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07-03-2005, 01:30 AM
viper19's Avatar
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Dearest 'Dipstikk', on behalf of viper19 - who is a learner driver - a thousand apologies. Instruction in etiquette is underway. Mini Vee appreciates your epic patience in this matter. Won't happen again. Well, if it does, please do apply the usual consequences.
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07-03-2005, 08:25 AM
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don't dubble post
don't spam
don't bring back old topics

I'll be nice this time because you are a new member

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07-07-2005, 09:12 AM
Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
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Fuzzle Pie

Take 4 Fuzzles (Wild, if they're secodn hand from Vykkers labs, then they will have bactieria in them, not what you want for food)
Remove the eyeballs and cut them open, roming the cornea. Then, using a lemon squeezer, twist the eyeball round until all the jelly is out. Store the Jelly in a bowl.
Pluk all the fur from the Fuzzle until bald.
Peel the Fuzzles Skin and mix with Pastry Mix.
Kill the Fuzzle.
Once you have made your pastry, slice up the heart and liver, and put inside the pie to be.
Now take your eye Jelly, and pour it into the pie.
Give it a top, and smuther the top with milk. Then stick the Fuzzle Fur on.

There you have it, your fury fuzzle Pie

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07-12-2005, 03:41 PM
Jarnww's Avatar
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I'd put down a recipe on how to make a mudokon pop, but I think it's a little too violent and obvious.
W@RF RP:It's like a hornets nest exploding in your pants, although a lot more fun!

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07-12-2005, 03:51 PM
big bro boogie
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big bro boogie  (10)

Edit: Half of the post removed, due to change of mood.
Edit2: All of the previous post removed.

I'd put down a recipe on how to make a mudokon pop, but I think it's a little too violent and obvious.
Yeah, I could imagine it. Not a pretty sight.
(This still is a dumb topic.)(That's my opinion.)
--Yours Truly.
---My DevArt.---

Last edited by big bro boogie; 07-12-2005 at 04:29 PM..
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07-12-2005, 04:23 PM
Abeguy's Avatar
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hmm...actulley, you popped it up again and I've never posted here

maybe since some creatures in OW are based off ones here, try this

Meep chops
Clakkerz legz
Gabbit legs
"Gabbiar"=taken by game

here's a Q: do clakkerz lay eggs, if so there are a variety of omelets you can make

scrabs are like crabs kinda so just make them into your crab type foods

escargot can also be made with thudslugs

Zapflies could be use to add a shock to alcoholic beverages

I bet there is more but oh well

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07-13-2005, 11:59 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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You've given e a great idea Abe16! Thanks:

Shokk Soda

3 Zapflies
mudokon bones and tears
1 dried stingbee sting
Clean sparkling water
A big mixing tub
Mix the mudokon parts and water as you would for Soulstorm Brew in the mixing tub, then, when it is a nice pale green, grind and add the stingbee sting. This will give a tangy and refreshing quality. Stir in the caffiene to give it an addictive and energizing flavour, and finally, agitate the Zapflies so that they emit their shock, and direct the shock into the tub. Control it so that the drink turns a turquoise colour, then test it on a slave to make sure it is safe. Provided they don't get electrocuted, the drink is safe. The electric charge should make the drink more explosive and fizzy an should keep you charged up so, try our new Vykkers Labs Shokk Soda today!

For an alternate taste, try using Electroshocker electric charges instead of zapflies to give a sharper, more bitter taste. For a more fruity taste, repalce the stingbee stings with 1/4 of a pureed spooceshrub. Try it now!
Note: Has been known to cause nightmarish eplilepsy and seizures among Mudokons and Interns.

Hope you enjoy this new soda, brought to you exclusively by Vykker's Labs!
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