2 is pretty fucking awesome. I expected it to be different from the first one, but I didn't expect it to be as different as it is. It's a much different experience. In a good way.
It's very hectic, and you feel like you're in a mini horde at all times. The zombies are much more aggressive, and the Special Infected seem to be better at hiding. Plus, the "events" are insane compared to the first.
This is a good thing in campaign mode, but in Versus all those things combined make the infected way overpowered IMO. On multiple occasions we've incapped whole survivor teams almost directly outside the starting saferoom, simply because we had a killer combination of infected. Making it to the saferoom in versus has become rare, it seems.
Oh, and I didn't think Valve had it in them to make the bots even more stupid then they were in L4D1, but they did it. The bots are officially braindead in this game. You can be pinned by a hunter right next to them and they will do absolutely nothing. Heck I've seen bots running through insta-kill fires (you know, the scripted fires when you open a door in the hotel) and another bot running in after him to revive him. It was hilarious and sad both at the same time.