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09-27-2005, 10:27 PM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Cregg:"OK, dude. I´l scare them out of there..."
*Crigg pulls the sprint out and makes himself ready to throw his flashbang,
but the grenade slips out of his gripp and explodes in his face!*
*Crigg dissapears in a ball of light*
'If this happens much more I´l lose all the sight I´v got left'. Crigg thinks.
Crigg:"I can´t see, help me, somebody!"
*slipps and falls to the ground*
Thinks:'maby I´m getting to old f´r this....'
*Crigg picks himself up and starts to follow the smell of food towards the restroom.
Crigg:"Sorry mate, you´l have to get them yer´self... I don´t want to shoot myself again..."

*Crigg sits down in the restroom and flick his eyes rappidly.*
'When i can see again, I´l set some traps f´r the ratz and fleeches'.He thinks.

Last edited by MeechMuncher; 09-27-2005 at 11:53 PM..
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09-28-2005, 11:26 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe:Man killing storage is fun and all but maybe I should get rid of some workers.Weak ones that is.
*Jobe sees crigg blind and almost defensless*
Jobe: He's just perfect!
*Jobe readies his grinder gun and starts laughing evily.*
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09-28-2005, 10:59 PM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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MeechMuncher  (13)

Criggs eyesight was beginning to come back, but the ringing in his ears were still there. "Arrgh, my head!" Crigg sais to himself.'Cofee, I need cofee...'
*Walks over to the cofee-maker*
Crigg picks the can of cofee up, and starts pouring it into a mug, relatively successfull.*

*Suddenly Crigg, (with his poor ringing hearing), is scared by a loud nois from behind. He swings around quickly and manages to drops the cofee-can, sending it flyingt through the air, hitting Jobe right in the face! The can explodes, spraying him full of hot cofee!*

Crigg:"Oh, it w´s just you.... didn´t see you comming."

*Crigg drinks his cofee-mug empty, then walks back to the table and starts to attend to his trapps.* (He didn´t see far enough to notice the whole coffe-splash-thing...)

Last edited by MeechMuncher; 09-28-2005 at 11:01 PM..
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09-29-2005, 10:07 AM
sligger's Avatar
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phill: jobe, im sorry but you have to stop grinding everything, especially the muds we need them.
*phill sets smore scrab traps, then goes and pats a mud on the back.*
phill: these gys are my favorite little buds.
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09-29-2005, 12:07 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe:My bloody eyes!!!Oh the agony of it all!Wait phill you want me to stop grinding?
*Jobe get's a twitchy look on his face*
Jobe:STOP grinding? Okay okay....
*Breathes slowly*
Jobe:This is my first job...Don't want to get fired...I just need to sleep for a while that's all!Then.....I....Will....Forget....About....Grinding!
*Jobe goes to his quarters puts his gun down and goes to sleep*

Last edited by metroixer; 09-29-2005 at 12:10 PM..
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09-30-2005, 12:20 AM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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MeechMuncher  (13)

some time had passed now, and Criggs eyesight had come back.
*He finished the work on his traps and turned to Phill*

Crigg:"Hey, Phill, I´ve herd there is supposed to be some fleeches down at the pens. Is that true? If so, i´m gonna set some of my fleechtrapps there as well, and not only down at the lower levels."
*Shows Phill the trapps. Looks like a crossbreed of a hedgehog and an eel-trapp.*
Crigg:"They lure the fleeches in with some meat then they get stuck inside and the spikes decend on ´em.He,He. I´l set some trapps f´r the ratz aswell."
*Basicly fuzzle-trapps with a cheese in the middle*
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10-07-2005, 01:57 PM
sligger's Avatar
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phill: good crigg you go do that.
* gives crigg the thumbs up.*
Phill: Jobe, if you want to grind something, grind the fleechs, slurgs, and anything else that we dont need.
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10-08-2005, 12:39 PM
Taskmaster's Avatar
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Fizzix:"maybe you should use a differant baite grigg."
"usualy fleeches like it when there meal stribles back....HEY YOU MUDOKON!!"
*he screams while he points at a mudokon scrúb*
"go with grigg over here,i think he knows what to do with you...*grinns*"
Mudokon:"urrr..why me?"
Fizzix:"becouse you are dispancable"
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10-08-2005, 04:03 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe: Did the God's just answer my prayers!?
*Jobe goes up to the fleech kennels quickly.*
Jobe:Aww look at the little cute wormiesDIE!!!!!!!!!
*Jobe pulls out his gun and starts grinding the fleeches so much he loses control.He lost his aim and hit Phill's eye with his grinder.*
Jobe:...Oh crap.
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10-10-2005, 01:27 AM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Crigg turns to Fizzix.
Crigg:"Hey, Fizzix, how am I supposed to get the Mudokon into the traps?
he won´t fit, and there´s only one of him..."
"If I saw him up he wont struggle, so it won´t be any difference."

Last edited by MeechMuncher; 10-10-2005 at 01:44 AM..
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10-15-2005, 02:26 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe:*Watches as Phil is screaming in pain..*
Jobe:Um uh...He did it!
*Slams the gun in a mud's hands and runs off*
Jobe:Man oh man I am probably SO dead!!
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10-19-2005, 01:09 AM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Crigg looks around for awhile, then forgets about the whole thing and starts
to walk towards the elevator, obvious to everything going on at the moment.
'I like it down here.' Crigg thinks as he reaches the bottom levels of the facility.'I think I´´m gonna stay here f´r a while...'
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10-25-2005, 11:56 AM
Taskmaster's Avatar
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*Fizzix looks mind turning at the mudokon*wich he has recently smacked in the back of the head*
Fizzix:'Theres has to be a way to get that moron to...ohh wait!'
*Fizzix curls the mudokon up to a ball and ties him together in that possition with rope*
Fizzix:'hehe that should do it....Crigg!!!!...uhhhm,Crigg?'
*Fizzix looks around him agoning*
Fizzix:'great...simply great...where is that moron...'
*he walks up the stairs to the cafeteria wich is the exact opposit place Crigg went,and completely forgetting about the tied up mudokon*
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10-25-2005, 03:39 PM
sligger's Avatar
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phill: oh my god oh my god, who the hell poked my eye out, that was my good eye.
* phill patrolls the area looking for the thing that got his eye.*
phill wispers: that persons going to die.
Phill: Mud, why the hell would you poke my eye out?
* the mud says nothing.*
phill: if you dont talk i will kill you.
* the mud doesnt talk.*
phill: fine.
*phill picks up the mud throws him into a cage, and pulls the lever for the grinder.*
phill: oh, that was kind of FUN.
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10-26-2005, 01:08 AM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Crigg put his nose in the air and sniffed.
He easily recognised the smell of ratfurr, slurgs and fleech-crapp.
Crigg:"Man, looks like nobody´s been here f´r a while."*Crigg looks around*
"Oh, sry, didn´t se you back there." Crigg said to the old, gnawd-up Mudokkon-skeletton in the corner. "I´l just leave yá to it."
(OOC:Crigg=Not the brightest fellow around...)
He walked down a grown-over acess-tunnel and placed some poisonous bait-units, some fuzzle trapps and some of his homemade fleech-trapps.
'That should do the trick in two flicks of an elums tail...' Crigg thought, and walked passed the dead guy, back to the elevator.
"Se ýa ´round!" Crigg said, to the ex-Mudd, befor he pressed the button and the elevator scrambled upwards again.
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11-06-2005, 11:33 PM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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MeechMuncher  (13)

(OOC): Nobody has posted to this thread for a long while now. I hope this RPG isn´t dead, I love it!!!

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11-08-2005, 10:35 AM
Taskmaster's Avatar
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*Fizzix slowly walks down the stairs again and with a scrab burger halfly eaten in his hand*
'Fizzix:great...*bites burger*...that oaf isnt upstairs'
*he walks further and suddenly feels blood on the botom of his 3 leg's and looks down*
'Fizzix:eeeewwwww!!!!who spilled mudokon on the floor!!!!'
*he once again looks up to Phill*
'Fizzix:uhhmmm...oke and whats your story?',he saids sarcasticly.
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11-08-2005, 01:31 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe: Oh crap man what should I do?
*Jobe sees phill actually wanting to kill the muds.*
Jobe: Well well I think some mojo rubbed off hehe.
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11-09-2005, 11:44 PM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Crigg walked out of the elevator and looked around.
He could clearly see Jobe to the left, and a blurry figure to the right.(Pfill)
Crigg walked towards Pfill, who was looking at a cage with some blood in it.
Crigg: "Hey, Phill!" Crigg said. "You look different. Have you got yourself a new haircut?" (Crigg looks at Phills mangled eye, and forgets that sligs dosnt have hair.) "Im of to the restroom to look for Fizzix, are You commin´?"

Crigg walks down the hall. Stops, turns to the left, and blasts a scrab-poster beond recognition.
Crigg: "Phew, he allmost got me! Lucky me I reacted fast enough"
*Turns back on track, and continiues down the corridr.*
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11-14-2005, 02:51 PM
sligger's Avatar
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phill: my story is that some morron poked the eye i look out of out.
i need to go blow off som steam and some muds.
* phill flies away while blasting the ground before him.*
* phill comes back.*
phill: does anyone have some small sizzors. (for his eye.)

OOC: that was funny meech muncher about the haircut thing.
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11-14-2005, 03:40 PM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe: I do! They're safe to handle!
*Jobe gives phill the scizzors*
Jobeon't know how that would help but whatever.
*JObe then goes to the garbage hall for a bite to eat*
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11-15-2005, 02:25 AM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Crigg walked into the restroom, but nobody was there.
He sat down, looked around, and started to think about his long gone childhood, his years at Rupture farms, and the Boneworkz....
Crigg fell asleep, and dreamed of himself setting traps for everything in the whole of Oddworld. (including his old bosses...)

OOC: Crigg will sleep hard until next weekend, so don´t mess to hard with him. (Beerbottles and cream-spray is ok though...) 8)
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11-16-2005, 10:47 AM
Taskmaster's Avatar
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Fizzix:'this is stupid...quite stupid...'
*he walks in circles aimlessly*
Fizzix:'i am seriously getting fed up with this..cant find Crigg anywhere,Phill has gone from half-blind to fully blind and i cant find the rest....'
'Gues i'll get myself a cold one to think on...'
*he walks down the stairs and tripp's on a blown off arm of a mudokon Phill blasted earlyer*
Fizzix:'ho...hohohohohooly SHIIIIIIIIIIII-'
*is interupted when he lands on his head down the stairs,fizzix saids(completely duffed,lying on the floor,completely duffed and confused):
Fizzix:'hehehe...I fEel PrEtTy!!!....OoOoOohHhHh So PrEtTy!!!!'
*he stands up drooling and nearly fals over again becouse he stands rather crooked on his feet*
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11-16-2005, 11:28 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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Jobe:Okay okay what do we have here...Ooh paramite pie that will do!
*Jobe takes a slice and sits down.*
Jobe: Well *chomp* this is getting boring nothing to do but-
*Jobe sees Fizzix*
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11-16-2005, 11:46 PM
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*Fizzix Jobe and walks towards him*
Fizzix:'TiE hIe!!!!!!JoBe EaT pIe!!!!!
JoBe Is My BuDdy!!!!!!'
*at the ddy part his face was so smilling that his face almost broke in half*
*he runs at Jobe and starts hugging his head*
Fizzix:'Jjahjwduhjiuwiuaoshurmkvjhkspffft!!!(dont bother translating this)'
*after his hugg and useless banter,fizzix trips over his own feet and just starts giggeling when hes on the ground*
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11-17-2005, 01:46 PM
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*Jobe kicks fizzix*
Jobe: You sir have the most messed up mind a slig can have. Oh and for staining my pie....
*Jobe shoots fizzix in the head*
Jobe:That should teach ya.
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11-17-2005, 11:31 PM
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shane  (10)

they are quite good but how do you get into the game
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11-18-2005, 09:21 AM
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OOC:just say you want to be part of it and if the guy who runs this rpg sayds its oke you can.Dont forget ta read the rpg rules
(ohh and bythe way jobe:fizzix is a vyker )
*Fizzix stands up and looks at Jobe*
Fizzix:'...why are you looking at me like that?get to work dirty slacker!!!'
(by the way:his superior feeling inst shot to the head indused.He always thinks hes beter than others while he isnt even a high class-man)
*Fizzix puts his hand to his fore-head*
'AAAAAHHHH MAN!!!!i got a head like a badgers arse!!!'
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11-18-2005, 11:16 AM
metroixer's Avatar
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OOC: Oh...K

*Jobe rolls his eyes*
Jobe: Meh screw you. I HAVE a life at least.
*Jobe continues eating.*
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11-19-2005, 08:23 AM
MeechMuncher's Avatar
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Crigg wakes up and sais to himself:
"I woke up, and yet another day was wasted..."
*looks around*
Crigg: "Hey, guys, what are you doing?"
*turns to fizzix*
Crigg: "Nice tatoo! Is it meant to be an asshole? I like it, by the way. I think I´m gonn´a get one myself!"
Crigg walkes towards the hallway and turns around.
Crigg: I´m going back down to inspect my trapps. Does anyone wanná
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