And your post is full of crap. These people are following their teachings properly, and you have provided jack shit evidence to back up your PC lala land garbage.
Dude who the f*ck are you to say if a Muslim followes his believe properly?! Your version of the Qur'an is an internet page that is probably created after 9/11 and which may or may not be biased, though I'm pretty damn sure it is.
You want to be able to have an opinion about Islam, fine. But don't for a minute think you know everything there is to know about the religion unless you have actualy touched a real life, properly translated Qur'an and read whats in there.
First off all I know for a full 100% that you will come across parts you have read on the internet and go 'hey wait a minute, they slightly changed the quotes on those sites... how interesting.'
Secondly I know for sure that after you read through the Qur'an you'd at least agree that while the Qur'an may be more defensive of it's god, many of the texts in there are extremely debatable.
But here you are, shouting all these things about Islam, pulling things from biased websites and not knowing jack sh*t about what you're saying. So as the absolute master in religion bashing, let me teach you a little trick; Know your enemy. If I'm not mistaken it's even a passage in the bible somewhere.
You can not truly hate something or be opposed to something unless you know all the details. I got my 'License to Bash Christianity' because I attended 10 years at a christian oriented school and I actualy did read the bible from start to finnish.
If you want your 'License to Bash Islam' then go buy yourself a Qur'an, attend a Mosque or an Islamic school for a while and get to know the religion from the inside.
Untill then, I do not want to hear another word about Islam from you. What you are doing is guessing and forming opinions from things other guessing people are saying.
It's one thing to have an opinion. It's something totaly different to have a valid one.