Hey Steamer, what'd you think of Epicloud? Pretty underwhelming, for me. It had some decent songs, but nothing that really brings me back to listen again like his other albums. Wasn't nearly as epic or loud as I expected.
Yeah, it wasn't that "epic". It was a rather soft approach to rock and metal. Apart from "Kingdom" and "Where We Belong" on Epicloud, it was a bit "meh". It's not bad, by any means, but isn't Ziltoid or Ki, or even Addicted! for that matter. I know what he was trying to do, gather some musics that were influenced by the last four albums and make one completely new, but I guess it didn't work for me.
Now, EPICLOUDER, the 2nd CD of Epicloud, has some neat gems, like "Quietus", "Love Tonight", "The Mind WASP", "Woah NO!" and "Socialization", making it more heavier and Devin-like. I've yet to listen "Epicloud", "Cry Forever" and "Take My Ego", but I doubt it'll make my views change that much.