Their life essence goes into the sky, resparking life in the form of those green bacteria on the camera..
Beat me to it. But yeah, the ultimate goal of the scientist was left ambiguous.
So, I just saw the monumentally retarded turd that is
Daybreakers. Daybreakers opens with a shot of a sunset, and then a really loud shitty looking CG bat flicks by the screen, which basically summarizes the movie: Loud shit. It was dumb. It was immensely dumb. It was
unstoppably dumb.
See, ten years in the future, vampires have taken over. only 5% of a captured human blood supply is left. So the main character, Edward (Yes, they actually named him that. I wonder if it was a coincidence?) is trying to find an alternative. If you don't get blood, you turn into the scary monster thing from the trailers. Said Scary monster things don't actually do anything bad throughout the entire fucking movie, though, apart from be loud and scary looking.
With the help of some humans, Ed finds the cure for vampirism. It turns out that
if you are exposed to sunlight briefly and then get covered in water, you are human again. .
Yeah, really.