I like Lupin the 3rd, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Fullmetal Alchemist. Those are the only anime programs I can stand.
Most of it is boring, unreasonably typical tripe that doesn't so much try to break the traditional mold of anime (boy must succeed in his quest for greatness by training, sometimes with the help of his collectible ______s and hoards of horny, dominatable women which, as a feminist, really irks me to no end) as it does trying to create more variations around it, and while at least one of the shows I've listed does sort of follow that trend, it does it with an interesting premise. I love how FMA's director created the alternate universe it takes place in. Like The Last Airbender, it takes place on a different continent and takes inspiration from a different country where the people, like Airbender for America, are not part of the majority group. Not too many natural blondes in Japan.
I tried to get into shows like Gurren Lagan (oh, how I tried), but my god, I can NOT STAND MOST of what the Japanese find funny. Maybe it's that I grew up with American humor (and I'd have plenty to say about that, too), but giant sweat drops, falling down with the same force as an asteroid hurtling from space just because you're embarassed, IT'S NOT JUST UNFUNNY, IT'S IRRITATING, and they do it fucking constantly. I just... don't get the jokes. I was reluctant to list Trigun up there for the same reason. FMA has its moments, but they're few and far between, and the show's drama balances it out.
AND ANOTHER THING! I can't stand the translated scripts. They're just so... ugh! They don't often flow like normal english should flow. THAT is one of the biggest reasons for my inclusion of those four shows: the translated scripts are written well so that they don't grate on an english speaker's ears. Trigun's the exception because it's a western in space, but it can get pretty bad. I can't describe how bad some of these sound, I think Perfect Hair Forever did an excellent job parodying the bad writing with the King of All Animals' dialogue.
I mean, you have to feel bad for someone who's just tuning into SyFy's Anime block and getting an earful of "WE MUST CONTAIN THE YUGIO BARRIER OR ELSE THIS SHAKU WILL DISAPPEAR AND WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH HIT POINTS AND SHARDS TO COUNTERACT THE EVIL DONGWEAVER'S EVIL MAGIC, OHO!" Way to kick your potential audience in the nuts, Funimation.
I used to like DBZ and I probably would have liked Naruto as well when I was young and stupid and tolerated the shit I now loathe in anime.
MAGICAL GIRL EDIT: There's a lot of anime that I've seen that I'd be ashamed to place in the same category as the Narutard shit, like Paranoia Agent, Ghost in the Shell and others like it. A lot that I haven't listed here. I often get caught thinking of anime as the same banal, chirpy kidshit that I usually catch these days, and I often forget that there's such great stuff out there. GOD, I LOVE STUDIO GHIBLI. OH, MISTER MIYAZAKI, YOU MAN YOU.
Last edited by Dipstikk; 02-22-2010 at 09:29 AM..