Another good one was Train Martyr>48 Station, Jordan has a mysterious DVD Boxset of it. It's from the early or mid 90's and basically just a really, really long-ass detective story. It didn't use that 90's Anime Jazz that Golden Boy and City Hunter gloriously birthed into the world, but you anticipate it because it's so 90's Anime.
Oh, and it's 90 episodes long. Each episode is 45 minutes, then there's the movie that ties in around episodes 40 to about 50, and another movie that closed the series.
The main character has to follow an elderly man along his tour of Europe and Africa, but I don't think they ever state why. Instead, at about the 6th episode mark, he starts seeing the same people wherever he goes, seemingly making it there before him. It's really engrossing and super interesting, but, you know, almost 100 hours long.
I see you jockin' me.