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12-08-2003, 02:39 PM
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Panther peers through the window into the next room. He can see nothing but destruction. A table with two legs shot off is turned upon it's side. Bullets and shells pressed flat by the far wall. There were blood stians everywhere, and even a corpse remained upon the floor. Panther knew this was were Chris had fallen. He pushed his comm link to his ear.

Panther: Elise, I've found the spot where Chris fell. I have aquired one AKS-74U. I did not pick up any ammo as it's going to be a waste of space, I'm keeping it just for a quick Silencing.

Elise: Ok Panther, if you are cornered, go out with a bang you hear....

Panther: That isn't going to happen...

He creeps into the room where the fight had taken place. He pulls out a small digital Camera and takes some snapshots of the room. He then transmits them back to Elise.
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12-10-2003, 01:32 PM
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Elise: Thanks for the evidence Panther, I've got them stored. Keep moving, I just got into their security systems and according to the comms they have double patrols on the exterior but only half on the interior. Whatever you do you must not let anyone call in as they have 3 teams of Honor Guards armed to the teeth. No way you can take them down silently.

Panther: Thanks for the info, keep me posted....

Panther draws his pistol, he walks out of the door that Chris never reached and he finds himself in a brightly lit corridor. He looks to his right and spots a shadow cast apon the floor from an open doorway. he looks to his left and he can see a Guard waiting outside a door. Panther can see no other way through the building, except for a nearby large air vent. He silently removes the cover and just about squeezes himself in. He has just about enough room to crawl through the duct. He goes slowly, as to avoid making any noise....


Chris regains conciousness again. She finds herself in a different room. There are three men lined up against the door. She can make out that each is holding an MP-5. She looks up to see a man in a white coat.

Man: She's back, get Kauffman......

Guard: Sir!
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12-12-2003, 04:17 PM
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Panther looks down through the grate. A group of men in white coats were stood about the nearby Coffee Machine.

Man#1: The would be assassain is meeting Kauffman now...

Man#2: Poor her, I just hope they don't lose her, like they did the last one.

Man#3: Yeah, not enough of her left to get any information out...

Panther starts to remove the grate. but through a slip of the hand the grate tumbles to the floor below.

Man#2: Jesus Christ! That scared the life out of me.....

Man#1: Could be another assassain, ready your weapons...

The men each reach into their coats and pull out a weapont hat was unknown to Panther. The Weapons were pistol size and shape, and as he was about to find out they fired at an automatic rate, but silently. They wern't of an make known to him.

Panther dropped himself down the grate and dashed under a nearby table. As soon as he strikes the floor the Men opened fire on him. Panther pulled the AKS-74U out and fired at one of the men, sending him floorwards. The AK Clip ran out so he flung it over his sholder. Panther watched the two remaining men crouch to fire at him. He fired several shots at the legs of one and turned to face the other.

As he saw the final man a Bullet scraped a line of skin off his cheek. He tipped the table up and grabbed a nearby chair. Panther threw it at the remaining guy sending him unconcious. Panther stood at his head and fired a shot into his unconcious brain.
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12-13-2003, 01:35 PM
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That was the end of his stealth effort. Panther had to get Chris before she was tortured. He pressed his earpiece in.

Elise: Right, just get her and get out. No time for files or anything, we need her. Alive.

Panther: I'm going to need some hardware....

Elise: Third door to your right. That's the armory. It's a big one, but it's pretty well defended....

Panther: Clear and out.

Panther walks over to one of the corspes. He takes it's clothes and ID card to use as a disguise. He walks into the corridor in his new disguise. he passes a patrol of three men. When he reaches the door to the armory he slides the ID card down the Stripe Reader and walks inside. He walks up to the desk at the front.

Guard: How can I help you Comrade?

Panther: I need a Smoke Grenade, an M-16 with some clips, and finally a katana.

Guard: What's the katana for sir?

Panther: I prefer to get close up and personal with my opponents. Oh, and before you enter the requests, do you know where the would-be assassain's gear is? I have orders from Kauffman to retrieve them.

Guard: I'll get them delivered to the Chamber she's in Sir....

The guard presses some buttons on the console infront of him and ina few minutes a box appears in the chute behind him with the gear he asked for in.

Panther: Thanks my boy, I'll spare you for that...

Guard: Pardon sir?

Panther: Nothing Private, nothing at all....
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12-18-2003, 01:29 PM
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Panther readies the M-16, he walks up to a nearby guard.

Panther: Where is the Would-be assassain?

Guard: Chamber B-17 Sir!

Panther salutes the guard and walks down a long corridor with many doors. He stops at the one labeled B-17. There are three guards nearby, He pulls the pin on his smoke grenade and bursts through the door and fires at three men who go for their pistols. Almost immediatly the room is filled with smoke, he drops the grenade and shoots the Scientist leaning over her.

He picks up a chain of keys from a corpse and un-does her bonds. She gets up.

Chris: ...Panther?

Panther: Your stuff's in the corner, there are special ops on the way according to this guys text-comm.

Chris walks to the corner and readies all of her gear. The smoke has almost cleared when the special ops enter. Panther and Chris were ready for them, the first one to enter the room isstruck in the groin by a foot, that is swifty followed by a swipe around the head with a gun butt. He falls back, toppling his team-mates over, allowing Chris and Panther to escape....
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12-24-2003, 09:24 AM
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With Elise's guidance Panther manages to lead Chris out of the base without another encounter. When they reach outside it is nearly dawn.

Panther: We'd better move, if we get caught in our ops gear we'll be very conspicous.

Chris: Who's your contact that helped us then?

Panther: That's Elise, why'd you ask?

Chris: Will she join our Op?

Panther: I'm sure she will, we really need to move now, we've got to get back to the safehouse before day break.

Panther and Chris walk their way back to the safe house. When they get inside they find a man in their hallway. He is a tall well-built man, he is wearing totally black clothes, and a helmet with a darkened visor.

Man: Chris, Panther, you are required back at HQ. Kapalan needs some words. The Chopper is at the local landing strip. You will not need to take any equipment, as you will be re-issued with updated equipment at the Base. Follow me, and I will escort you to the chopper.

Without a word Chris and Panther follow the man into the back of a black van. Inside there is another guard, this one is holding a KLM-679 UN grade Assault Rifle.

Armed Guard: Private Ryan, go to the local landing strip....
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12-29-2003, 01:26 PM
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When Panther, Chris and the guards arrive at the Headquaters they are quickly escorted off the roof's helipad. They are lead down a flight of stairs by another guard and they arrive at a large front desk.

In large letters above the desk I.A.NET is printed. Three men are sitting behind the desk, one of them is apon the telephone, another is on a desktop computer and the other is talking to a woman wearing a long grey coat.

The guard that they encountered first turns to Chris.

Guard: You are to report to Davis after an equipment and medical, *turns to panther* that goes for you too agent

The guards all walk off in various directions.

Chris: We'll get our equipment first...

The pair walk down a long hallway and enter a room marked with a red square with an octagon inside it.

In the room a guard is standing next to the door they entered from. He is heavily kitted up. He is wearing powered armor and is carrying a portable version of the JN-400 Minigun.

Guard: Agent ZYN, welcome, before we kit you out with armor for the next operation, we have taken the liberty of finishing your team for you. This expence will of course be taken from your pay-packet.

Chris: How much?

Guard: £400

Chris: That's it?

Guard: Our contacts have got wise to who we really are, they arn't going to overcharge us.

Chris: Let's meet them then...
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12-30-2003, 07:15 AM
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Panther and Chris are lead to the weapons range. The guard walks up to three men standing in the corner chatting. After a few seconds the men nod to the guard and walk over to Panther and Chris.

The first man to talk is a tall man, he is dressed in civilian clothes but has a KLM-679 UN grade Assault Rifle slung over his back.

Tall Man: We've been lead to belive that you guys have a techie already sorted out, is this the case?

Chris: Yes it is Agent.

Tall Man: That's fine then. I'm Agent Denton, I'll be your spook.

Chris: What's your standard kit agent?

Denton: All the papers I need to get in, a pair of silenced berrettas, a recording device and a comm link.

Chris: We'll get the papers first thing when we get out of here.

The second man is just as tall as the first, but he is wearing the same armor as the guard. He is holding a Heavy Demo. Shotgun and over his back he has a silenced KLM-679 UN grade Assault Rifle.

Armored Man: I am Agent McClane, I'm leading the back-up squad, our orders are if we lose contact with three of your agents for whatever reason, we are to raid the location, and lock off every exit. Our Grey Shadows will then enter and complete the mission, with no stealth, just what's needed to get the job done. Any agents that remain inside the building are your responcibility.

Chris turns to the last man, he is of average height, and is wearing medium grade armor, he is holding a pair of Silenced KMB-UB49 Sub Machine Guns.

Chris: And who are you agent?

Man: I am Agent Tylone, your driver, we'll be taking a MAKK assault jeep, (OOC: Think warthog from halo, but black and instead of the LAAG three more seats) to the drop point, where I will leave you all and then secure you a way out.

Chris: Excellent, Panther, let's go kit ourselves up...

Last edited by Hobo; 12-30-2003 at 12:20 AM..
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01-13-2004, 07:30 AM
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gah! stop making up gun names! joking, its coming along well.

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01-17-2004, 10:12 PM
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I'm in two minds to whether to carry on with this, what do you guys think?
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01-23-2004, 11:54 PM
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Fez  (22)

i think you should carry it on. It's exciting, though a tad rip off of splinter cell.

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01-25-2004, 08:13 AM
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pffft, it's much more than a tad... and anyway it'll be more of a rip off of Deus Ex when I get round to writing more....
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