Even if it's not in the book, it remains unconfirmed whether its a societal caste or an actual species. "Outlaws" was a caste that consisted of several unnamed species.
I'm surprised they didn't spell it "Outlawz"...
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
I checked out all of the "footnotes" and didn't find anything related to Khanzumerz. Even in the pages with the concept art of creatures, nothing about Khanzumerz.
Really, I'll have to look tonight to confirm this because I'm sure that I've read solid evidence somewhere off this forum. It's not I don't believe you Dynamithix, It's just....maybe you missed something?
Also Sekto didn't Lorne say in an interview that Outlaws were all the same species they just looked different.
Oh yeah, fair point. Maybe he was just tortured until he lost consciousness.
I refuse to accept "Outlaws" as a species anymore than I accept "Interns" as one.
At least the Interns physically look like they might be related. Presumably they've been subjugated by the Vykkers so long that they've lost their original cultural identity.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.
I'm glad they created a new Munch graphic instead of just recycling old ones. It's nice to see Munch sans the 'tude. So much more endearing and less gimmicky.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
Yeah, this logo captured Munch's cuteness, which I think is what they should have played up on from the beginning. I remember back when Munch's Oddysee first came out, a few of my friends thought Munch was the bad guy because of that mischievous grin they gave him.
No one will be making that mistake with this logo. Props.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.
I think they used this render, with different lighting of course. With some slight changes to his eyes/mouth.
Been flicking between the two. Even if they have, the one they've used for the MO logo has at least been very heavily touched up, and a lot of work has gone into it.
Also with the traditional "Check out my cutesie wutesie thing attached to my head" and the ubiquitous "Awww, look at the green insects crawling everywhere."