Well this entire episode was a huge homage to Genesis, which is where a Dalek says "Mercy, I have no understanding of the word. It is not registered in my vocabulary banks". I have heard it multiple times in the new series, though.
Also, if the gun fires for emotion, how come she didn't shoot the Doctor when he was aiming the Dalek gun at her? That would've been tense if she was trying to restrain her emotions in that section as to not kill him.
Also, how the hell does he fire a Dalek gun if it works by emotion? He did it in Genesis, too, but I can forgive that seeing as that concept hadn't been established yet.
In fact, it's like they just threw it in for that one scene in the sewers with Missy and then forgot about it.
I agree with Nate, Clara is dumb as shit. How many times did Missy tell her that it works through mind control, and yet she never decided to try opening it with her mind. Moron.
Fuck you, I kmew somebody would bring that up. Point is, Davros never has that accent again, so wtf guy
Is anybody else pissed that the fans threw a hissy fit over the 2010 Daleks? We're probably never going to see them again, and they were cool as shit.