Yeah, Long Song Title! is amazing, one of my favourite songs on the album for sure. A stand out track.
I just find there are quite a few tracks that don't really stand out the way some others do on Illinoise!; it feels imballanced at times. I love it, but it has a few issues. Or I haven't heard it enough.
He certainly is a fantastic writer, and there is some beautiful stuff on Silver and Gold so far. The only other album I have of his is Illonoise. I really need to find money to get some more.
I had a huge conversation with my friend about how beautiful The Predatory Wasp of the Palisades Is Out to Get Us! is on Monday. I keep getting urges to listen to it ever since then. It's so pretty.
This was my favorite Suntan Sveltenson song for a long time. That is, until he put out this:
My cousin lent me all of his Sufjan CDs, so now I have The Age of Adz, Michigan, The Avalanche and Songs for Christmas.
I've listened to Age of Adz first, because I wasn't sure what I'd think of it. Stylistically it isn't the kind of thing I listen to and the thought of electronic drums put me off.
I loved it. It was absolutely fantastic. I started listening to it again after giving that last song about a minute to soak in.
If you haven't already, listen to this song. Seriously.
I would but I asked for that CD for Christmas and don't want to spoil anything.
Funny, I'm actually listening to Michigan right now. It's really great so far. Really conjures up imagery of tall trees, long, winding roads, and busy cities. Great album.
I think Seven Swans is my favourite Sufjan record so far, though. It's just so soothing.
I do actually like Massive Attack, heard one of their tracks from Snatch if I remember correctly. The intro especially, the singing got on my nerves a bit though. Nevertheless, pretty cool rendition eh?
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.
My cousin lent me all of his Sufjan CDs, so now I have The Age of Adz, Michigan, The Avalanche and Songs for Christmas.
I've listened to Age of Adz first, because I wasn't sure what I'd think of it. Stylistically it isn't the kind of thing I listen to and the thought of electronic drums put me off.
I loved it. It was absolutely fantastic. I started listening to it again after giving that last song about a minute to soak in.
If you haven't already, listen to this song. Seriously.
Impossible Soul is such a bizarre, and amazing song. I love it.
I love Water Curses by AC Probly my fave song from them
Nuff hipster music though... Through the past year I've been listening to a lot of Split Enz.... I cant seem to tire of them. They are simply great and they have such a wide range of stuff. Both typical 80s pop and really weird stuff too. And For their time... Id say their stuff was pretty... out there. (on a fun sidenote, Neil Finn, one of the lead singers, also sings the end credit song for The Hobbit)
Anyway Leaky Boat is where it's at And I simply love the video.
And a bonus.. A song of theirs from 1877:
Now to get booed off stage....
Wil siger (17:13):
Hey, I have massive nuts. :@