Okay, let's think:
OWI polled the audience asking if Abe is either Angry, Sad, Wired or Sick on the released eye-screenshot.
Judging from the fact that the reflection in Abe's eye is probably what he sees right now and the cause of his emotion, what could cause any of the 4 choices? It resembles fire and the spikes on the right of the reflection looks like Paramonia.
We still do not have the right answer, so it's just a guessing game right now:
Angry: We never really see Abe angry in Exoddus if I remember correctly. The only instance I remember is the "angry" command that makes Abe slap Mudokons or sligs. There are some locations where it's necessary to slap people for example the laughing gas pretty much at the start of the game.
Sad: Mudokons get sad when they see other mudokons die and will continue to kill themselves if they see multiple mudokons dying (Which was so horrifying looking at as a child, Lorne wtf?). The "desert exodus" seems to take a more important role, based on what I read in some interviews so far, maybe the fire is linked to the desert, Abe sees mudokons dying of thirst and get's sad. The story will get a darker tone than Exoddus, so that may be likely.
Wired: This is the only emotion I have not really an idea for... Could also be linked to the exodus or Soulstorm Brew.
Sick: This one is most likely connected to Soulstorm Brew. As far as I know, Abe is immune to the sickness caused by the Brew and will, as you all know, gain the ability to heal his friends. But I don't remember fire being there or Paramonia/Mudomo involved.
I think he is not looking directly at us, we rather see his left eye (from Abe's POV) and the left side of his head.