Reasons not to smoke tobacco:
1. Bad for you and for those around you. Damages the lungs and is extremely addictive.
2. Unappealing. Smelly, discolours the skin and teeth
3. What's the point anyway? It has no effect on your body or mind at all. A lot of people believe that smoking helps you to relax, but in truth all it does is counteract the effects of Nicotine Withdrawal...
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To change the subject slightly, I do smoke Cannabis, though. Basically, I smoke it because, unlike Tobacco, it makes me feel good. Also unlike tobacco, it causes no long-term damage to the body, does not discolour the skin or teeth, and is not physically addictive. The fact that Cannabis is illegal and Tobacco is not is nothing to do with their effects, it is because Cannabis can be easily grown in England, and so would be difficult to Tax, whereas Tobacco can only be grown in subtropical countries, and so can easily be taxed.
Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.