Originally posted by Sydney
I just don't think having sex id something that kids of that age should be dealing with. There are more important things to be working at when you're that age. Whatever happened to the time when being children meant being children?
The whole idea of "Childhood" only came into existence in the late 19th/early 20th century. Compared to the amount of time before then, it's hardly something to get nostalgic about...
Statikk's point seems to be that, since certain people would be offended by Sex Ed, it shouldn't be taught. I think that this is the wrong way to reason here. There is nothing immoral or offensive about sex, and those who believe that there is are the ones who are most in need of education about it.
As far as "encouraging teenagers to have sex" goes, I am going to have to go out on a limb here and say that I don't think that that is necessarily a bad thing. I'm not saying that it's a good thing, but I don't think that sex in itself is ever a bad thing. The bad things are disease and unwanted pregnancy, and children are told about the risks of these and how to overcome them in Sex Ed. In fact, I don't believe that Sex Ed encourages Sex at all (whether or not that would be a bad thing). In my experience, Sex Ed lessons are very clinical and purely informative. They don't make it seem exciting or fun (it's learning about it in the playground that does that), it just teaches them how to do if more safely.