we can do about it.
OpenGL 3.0 and greater supports enough uniforms as standard. If you can switch to OpenGL 3.0 and greater, do it, because Stranger's Wrath HD isn't the only game affected by this. OGL 2.1 is over 7 years old now.