John Carter. I think the reviews were quite unfair.
The reviews felt to me like the reviewers didn't do their research. One of the major complaints was "It's been done so many times before". John Carter was one of the first Sci Fi stories that everyone else copied from. Why it was one of the last stories to get the cinema treatment is beyond me, but that certainly explains why everything about the movie probably felt strangely familiar.
I haven't seen it, and probably won't, but that's my two cents on the critical response.
I recently watched the Season 2 finale of Face Off, that show I mentioned earlier. The final challenge was kind of dumb, and I could tell from the start who was going to win. A pretty disappointing season, to say the least. The first was so much better. Apparently a third season is airing this summer. I look forward to see what they come up with next. I hope they put the emphasis more on prosthetics than body painting, like in S1.