^^ So, he saw that crappy film based on a book about a hypothetical future, that had like the worst spaceship special effects ever?
But back on topic. I want the game ot be back as part of the Quintology, whether that mean's Munch's Exoddus or Squeek's Oddysee (which would probably feature Abe and Munch anyway).
I want it in 3D, but slower paced like the old games.
I want sneaking and Shrykull back. However, I don't want OMG GUNZ. Oddworld games shouldn't be about shooting the Sligs to bits, it should be about running, hiding, and hoping the Industrialists don't blow you away, like the first games.
I want Scrabs acting like Scrabs again. They never used to be in herds, and they never used to roar. They used to be solitary, shrieking things that would rip the limbs off anything that went near it. The rare pack is fine, as such anomalies could concievably happen, but by and large they should be solitary again.
I want some of the hinted environments appearing- Ma' Spa, the place with the Song Engine, Nolybab, and so forth. I also want some of the creatures that haven't been expanded on appearing- Meetles & Mugs, Chroniclers, possibly the weird 1%ers, and possibly SeaRexes. I wouldn't mind seeing a bit more of Maggie, Sam or Skillya as well.
I wouldn't mind a cameo by the SW species, but I'd rather it was set in Cartel Mudos than Stranger's Wrath Mudos, yet at the same time expands to the aforementioned areas.
And finally, I want it more free roaming. Say you want to go to Abe's village and visit lf, you can. Want to check out Monsaic again? Go ahead. Necrum is accessible, the wreckage of the factories Abe has taken out can be visited (maybe even have real-time features with the industrialists working on rebuilding the factories).
In short, I want what first made the Oddworld games great, only bigger, more expanded, and with the new stuff intended but never realised for MO in it.