Doctor Who Thread Just To Antagonise OANST
MOD EDIT: This thread was split off from I Have Just Seen... VI here.
I've managed to watch whole three episodes of the eleventh Doctor Who and live to tell the tale... They sucked really really much. They were boring, uncreative, the dialogues were written by a 3-year-old kid... everything was wrong, I can't think of any good things about them. PS: Was W.Churchill really that stupid and blinded? |
See, that sounds like every episode of Dr. Who I've seen so far.
No, believe me, it was worse.
The eleventh doctor is my favourite doctor.
...really? Wow.
No. He said the eleventh doctor is his favourite doctor.
I can officially confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that Matt Smith is my favourite doctor, followed by Pertwee, Baker and then Tennant.
It's the fez, isn't it.
They are pretty cool yes
I like Matt Smith, but I think the problem with the post-David Tennant is that it is actually post-Russell T. Davies as head writer as well. Everything just seems so much worse now that Steven Moffat is the head writer. They are also trying to become more americanised. They have done several episodes in America and it is being produced by BBC America.
>I don't like America and I miss Russell T. Davies. Edit: And they have started going to Comic-Con as well! |
Littleleeroy is spot on. Smith is a fantastic Doctor stuck with some awful writing. I think saying you want RTD back is a bit overboard, though. Having watched some of the earlier new seasons again recently I've realised how weak some of his season finales were. The Martha season was the worst, especially after the decent setup of Utopia.
Did anyone else like Christopher Eccleston as the 9th Doctor? I've always though he should had at least one more series.
Thread note: Pay attention to my use of the words 'I thought'. I don't know why this topic seems to encourage people to make blanket, universal statements of fact. I don't think that the writing under Moffat has been, on average, worse than in the RTD days. Emphasis on 'on average'! I think that the last two and a half years have been fairly consistently meh, with one or two good episodes in between. By comparison, the RTD series had fantastic episodes (mostly written by Moffat, incidentally) followed by incredibly dire, terrible ones. So many episodes that involve antagonists that are so overwhelmingly overpowered that the only way to defeat them was through a deus ex machina ending, which RTD readily provided. I can't think of any abysmally written episodes in the last two years, but neither can I think of any wonderful ones. |
I have only seen seasons 1 to 6 of the new series and there are things I genuinely like about the Moffat-era. Granted, there are things I preferred in th RTD-era (more episodes on present-day earth, more overarching plotlines, overall more consistency) but what I like about Moffat is his creativity in terms of monsters (I friggin' LOVE the Silence!) and his take on the concept of time travel. It always seemed to me that, for RTD, time travel was just a plot device to get the Doctor and the gang to wherever and whenever he wanted to have them. But Moffat plays with this concept, shown, for example, in that one Christmas special where they ripped off "A Christmas Carol" or the season 5 finale (granted, this finale has one of the stupidest plotholes ever: If the Pandorica was meant as a prison SPECIFICALLY FOR THE DOCTOR, then why can it be opened with the Sonic Screwdriver, HIS NUMBER 1 GADGET?). So yeah, there's good and bad in both eras. I still enjoy them both.
My favorite Doctor? Again, I can only judge the latest three, but I'd say 11, with 10 very close behind. |
Oh, sorry. I understand and agree. Like I said, deus ex machina endings.
Both double-episode stories with the Master had the same problem; the first episode ended with the world utterly, irreparably damaged, which meant that the only way to save the day was to hit a massive RESET button. It immediately drains all tension and drama when you know that's inevitable. |
BTW, am I alone in thinking Donna was the best of the new companions?
I don't think it was anything about her specifically, but she had such a great rapport with the Doctor. It was so great to have the pair of them going out and about without any bullshit sexual tension getting in the way. I kinda like Rory (or at least, I don't mind him and in comparison to how I feel about Amy that's a very positive feeling), but what I mostly like about him is that the TARDIS crew are a threesome. It's a more interesting dynamic. |
Tennant was too much of a prettyboy for the role, Matt works better because he has the aura of weirdness the role needs.
"I don't wanna go!" (I hate that line -_-) BOOM! REGENERATION! "Oh! I have a new body! Still got legs! Still not ginger! I'M A GIRL?! etc." It went from "OMG he's going, it's so saaaaaaad!" to "hey, I'm the new, quirky Doctor! Woohoo!" in, like, a second! And for the record: Donna is also probably my favorite companion. At least "full-time" companion. If he counts, I take Captain Jack Harkness. (again, I can only judge the latest three Doctors and their respective companions) |
Out of all of the reasons to dislike this show, and there are soooo many, of course one of you faggots would say it's because they made a couple episodes in America. What a nationalist faggot.
Doctor Who: The Movie was made by Americans. The BBC should remake it as Doctor Who: The Film.
Man, fuck Doctor Who
It's quite a shame, really, as the Master was genuinely a good and interesting character. |
Hey, seems I've made a thread. How could this happen?
I have terrible taste in television, and I have a tendency to ignore glaring continuity errors for the sake of being entertained, but even I thought some of the latest series was... lacking, and glaringly continuity-shattering to the point where it started to sour things. Still enjoyed it though. Still sobbed like a baby at the final ep of the season. fsdljfjs;;
And I feel very meh about Martha. But I warmed to Amy and Rory. But still think Brian would've been a better companion. I liked Brian. Unfortunately I've yet to watch much of Eccleston, which is a shame because what I HAVE seen of him looks fantastic. I've seen so little of the classic seasons but what I have seen I've enjoyed. An arc or two with 4th and 5th if I remember correctly. |
Any other characters we've seen that anyone would like to come back as a companion?
I actually liked the American episodes. Here we have access to the whole of time and space, but all he used it for was visiting space in the future and contemporary London and occasionally London in the past, with very few exceptions. There's the whole of Earth and the whole of human history, to name just one planet alone. In the new series I think he's only ever gone to space in the past once (not including any NASA bits from the last sixty years). And that was to see the Earth's accretion disk. |
I always found the Earth episodes boring, with a few exceptions.