Okay, I get that that's the official history. I was just saying that I never would have felt it from the games if we hadn't known it from ow.com.
That applies to so many things, though. Who could've figured out that Sligs are impressed by large or exotic weaponry or that Mudokons are playful and fun-loving just by playing the games?
You mean: "Remember, if Vykker's Labs was'nt testing it on Fuzzles, they'd be testing it on you."
Kinda. I meant more that industrial races wouldn't be able to have the medical, pharmaceutical and cosmetic advantages they do now if it weren't for animal testing. That applies to animal testing on Earth, too.
I disagree.
"KILL EM'" sounds a little sadist to me.
They don't sound particularly sadistic when they yell that, they sound more aggressive and angry. Glukkons do enjoy hurting Mudokons, but that's more because they view them as deserving it than it is they take pleasure in the pain inflicting itself.
THat, I agree with. 'Member how the Glukkons wanted ter make Mudokon pops? I'd consider that sadist.
They made meat products out of just about everything that moved. They were taking delight in the Moolah, not the suffering.