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01-22-2002, 08:34 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
Your asking the wrong person. I don't know who made God. (1)

If evolution is write, then what made the particles and atoms to make humans and animals then? What made the universe? (2)
1. I was expecting you to say that God was always there or something similar, I underestimated your inteligence...

2. The theory of the Big Bang states, basically, that there was nothing then something. I don't fully understand how it works, neither can I even begin to comprehend the idea of omnipotence actually existing never mind an entity which has the power to actually create an omnipotent being.

3. Oh, by the way, thank you for showing your evidence.
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01-22-2002, 08:36 PM
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All right, everybody. Pinky gave you the answer she promised. Enough is enough. After all, it doesn't have to be good evidence...
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01-22-2002, 08:41 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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Originally posted by Gluk Schmuck:
1. I was expecting you to say that God was always there or something similar, I underestimated your inteligence...

2. The theory of the Big Bang states, basically, that there was nothing then something. I don't fully understand how it works, neither can I even begin to comprehend the idea of omnipotence actually existing never mind an entity which has the power to actually create an omnipotent being.

3. Oh, by the way, thank you for showing your evidence.
I thought you were smart enough to understand. I guess not.

How was I suppose to know what you meant? I'm not some fortune teller person.

And you claim that the evolution theory is just and you said that you fully don't understand it, why are you contradicting yourself?

[ January 22, 2002: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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01-22-2002, 09:36 PM
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First of all, I would like to thank you for finally answering the question I have been asking for months.

Secondly, I have answered every question you have asked of me before.

Now, on to the good stuff....

I would love to dissect your evidence piece by piece, but there is one overriding flaw in your argument, and that is really all I need to point out to invalidate everything you've said.

Your argument is based upon one lone assumption: that the Universe was made. This in itself is an incredible leap to make. After all, not everything that exists was made. It is common knowledge, for example, that Mountains are raised by Plate Tectonics, not by an intelligent force. The same could [and probably does, in my opinion] apply to the Universe.

However, to flesh out this post, and really give you something to aim at when you get your Random Insult Launcher out, I will elaborate, and run down various other reasons why I think you are wrong:

Rule 1:

"For everything made, there is a maker"
True, but as I have already pointed out, the Universe was not 'made'. It came into existence.

Rule 2:

A power by itself, unless mastered by intelligence, could destroy instead of building. A power needs directions and control by an intelligent person to make it useful.
Of course Natural Forces can destroy, but they can also build. Intelligent Forces can also both build and destroy. What's your point?

Rule 3:

Beauty needs feelings. Without feelings there is no beauty.(1) To have a feeling, you need a person.(2)
Whoa... There's a lot of stuff to say about this one... 1) Beauty can exist independantly of Observation. Something is still beautiful, even if it has never been seen, and has therefore never aroused feelings. 2) Animals also feel. 3) What does this have to do with anything we've been talking about?

Rule 4:

There should be a first maker.
See what I said about Rule 1? Same applies here...

Rule 5:

In the beginning was a very intelligent being who put together the atom.
See just about everything I have ever posted to see why this is not necessarily true...

The "Rules" after that just get ridiculous, so I will refrain from comment on them. I will instead move on the the main bodies of text:

you will not believe someone who tells you that the complicated computer you are using now is made by a chance or by the nature! It will never happen.
No, but nobody's claiming that it is. But that is because it is incredibly unlikely that atoms would ever spontaneously form into a computer. It is, however, far more likely, especially given the conditions of the early Universe, that subatomic particles would form into atoms, then into molecules. It's all about Probability.

Think about something as big as a planet, or as small as a bacteria or about one function in human body or a mountain. Apply the above, common sense, rules to it. Think about what it takes to make it?
See above. It's all about Forces and Probability. Besides, if our planet had formed any differently, we would have different veiws as to what Beauty is, NOT the other way round...

It is amazing to listen to scientists when they are making an experience and trying to understand all the factors that could affect the chemical reaction, for example, and try to control one factor at a time to reach a controlled experience. So, they admit that there are stable materials, and there are factors, and to make any intelligent changes you have to study hard and to make hard choices, and sometimes they can predict the end-result product. Some do all that in the laboratory, but when it comes to a discussion like ours they insist that nature made everything! How it could be my beloved scientist? If you, with all your intelligence and understanding, spend years trying to control the experience’s environment, how could you imagine that without any controlling the nature formed everything. We are dealing at the basis now, at the atom level, would it make sense that there should be an intelligent being who without any materials, at the time of beginning, formed the first component of a material, the atom. Don’t you agree with me that such a person has a great knowledge of all powers that exist in the universe? Don’t you think that intelligent being is so genius that he made the whole universe just out of these few components of atom?
Like I say, it is all to do with probability. If, for example, you put Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Sulphor, and Phosphorous (the basic elements necessary to produce life) and ran an electric current through it, then eventually, after a few million years or so, you would probably produce Life. Scientists, however, want this all to happen faster, so they have to make sure that the correct reaction occurs first time, rather than going through lots of false starts, like it did in Nature. THAT is why they have to control everything. Clear?

Think about the different elements: iron, copper, chlorine, sodium, and radium. Compare the different characters of each. If you have a friend who works in chemistry, ask him about the difference in between each atom. See for yourself how a difference in one electron and proton can make a big difference. Could be done by non-intelligent power?
It wasn't "done" by a "power". It happened. If you examine the forces at work in the early Universe, you'll realise that it was, in fact, almost inevitable...

We stopped last at the very component of the matter, the atom and its component of electrons, protons, and neutrons. Now, we will examine something very large indeed, the Solar System. Look at the planets of the Solar System going around the sun. Earth, Venus, March, and the rest they go in circles around the sun. Very similar of what happens in the atom. In the atoms go in circles around the nucleus. We should stop here to think about what we see. The smallest is matching the largest. Isn’t that tell us about a one intelligent being that made both systems, and of course everything in between because everything in between is made of the atoms?
Lighter things will always tend to orbit around heavier things. I don't know what grades you claim to get in Physics, but judging by this, they weren't very high...

To made control of these powers in its smallest form.
Sorry to pick up on your poor grasp of the English Language again, but just look at this sentence!

Therefore, scientifically, in the very beginning there were nothing until the atom was made and this was the beginning of making of this world.
This shows two things: a poor understanding of the History of the Universe [which we already knew about] and the fact that you never read our evidence [which we'd guessed about]...

So there we go. Pinky's Marvellous Theory, dissected before your eyes...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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01-22-2002, 09:36 PM
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Pinky, (just to clear things up, not trying to change the subject:P) Gluk Schmuck said he couldn't begin to comprehend the idea. He never said he didn't understand it.
"A shark on whiskey is mighty risky! But a shark on beer is a Beer Engineer!" -Space Ghost

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01-23-2002, 04:22 AM
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Ok, all i know so far is that Rettick and pinky r having an argument about evolution(i think), Rettick u asked her if she had any evidence or was it just blind old faith. This is what i think, if u have all the evidence u want how do u know that the evidence u have is real!? who said evidence is always right and always truthful.? Therefore even with the evidence u still could be making false statements about the topic.
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01-23-2002, 01:48 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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*Claps for Surf's reply*

Ya know Surf man! How does he know?

Dinosaur-like creatures are mentioned in the Bible. The Bible uses ancient names like "behemoth" and "tannin." Behemoth means kingly, gigantic beasts. Tannin is a term which includes dragon-like animals and the great sea creatures such as whales, giant squids, and marine reptiles like the plesiosaurs that may have become extinct.

The Bible's best description of a dinosaur-like animal is recorded in Job chapter 40. "Look at the behemoth, which I made along with you and which feeds on grass like an ox. What strength he has in his loins, what power in the muscles of his belly! His tail sways like a cedar; the sinews of his thighs are close-knit. His bones are tubes of bronze, his limbs like rods of iron. He ranks first among the works of God..."(Job 40:15-19) The book of Job is very old, probably written around 2,000 years before Jesus was born. Here God describes a great king of the land animals like some of the biggest dinosaurs, the Diplodocus and Apatosaurus. It was a gigantic plant-eater with great muscles and very strong bones. The long Diplodocus had leg bones so strong that he could have held three others on his back.

The behemoth were not afraid. They did not need to be; they were huge. Their tails were so long and strong that God compared them to cedars - one of the largest and most spectacular trees of the ancient world.

After all the behemoth had died out, many people forgot them. Dinosaurs were extinct and the fossil skeletons that are in museums today did not begin to be put together until about 150 years ago. Today, some people have mistakenly guessed that the behemoth mentioned in the Bible might be an elephant or a hippopotamus. But those animals certainly do not have tails like the thick, tall trunks of cedar trees! Although it cannot be stated with certainty, it appears that dinosaurs may have actually been mentioned in the Bible. This should not sound so strange. After all, God tells us that He created all the land animals on the 6th day of creation, the same day that he created mankind. Man and dinosaurs lived at the same time. There was never a time when dinosaurs ruled the earth. From the very beginning of creation, God gave man dominion over all that was made, even over the dinosaurs.

Good link
another one

The Biblical book of "Job" also speaks of a fierce creature called:

The Leviathan

In Job 41:1-34" God speaks to Job and says:

"Can you pull in the leviathan with a fishhook, or tie down his tongue with a rope? Can you put a cord through his nose or pierce his jaw with a hook? Will he keep begging you for mercy? Will he speak to you with gentle words? Will he make an agreement with you for you to take him as your slave for life? Can you make a pet of him like a bird or put him on a leash for your girls? Will traders barter for him? Will they divide him up among the merchants? Can you fill his hide with harpoons or his head with fishing spears?
If you lay a hand on him, you will remember the struggle and never do it again! Any hope of subduing him is false, the mere sight of him is overpowering. No one is fierce enough to rouse him.

Who then is able to stand against me? (this is God speaking to Job ) Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me. I will not fail to speak of his limbs, his strength and his graceful form. Who can strip off his outer coat? Who would approach him with a bridle? Who dares open the doors of his mouth, ringed about with his fearsome teeth? His back has rows of shields tightly sealed together, each so close to the next that no air can pass between. They are joined first to one another, they cling together and cannot be parted. His snorting throws out flashes of light, his eyes are like the rays of dawn. Firebrands stream from his mouth, sparks of fire shoot out.

Smoke pours out from his nostrils as from a boiling pot over a fire of reeds.
His breath sets coals ablaze, and flames dart from his mouth. Strength resides in his neck, dismay goes before him. The folds of his flesh are tightly joined; they are firm and immovable. His chest is hard as rock, hard as a lower millstone. When he rises up, the mighty are terrified; they retreat before his thrashing. The sword that reaches him has no effect, nor does the spear or the dart or the javelin. Iron he treats like straw and bronze like rotten wood. Arrows do not make him flee: slingstones are like chaff to him. A club seems to him but a piece of straw; he laughs at the rattling of the lance. His undersides are jagged potsherds, leaving a trail in the mud like a threshing sledge. He makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. Behind him he leaves a glistening wake; one would think the deep had white hair. Nothing on earth is his equal - a creature without fear. He looks down on all that are haughty; he is king over all that are proud"

The Leviathan was a sea creature with the amazing ability to breathe fire. - This does not sound like any sea creature we have living today. What kind of animal was the leviathan?

Some people have suggested it may be a crocodile.

But we know this is not right. - Have you ever seen a crocodile shoot fire out of his mouth? I didn't think so...

The word that many bibles translate as "snorting" or "neezings" is the Hebrew word: "atish". This means to blow threw the nose.

The physical description of the Leviathan sounds like that of the "ancient" Kronosaur ( a short necked plesiosaur).

But what mystery does this creature hold within its body?

verse 31 mentions "ointment"
Amazingly all ancient ointment was made out of sulfur, one of the very ingredients needed to create a self contained fire.

"His wheezes throw out flashes of light"
Some Scientists believe that a few dinosaurs (like the Kronosaur) had an internal mechanism able to create a self contained spark or fire.

Is the Leviathan a whale?
The Bible tells us that the back of the leviathan:

"has rows of shields"
the word "shields" is sometimes translated scales. Which would exclude whales, which are mammals. The description also mentions Leviathans "limbs" which could indicate large paddle like flippers.

There are other Scientists who believe that some dinosaurs that lived on land like the Hadrosaur parasaurolphus could use a combination of chemicals mixed together to emit a flammable gas.

This sounds absurd, until you stop and think about the fact that even today, several animals are able to do this. Bombardier beetles are able to shoot sparks of fire out of their shells as a defense mechanism. A blast of irritating and odious gas is projected out of the beetles body. This gas is 212 degrees F. Hydroquinone and hydrogen peroxide are mixed together causing a small scale explosion. These chemicals are kept from exploding within the beetles own body, by the use of an inhibitor.

Beetles don't understand Chemistry, they only understand survival.

To believe that such a complex mechanism could develop by a chance random process like Evolution is absurd.

If just one part of this chamber developed before the other, then the beetle would blow himself up.

Such complex mechanisms are clearly the careful planning and design of an Intelligent Creator. Who not only designed the world, but foresaw the fall of Man and knew the effect sin would have on the fallen world. This Creator provided a way for species to survive no matter how their environment changed.

The leviathan is not a mythical animal. If a small creature (the bombardier beetle) can emit fire, then why can't a big creature (the kronosaur)?

From the description given in the Bible it is clearly a marine reptile like the Kronosaur.

We often object to ideas that are new to us. But our lack of knowledge of extinct animals, does not limit God's ability to create them with strange defense mechanisms.

The greatest evidence that the Leviathan is a real animal (one that emits combustible chemicals) is the fact that God Himself says it exists.
No other evidence is necessary to the believer.

But, for those who would like some more information, think of the many sea and marine creatures today that do similar things. Electric eels sound like creatures impossible to exist. Yet we are well aware of them.

Many fish even give off electric charges, while others glow in the dark.
Leviathan is not a crocodile, whale, or anything else. I believe from Job chapter 41 alone, that the Leviathan was a dinosaur (dragon).

I was happy to find another scripture in the bible to support my belief.

Psalm 74:13 speaks of Noah’s flood, and the animals that perished in the flood.

"Thou did divide the sea by your strength, you broke the heads of the dragons in the waters. You broke the head of Leviathan in pieces, and gave him to be meat to the people inhabiting the wilderness. you did cleave the fountain and the flood, you dried up mighty rivers."
This verifies that Leviathan was in fact a dinosaur (dragon). Still alive at the time of the flood. Man is unable to kill Leviathan, but many men and animals were destroyed by God in the flood.

The fact that the entire world was covered by water is the best explanation as to why we find plesiosaurs (sea dwelling dinosaurs) fossilized in the middle of the United States.

Plesiosaur and Kronosaur.
The only explanation is that these states were once covered by water. And when they were, dinosaurs were still alive. Their "heads broken" and bodies buried by the rushing sediments of the flood.
The sea dwelling dinosaur Leviathan even lived after the flood. In a time when marine travel was increasing. The next scripture speaks of Leviathan in the days of sailing.

Psalm 104:24 says:

"Oh Lord, how manifold are thy works! In wisdom have you made them all: the earth is full of your riches. So is this great and wide sea, wherein are things creeping innumerable, both small and great beasts. There go the ships, there is that leviathan whom you have made to play there."
Again, not only is leviathan used within the context of reality, but he exists with man. Not alleged ignorant cavemen, but men capable of building ships and other sea worthy vessels.

We are told that Leviathan "was made", it was Created by God. We are even told His purpose in Creating him. "to play" in the seas. This sharp contrast with how Gods original intent and lifestyle of this creature was effected by the entrance of sin and death into the world.

Another Dinosaur possibly able to emit fire is the Hadrosaur. The Hadrosaur is a land animal.

This creature had organs and bladders in its crests. The amazing design of these crests would allow the hadrosaur to create, store and eject flammable chemicals, to protect himself against predators.

There are many different kinds of hadrosaurs.
Here is a picture of the skull of a Hadrosaur Parasaurolophus.

In this cross section of it's the skull you can see the cavities.
It is sometimes hard to know what specific body parts were for, when all we know of a creature is based on its fossilized remains. For instance, if we had never seen a skunk but had found one fossilized, would we ever come to the conclusion that it smelled as awful as it does?

We wouldn't know that fireflies had the ability to cause their back ends to light up.

Or that a worm could re-grow a tail and even a head if cut in half? We would never guess such a thing.
In fact, anyone suggesting that they did so, would be considered foolish.
Yet this is repeatedly seen time and time again.

We wouldn't know that squid expelled ink or blowfish expand the way they do. Neither would we know about the amazing bombardier beetle that shoots fire.. We would pass off this story as a fairy tale. - Except that we have them living today.

The inside chambers of the hadrosaur parasaurolophus skull correlates immensely to the chambers of the bombardier beetle. This is not so unusual. They did after all have the same Creator.

Though it was a creature that Job knew well, I myself have never seen the Leviathan. I cannot say with absolute certainty that it is a Kronosaur.
But I can say for certain that the Leviathan is a dinosaur (dragon).
And the Kronosaur seems to fit this description best.

The eyewitness accounts of this dinosaur passed down generations later, may have been the basis for later "dragon" stories.

The cultures that no longer had a living creature that fit the description of these enormous dinosaurs, would later pass them off as being "mythical".

Some scientist states
"I would remove the bogus statements about kronosaurs, hadrosaurs, and parasaurolophus. You have a poor understanding of physiology and paleontloogy. For what other purposes might those large cavities serve? How many herbivorous fire-breathing animals do you see today? Foolishness."

Creationist Scientist:
I have a good understanding of the anatomy of these creatures which is why I postulate the ability of these creatures to have emited fire. I may be wrong about which creature it was, but the Bible tells us the creature is real, and did in fact exist with man. Science also tells us that this is within the realm of possibility.

It doesn't matter that we dont have any fire breathing animals today. Many animals simply went extinct after the flood. That doesn't mean they never existed. Lots of animals have abilities we do not understand. This shows how complex God's creation is.

Why would God create a fire breathing creature?

"What purpose would "fire breathing" have served such a grand creature as the leviathan? Was it mere show or could it have been beneficial (other than for protection or for killing, which would only have been needed after the introduction of sin)?"

I don't think that Leviathan had the ability to emit fire from the beginning. I think that this occured as part of the Curse that God placed on the earth, and it is one of many harmful deteriorations (such as the sharp teeth in carnivores) which occured along with degeneration and loss of genetic information

[ January 23, 2002: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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01-23-2002, 05:39 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
Ya know Surf man! How does he know? (1)

To believe that such a complex mechanism could develop by a chance random process like Evolution is absurd. (2)

The greatest evidence that the Leviathan is a real animal (one that emits combustible chemicals) is the fact that God Himself says it exists.
No other evidence is necessary to the believer. (3)

"What purpose would "fire breathing" have served such a grand creature as the leviathan? Was it mere show or could it have been beneficial (other than for protection or for killing, which would only have been needed after the introduction of sin)?"

I don't think that Leviathan had the ability to emit fire from the beginning. I think that this occured as part of the Curse that God placed on the earth, and it is one of many harmful deteriorations (such as the sharp teeth in carnivores) which occured along with degeneration and loss of genetic information (4)

1. But what if we flip Surfacing's reply round with 'Pinky' in place of 'Dan', how can we know that your evidence is true?
2. At least it makes sense
3. Exactly, we're not belivers.
"Think for yourself, question authority" Dr Timothy Leary
I am thinking for myself and I'm not convinced my your evidence. To me God doesn't exist so I can't trust 'him'.
4. So an animal gaining sharper teeth is a 'deterioration'. Some people might call that evolution.
"loss of genetic information"
That's what happens in evolution!

Anyway, if these animals had teeth adapted for eating plants before this 'sin', where are the fossils of them?

Oh, and why did God decide to make dinosaurs carnivorous just because some humans 'sinned'?
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01-23-2002, 08:44 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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Pulls up sleeves I will explain that.

[ January 23, 2002: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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01-23-2002, 08:45 PM
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR's Avatar
PinkHaired Mudokon CWR
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PinkHaired Mudokon CWR  (11)

Originally posted by Gluk Schmuck:
1. But what if we flip Surfacing's reply round with 'Pinky' in place of 'Dan', how can we know that your evidence is true?
2. At least it makes sense
3. Exactly, we're not belivers.
"Think for yourself, question authority" Dr Timothy Leary
I am thinking for myself and I'm not convinced my your evidence. To me God doesn't exist so I can't trust 'him'.
4. So an animal gaining sharper teeth is a 'deterioration'. Some people might call that evolution.
"loss of genetic information"
That's what happens in evolution!

Anyway, if these animals had teeth adapted for eating plants before this 'sin', where are the fossils of them?

Oh, and why did God decide to make dinosaurs carnivorous just because some humans 'sinned'?

1. Ha, atleast I have real evidence that you can actually touch.

2. Evolution does not make sense.

3. I don't care if you not a believer, I am.

4.Yeah sure

5. That's what it is. Not evolution. You may notice that some T-Rex's don't have sharp teeth and some do. Some have teeth like herbivores so that proves everything. If evolution was so right, would'nt every T-Rex have sharp teeth?

6. God did not plan for sin to come into this world. Sin was entered from Adam and Eve and the temptation they experience from the Devil. Dinosaurs were originally loving creatures. No animal ate meat. God made things for love and not for hate and destruction. That's Lucifer's Job.

7. They did have fossils for them. Notice that the proof for evolution would of been dated in fossils. There's no proof of evolution in fossils that's what makes evolution false. They even found fossils that had dinosaurs in a "swimming positions" which might be evidence about the flood. I can post them.

8. The bible was witnessed by millions of people. Evolution, just by one guy named Charles Darwin. Millions beats one.

[ January 23, 2002: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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01-23-2002, 09:19 PM
RoN_Rancor's Avatar
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When have they ever found a T-Rex without sharp teeth?

There is evidence for evolution in fossils. For example, imprints of dinosaurs with feathers have been found. These dinosaurs did not have wings, but were quite bird-like and had feathers. These fossils show the transition from dinos to birds.

Also, there are fossils, and even some remaining species of fish that have leg-like and/or lung-like structures. Some of these can even go onto land for some time.

[ January 23, 2002: Message edited by: RoN_Rancor ]
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01-23-2002, 10:08 PM
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
1. Ha, atleast I have real evidence that you can actually touch.

2. Evolution does not make sense.

3. I don't care if you not a believer, I am.

4.Yeah sure

5. That's what it is. Not evolution. You may notice that some T-Rex's don't have sharp teeth and some do. Some have teeth like herbivores so that proves everything. If evolution was so right, would'nt every T-Rex have sharp teeth?

6. God did not plan for sin to come into this world. Sin was entered from Adam and Eve and the temptation they experience from the Devil. Dinosaurs were originally loving creatures. No animal ate meat. God made things for love and not for hate and destruction. That's Lucifer's Job.

7. They did have fossils for them. Notice that the proof for evolution would of been dated in fossils. There's no proof of evolution in fossils that's what makes evolution false. They even found fossils that had dinosaurs in a "swimming positions" which might be evidence about the flood. I can post them.

8. The bible was witnessed by millions of people. Evolution, just by one guy named Charles Darwin. Millions beats one.
1. Touch? Your 'evidence' was pure postulation. You gave theories to explain your beliefs with no actual evidence to back them up. How can you "touch" the "fact" that the Universe was "made"?

2. Really? Could you explain to us exactly what about it doesn't make sense?

6. There were meat-eating creatures millions of years before the Dinosaurs.

7. Or they could have been swimming? Have you ever considered this possibility? As for the rest of this point, Fossils clearly show evidence of evolution, so you are either lying or just wrong.

8. You say the Bible has been witnessed by people here, but Evolution hasn't? Well, I counter that with the fact that the Events of the Bible have not been witnessed by any reliable witnesses, whereas Darwin's Book "Origin of Species" has been witnessed by millions. Do you see now how silly your argument was? [Mine was equally silly, I was just showing it to demonstrate that your weak line of reasoning could just as easily be turned against you.]

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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01-24-2002, 12:14 PM
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Pinkhaired, I noticed you still haven't responded to my post about Mitochondrial DNA as evidence for evolution. I think this is the fourth time I've asked you about it.
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01-24-2002, 02:10 PM
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
Your asking the wrong person. I don't know who made God.
So you're saying that someone created god? Wow.. Isn't that kinda un christian? I expected you to answer something like Gluk said..
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01-24-2002, 02:21 PM
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
The bible was witnessed by millions of people.
You really can't call bible as evidence.

And the idea of people and dinosaurs living in the same time is absurd even if dinosaurs didn't eat meat. And what happened then when the dinosaurs started to eat meat? Did they eat humans? Then how could anyone survive? And did the dinosaurs die in the big flood or were they distroyed before and why god then wanted to kill them?

I started reading your "good link" but I really was too tired to get to the end of it and I really wouldn't trust much some fanatic christian's site like that one..
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01-24-2002, 05:25 PM
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Originally posted by Fazerina:
And the idea of people and dinosaurs living in the same time is absurd even if dinosaurs didn't eat meat.
I know, there is no proof of dinosaurs living at the same time as humans.
If dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans and they were carnivorous then there would be human skeletons inside dinosaurs.

Pinky, do you know that there was water at the same time as dinsaurs. They could have gone into water. And dinosaurs could fall into tar pits and marshes, they would have probably tried to swim out of those.

About the T-Rexes with no teeth, can you give me a reliable source? I won't bother telling you that it happened by evolution until I am convinced it's a fact.
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01-24-2002, 07:43 PM
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Originally posted by Gluk Schmuck:
I know, there is no proof of dinosaurs living at the same time as humans.
If dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans and they were carnivorous then there would be human skeletons inside dinosaurs.
Not only that, but they would be found in rocks of the same age too. Guess what? They're not...

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01-24-2002, 08:20 PM
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Rocks of the same age? This is pretty weird that you would believe something as foolish as the wholeold creatures in old rock stuff and evolutionary progression found in a neat liitle stack of rock strata. Truth is paleontology's "dirty little trade secret" as Jay Gould would call it is this. Their is no fossil evidence for evolution. The archeoraptyx, the reptile with feathers, doesn't have scales and in my opinion is nothing but an undersized emu. Go to www.godandscience.org for mitochondrial dna info, and see how it levels the theory of evolution. Also of particular intrest are the articles that disprove the popular descent of man theory.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

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01-24-2002, 08:43 PM
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Ahh... Don't you just love Fundamentalist Propaganda Sites?

Statikk, whether you like it or not, Rock Strata exist, and show evidence for evolution.

As for the Acheaopteryx, of course it didn't have scales. If it did, it wouldn't be able to fly. The evidence that points it out as a missing link between Reptiles and Birds is its bone structure and, more obviously, the fact that it had teeth...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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01-24-2002, 09:18 PM
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Originally posted by Rettick:
1. Touch? Your 'evidence' was pure postulation. You gave theories to explain your beliefs with no actual evidence to back them up. How can you "touch" the "fact" that the Universe was "made"?

2. Really? Could you explain to us exactly what about it doesn't make sense?

6. There were meat-eating creatures millions of years before the Dinosaurs.

7. Or they could have been swimming? Have you ever considered this possibility? As for the rest of this point, Fossils clearly show evidence of evolution, so you are either lying or just wrong.

8. You say the Bible has been witnessed by people here, but Evolution hasn't? Well, I counter that with the fact that the Events of the Bible have not been witnessed by any reliable witnesses, whereas Darwin's Book "Origin of Species" has been witnessed by millions. Do you see now how silly your argument was? [Mine was equally silly, I was just showing it to demonstrate that your weak line of reasoning could just as easily be turned against you.]

1. No your wrong. These are what scientist found. I don't see the evolutionTheorywith any fossile evidence or anything. A million beats one guy dude.

2. What?

3. No, that's a lie. If you say it's true, can you prove it?

7. Nope, your lying and your wrong. No one has found evolution in fossils. You can't justify evolution in fossils. That's absurd and false. Nice try Rettick, not convinced.

8. Weak! You make me laugh. Weak point. Darwin'sTheories were not witnessed by millions. Bible was because they were passed down and down from generation to generation. If Darwin's evalutations were seen my millions, then it would of not of been a theory and that would of been stated in the bible. Bible tells the future. Does Darwin's evidence talks about the future of evolution? Nope, because if the future comes and they find out that his theories are wrong, then he's messed!

If your so smart, tell me, why did life just appear all of a sudden? What made it to become active and create life? Why aren't people and animals evolving today?

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01-24-2002, 09:23 PM
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Originally posted by Fazerina:
You really can't call bible as evidence.

And the idea of people and dinosaurs living in the same time is absurd even if dinosaurs didn't eat meat. And what happened then when the dinosaurs started to eat meat? Did they eat humans? Then how could anyone survive? And did the dinosaurs die in the big flood or were they distroyed before and why god then wanted to kill them?

I started reading your "good link" but I really was too tired to get to the end of it and I really wouldn't trust much some fanatic christian's site like that one..
Darwin's Book is not evidence either. I find reading about it so boring. I read it before but I did get sick of it because it's unjust lies. I'm usually open-minded with it, but I just got so bored! LOL

Dinosaur prints with feathers? How do you know if wind did that and embedded into the print?

But I can explain what you said faz in private message.

[ January 24, 2002: Message edited by: PinkHaired Mudokon CWR ]

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01-24-2002, 09:37 PM
abe22's Avatar
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
No, that's a lie. If you say it's true, can you prove it? (1)

Why did life just appear all of a sudden?(2) What made it to become active and create life? Why aren't people and animals evolving today?(3)[/B]
1 It is true though. You can break up every single animal down to the orgasium where it came from that means you can break dinos down to what ever they came from.

2 It didn't, it evolved from orgasiums into bigger and bigger animals.

3 Animals Are evolving but it takes ages to evolve. Animals have to adapt to there surroundings and new prey or plant food that is evolving.
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
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01-24-2002, 09:46 PM
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What's wrong with believing in both God and evolution? The bible didn't go into detail about evolution because it didn't really need to. It gives important lessons and information, but does not go deep into the detail of everything. Does it talk about atoms, protons, nuetrons, electrons, molecules, ect? Does it talk about the bonding of elements together to form new materials? Does it talk about DNA and heredity? Ect, ect, ect. It wasn't written to be technical so that the common person of the time couldn't understand it. It was simplified. Just because it does not mention evolution doesn't mean that that isn't how God created life. As for the whole seven days for creation, look at the definition of a day. It is the time that the earth takes to make a revolution on its axis. Before there was an earth, how long was a day? The day is just a placeholder word. It doesn't mean literally 24 hour days. It is just there to show a period of time. Doesn't it say that life was created over the period of a whole day? Well, if "day" is just a metaphor for billions of years, then it makes sense that certain creatures lived before others.

Anyway, these are just my ideas...
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01-24-2002, 09:49 PM
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Rettikk the anchient dinobird thing is bullshit! Don't just say something is fundamentalist propaganda without exploring the site and mulling over what you read On the "dinobird click hear,www.GodAndscience.org/evolution/dinobird.html Read it and be objective, that's all I'm sayin'
R.I.P. H.S.T.

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01-24-2002, 09:51 PM
abe22's Avatar
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Just to let you know there is actually 23 hours and 56 minutes in a day.
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
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01-24-2002, 09:53 PM
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The adress wasn't created like last time cause I don't know that much about computers. Anyway, type the adress that was in the post above, behold and be objective!
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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01-24-2002, 10:03 PM
abe22's Avatar
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Originally posted by Statikk HDM:
the anchient dinobird thing is bullshit!
Just because it's bullshit to YOU doesn't mean it's bullshit to other people. What you should of said was I think this dinobird thing is bullshit. How do you know it ain't bullshit just because some site says it is doesn't mean it's true it could be but it could also not be.
The trouble with real life is that there's no danger music.
If you ever drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let'em go, because, man, they're gone.
If I ever get real rich, I hope I'm not real mean to poor people, like now.
Consider the daffodil. And while you're doing that, I'll be over here, looking through your stuff. -- Jack Handy
That stuff only happens in the movies. -- Famous Last Words

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01-24-2002, 10:38 PM
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LOL. Archaeopteryx is far from bullshit, Stattik. The following URLs answer all the concerns of you and the creationist website you posted concerning Archaeopteryx. Read it objectively :

Archaeopteryx: Answering the Challenge of the Fossil Record, and
All about Archaeopteryx

I also followed your advice and searched for Mitochondrial DNA at the creationist website you linked to. What's amusing is that the site acknowledges mtDNA as a reliable method of tracing lineage, even using it to support an "Eve" hypothesis, yet doesn't extend the same acceptance of the technique when comparing chimps and humans. What am I to make of this? Scientific dishonesty doesn't strengthen my already crumbling faith in "Christian science" (an oxymoron, I might add, since it approaches an investigation with a predetermined conclusion).
The Glass Asylum

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01-25-2002, 02:18 PM
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
But I can explain what you said faz in private message.
Why not here? Well..I haven't got any message..

And what comes to your point on that bible has been witnessed by millions of people.. I thought you meant the people that lived in the time "where the action happened" and because they saw it they are witnesses. But you really can't know if the things that are mentioned in the bible happened or not. I don't believe that they happened. I know that you do. And you can believe, but you can't prove them right.

But what you were saying was that bible has been witnessed by millions of people who have read it after it was written? The bible was read, not witnessed. I really don't understand your point there. Also millions of people believe in Darwin's theory of evolution.

Though bible was passed from a generation to another that doesn't prove that it's right.

[ January 25, 2002: Message edited by: Fazerina ]
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01-25-2002, 04:33 PM
Gluk Schmuck's Avatar
Gluk Schmuck
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Originally posted by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR:
8. Weak! You make me laugh. Weak point. Darwin'sTheories were not witnessed by millions. Bible was because they were passed down and down from generation to generation. If Darwin's evalutations were seen my millions(1), then it would of not of been a theory and that would of been stated in the bible(2). Bible tells the future. Does Darwin's evidence talks about the future of evolution? Nope, because if the future comes and they find out that his theories are wrong, then he's messed!
1. It was.
In England there were lots of moths, they were white (a similar colour to the trees at the time). When the industrial revolution happened the trees were turned black!
After a long time the moths turned black!
Since I'm kind of busy, I'll just leave it at 'It happened by evolution'
Then the trees turned white again after the industrial stuff toned itself down.

2. The Bible doesn't talk about mathematics, does that mean that 1+1=999?
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